halo 5 guardians beta preview

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by A Haunted Army, Nov 11, 2014.

By A Haunted Army on Nov 11, 2014 at 1:56 AM
  1. A Haunted Army

    A Haunted Army Your Local Pessimist
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    so halo 5 guardians preview has recently been showed so i thought we should have a topic to discuss our thoughts on it.

    (videos curtosy of APK)
    #1 A Haunted Army, Nov 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2014
    a Chunk, WAR and theSpinCycle like this.
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by A Haunted Army, Nov 11, 2014.

    1. purely fat
      purely fat
      @Schnitz You should ask why the bullet magnetism for every gun is like the ****ing railgun in H4.

      I honestly don't like the way they chose to nerf sprint. I prefer just to have a slower sprint with more ramp time. I also have never had a problem with sprint. I understand that it changes the game but I never found the game to be less enjoyable it just required players to have better anticipation and understanding of the environment. I never found it frustrating that a player could shoot get shot and run away. I thought the kill times in Reach and Halo 4 to be my real issue.

      Rant is Rant.

      I expect to be called an idiot now for saying I don't hate sprint.
      theSpinCycle and SecretSchnitzel like this.
    2. MadMax2win
      I think i addition to the Shield Recharge Penalty, this is a very good way to nerf sprint without crippling movement abilities too much. This way Spartan Charge and using Sprint for Tactical Movement still stays useful. Sprinting in and out of an firefight is now a high risk maneuver.
    3. SecretSchnitzel
      Honestly, I think some of the cries against sprint are completely off the mark and that it isn't as big of an issue as Classic Purists make it out to be. It's a problem, yes, but not the massive game breaker some people have falsely constructed this reality of it being.

      Also, here's my latest blog post on how I think sprint should be balanced without nerfing to extinction.

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