The sooner we get our feedback to 343, the more likely it is to be implemented. What do you guys want to see added/removed/changed in Halo 5 Forge from H2A forge? I'll occasionally come through and compile some of the suggestions in this first post.
You must be 13 or under for your feedback to be effective towards 343. Anyways, one nifty idea would be an option to remove the color stripe from block pieces (and others). It could simply be implemented in the "object color" property.
One idea I had was a new setting under the "Scripting" menu on objects: Invert (True/False). When set to True, an object will "read" the opposite of whatever the broadcast channel, spawn channel, power channel, etc. is. For example, say you have a light where inverted is set to True. When the broadcast channel is Off, the inverted light will act as if it is On, and vice versa. This would make scripting a single trigger to turn some objects off and some objects on really simple.
Just do something to fix frame rate, that's all. I remember hitting the item limit on halo 3 in several maps without ever having issues with frame rate. How can we have such a sophisticated console that can't push out consistently decent maps because of frame rate? Idiotic.
^ Staff spam, nice. Anywho, I'd simply love it if custom game features weren't broken/locked at launch. I think that was a big problem with Halo 4.
Spam ain't really an issue here. Besides, as most of the staff have spent plenty of time on forums where moderators were either absurdly strict or blatantly abused their authority, many take more relaxed positions on enforcing trivial rules. /OT H5 Forge is probably good as locked tbh. I doubt feedback about major changes we want will actually do anything. Then again, we haven't really seen much to say anything really...
I'm with Zombievillian. Just allow us to make reasonably sized maps to accommodate about 16 players that are free of frame rate issues. Once you've accomplished that, then you can start beautifying. All this extra detail is near worthless if the maps are playing worse than they did on the 360.
<> More skins/palettes <> Bring back the Halo Reach Forge and the Halo 3 "Sandbox" palettes <> Keep the Wraith and hogs, especially the civilian hog just as they are in the H2A Forge <> Bring back in the Gravity Hammer and Grifball <> Fix the lighting <>FOR THE LOVE OF PETE FIX THE FILE SHARE FOR ALL GAMES REACH ON! GOD!
I'd love to see some Reach styled textures. Thinking of running through H3 campaign levels taking screen shots of pieces I'd like to see and do a write up of how I'd like the textures and pieces done up.
I've noticed some requests for different textures. I think it'd be really cool if we could have different textures for each object, and there's an object setting to choose the texture.
I think the Forerunner styled pallete of Reach was great, but the texturing/modeling of many pieces pretty horrid. I'd love to see something similar brought back but two categories of blocks; one where every piece has the Brace Large texture (easy blending of pieces together) and one with the pieces having various different textures (and there being at least two distinct coloration of grey). On top of that, I'd love to see more Forerunner decorative pieces, as well as more versatile rocks and terrain pieces. Granted, this is a barebones simple change desire with Forge. Ideally, I'd like to see a major revamp of the tool where we have something more akin to BSP editing and more control of texture options.
@rightside There is nothing wrong spam. It is delicious. I just want simple shapes and no frame drops.
Spam and OT derails aren't offenses currently here right? As we're such a small community at the moment that it really doesn't do any harm, yeah?
If there is any sort of derailment I think it would be best to make a new thread for it, but only if it started taking over the thread. I always found it pretty stupid that a debate or discussion would get deleted if it was off topic.
Yeah as long as your comment isn't blatantly advertising or some stupid stuff like that, it's OK. Agreed about the biggest issue being framerate. If we don't have to worry about framerate, there's a lot more room for creativity. Or much better, we could get BSP/texturing abilities.
I don't know if this idea has been overlooked or stated before, but I think that it would be neat to implement piece under the Building Blocks menu which would allow you to set anywhere 4, 6 or 8 corners, and then you could write coordinates for the corners (using the standard precision of 0.1 units). It could be either displayed as a list of coordinates to input, or perhaps a 3D grid where the corners could be manipulated and dragged from node to node. The faces of the block could be textured basically the same as H2A blocks, with a repeating, basic concrete like texture and a different edge texture overlaid. I think this would allow for a lot more versatility in making structures, as well as potentially reducing object count.