Bungie's stupidest decision...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by JJ3672, May 26, 2008.


What was bungie's biggest blunder?

  1. Nothing. This game is 100% perfect...

  2. Epitaph. Campcampcampcampcamprocketscampcamp...

  3. Isolation. For the same reason as everyone else (which is currently unknown)...

  4. F****** Snowbound! Shield doors = bad. And it's too cold.

  5. Snowbound HC. They made it worse! Where is my Spartan Laser?

  6. Forge. Why should it take me 20 minutes to interlock a box?

  7. Theater. My finger is sore from holding RT so long.

  8. Matchmaking. Me + staff captain vs. 4 generals? How's that gonna work?

  9. Equipment. Honesty, who IRL would make a loud, beeping, orange trip mine?

  10. Mongeese. They're just too damn overpowered. I get splattered every 5 seconds.

  1. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    NONE OF THESE!!! Okay, maybe Rat's Nest sucks, but one problem I have dates back to a huge update to many smaller maps. I'm talking about when they removed a bunch of Maulers from all of the maps used in Matchmaking. I liked it better when people used Maulers more than Assault Rifles, which by the way, are overpowered. All you had to do to kill a guy with a Mauler was to back up and shoot with a BR. Now, people use the Assault Rifle in place of the Mauler, and now we cannot use the effective strategy of backing up, because AR's actually have range. The worst part about AR's is that they're everywhere, because everyone starts with them. Maulers could actually counter AR/Melee comboers.
  2. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    why does it seem i am the only liker of ARs? (Y_Y)
  3. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Ohhh quit your whining jeez look quit blaming Bungie for trying to expand their game let me ask you this would you like the exact same thing over and over again? Their just trying to entertain YOU who spends more time complaining than playing the game.
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    ARs can beat maulers easily by back-pedalling and firing at the mauler guy. Bungie has said that themselves.

    In mid-close range, a AR will usually beat a BR, due to faster firing rate. Longer distance, it's less effective.
  5. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Isolation is the worst because of poor level design. One part of the map should not dominate the other parts completely like the middle of it does. And if you are winning you can camp with rockets and shotty. If isolation were doubled back to back then it might be better.
  6. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Go ahead and flame me for having an unnecessarily large number of numbers in my GT. See what happens...

    I don't think what I wrote was true. That is why it is sarcastic.

    Well instead of putting a lack of quality maps as an option in the list, I broke it down into the maps most complained about. And I did not know about this start bug, so I guess I've leaned something from this relatively unserious topic.

    I did not make this thread to complain, I made it to see what everyone else thinks. Note the disclaimer before the post.

    If you weren't directing this at me, then nevermind.

    Actually, in all seriousness the mongoose is perfect for what it's supposed to be. It's a transport vehicle, not an attack vehicle.

    Would anyone really seriously whine about how mongeese are overpowered or how the tripmine is too obvious. Read the disclaimer at the beginning of the post and kniw that this post was about 50% serious.

    I like AR's from close range. Easy quick-burst + melee kills on people who use BR's from 2 feet away. I have no problems with weapon balance (maybe the rockets could be nerfed a bit).
    #26 JJ3672, May 27, 2008
    Last edited: May 27, 2008
  7. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    snowbound. definetly. i would agree to epitaph but i think its actuallly sorta fun and i like the look. also, theatre and matchmaking, though not so much
  8. S-Pac

    S-Pac Ancient
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    It annoys me when on Snowbound, people camp at the underground shield wall. So yeah, they shouldn't be in there...
  9. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    • I disagree with everything negative said on this thread.
    • Epitaph, if you suck when you play on it, dont blame bungie, blame yourself or your internets.
    • Isolation is a fine map, its not the perfect map but it is still very playable.
    • Snowbound is a good map, if you hate getting killed by the shotty then DONT GO DOWN THERE.
    • SNowbound HC was made for people who hate the shotty, so stop bitching.
    • Forge, you ***** about forge, get off this site.
    • Theatre, okay it doesnt have the perfect system but what other FPS has a theatre?
    • MM, is good, yes it has its flaws but what online game doesnt have flaws?
    • If you hate equipment, go back to Halo 2.
    • The mongoose was made for transport, you get killed by it, who's fault is that?
  10. X Jado X

    X Jado X Ancient
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    Then what the hell is the point in posting that....
  11. Da sultant

    Da sultant Ancient
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    Wheres push to talk on that list?

    Senior Member

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    To me the dumbest decision was not including a Team Snipers playlist.
  13. myonlydetriment

    myonlydetriment Ancient
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    Maybe it's just me, but I see nothing wrong with Epitaph.
  14. JaceMc

    JaceMc Ancient
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    I must be like the only person who likes Epitaph.

    I voted Equipment because the Tripmine is just a load of ****.
  15. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    but you get team snipers in team matchmaking (?_{?})

    Senior Member

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    In halo 2 it was a playlist of its own. Not included in Team Slayer
  17. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    Sigh... you made fun of bnasty for his 3 numbers, which is less than you, so I was just saying that you weren't one to talk. And I really am so scared of you. Honestly, who cares? Oh noes!!! A person on the internet said my name had too many numbaws in it! Waaa! Seriously, I don't care enough and I try not to flame.

    But, I don't see everyone's problem with Epitaph and Snowbound. The shotgun si gone in MM, making the caves in Snowbound better, but it is still a fun map. And Epitaph is really cool, and you can take out stupid campers easily, so I don't mind.

    I say Bungie's biggest screw-up is the default maps. By default I mean the shipped maps. None of them are exceptionally good. The map packs have all been amazing, and I love every single Legendary Map. They are amazing. Perfect, even.

    And the current melee system is really good. It is quite logical and much more exciting. I say the most prominent blunder is, as the great Nemi put it, attracting such and over-reactive, idiotic, flaming, no-gramatical knowledge, whiny fan-base. But that is just my opinion. Bungie has done an amazing job making this game, and making it better to fit the wants (some ridiculous) of the community.
  18. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Nah, I wasn't going to anything whether you flamed me or not, I just felt like saying that.

    I don't know how much control Bungie has over this, but those Legendary maps need to be free sometime in the near future so we can play ranked games on them. There's no point in having Blackout if there's no way to play TS on it.

    And it's not Bungie's fault that there are so many idiots online. It's not like making a GT and sending MS $50 is that hard or anything. And since online forums are free, people are free to go and post whatever thoughtless comments they want (on Bnet mostly). Not like that's a bad thing...
  19. Pirates

    Pirates Ancient
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    I guess its that time of the month!

  20. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    JJ...honest to god this was just a silly attempt at a joke wasnt it?
    Most of the things you put up there arent even real problems.

    MM=Oh god,ive been matched against someone better than me.F*** you bungie.At the end of the day,its not like the general rank makes you god,hell i slaughter brigadiers in MM and have taken plenty of generals down a peg.

    In epitaph,while i agree i dislike the map,its easy to destroy the campers long as you dont run at them like a blind mongolian.

    Forge is not only semi-good enough but it wasnt designed as a map-maker from the start so its not a mistake

    Tripmine shoulda been more powerful but its still very useful for what its for,throwing down at an approaching vehicle,sends em flying and dethrones hogs/ghosts

    Mongooses are awesome and that was clearly put in as a desparate clawing for humor.

    I voted hardcore snowbound becuase all those whining about normal forced bungie to switch.Normal offers two different ways to play
    snipe and ghost above.
    Or shotty,nade and dual below.

    NOW there is one power weapon on the whole map,and NOTHING to take down that f***ing ghost.You cant play above if the other team has it and theres no weapon other than him being an idiot and getting stuck or flipping himself.

    I dont like the melee system as is bit i see how it maes sense

    But that problem only originated form people complaining so :p

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