Why would someone remake a counter-strike map? I could understand taking influence from one, but a remake just seems like it would not play well.
Pretty much have Orion wrapped up, included my custom scripted spawn points method. Also wrote up an article about frame rate and how to do scripted spawns... Will post the former, the latter will come later when I'm ready to release it.
Tweet from Bravo earlier today: "ranks are top priority after MM (and ranking system) issues are fixed. Also, HCS game types & official file share coming today." https://mobile.twitter.com/Brav/status/535165442340687872 Almost seems to good to be true. We shall see soon enough...
So...I completely misunderstood the tweet I quoted earlier. When Bravo said "official file share coming today", he was apparently referring to an official HCS file share from which people can download HCS gametypes. That file share must be accessed the same way we are doing now...add the GT as a friend, then access the file share via the roster in game. There is no update to the file share system.
Assuming we're thinking of the same one, it actually didn't look that bad. Like a cross between the 1.6 and GO variants of the map. CT cross to B and parts of T spawn were pretty off (like the area near A long), the A short ramp area was poorly scaled (and A itself seemed a little lower than it should have been), B car was hilariously misplaced and the height of CT spawn tunnel was too low to allow for sight lines to cross into A properly, but all in all it's one of the better remakes of the map I've seen. There've been some hilariously bad Forge and Murder miner renditions. Aesthetics were meh (other than A, which I thought looked pretty nice), but having seen several Halo 2 A forge maps I'm not sure there'll be anything that doesn't look meh. Not a lot of contrast in the pallet it seems.
Hey guys, Im working on a Construct remake in H2A, if anyone wants to check it out its on my fileshare: Fresh Hooligan -keep in mind ive only been working on it today and its like 1/4 done and not even cleaned up yet
I put this idea on the back-burner. Basically I'm having trouble making it fun for both sides. If the Infected know where the bombs will hit, they can avoid those areas unless I force them to travel through those areas. If I force them to travel through there, then the Survivors will always know where the Infected are coming from. So I think it would get old quick for both sides. I may revisit it down the line. Right now I'm planning out a small 1v1 or FFA map. I'm going to try a Lockout-inspired map where there are timed explosions to force players to occasionally abandon strategic locations.
Tracking timings has typically resulted in an advantage (increased likelihood of obtaining a weapon/powerup). Your idea incorporates timing as a way to avoid a disadvantage. It's a different approach. Could be interesting. I'd personally be hesitant to have the explosions take place at power positions, since having them there would mean you're basically forcing a player into a disadvantaged position with no really benefit to the player. I'd prefer the approach of having timed explosions occur in areas where players tend to camp/hide. That way you are encouraging movement, discouraging camping.
https://twitter.com/CertainAffinity/status/537017729408962561 ugh forgehub doesn't support twitter embeding?
Sorry, guys - we've had some technical difficulties. The old 'What Are You Working On' thread has gone missing. For now, any discussion that would have gone in that thread belongs here. Forge on!
lol how does a thread just randomly disappear? Also the capitalization on the thread title is driving me nuts
It was driving me nuts too...had to change it. We'll find the thread...hunting has begun. Good to see you back TaK!