Hi, I posted a Halo 3 map on this forum 7 years ago and I was wondering if there was a way to redownload it. Thanks.
For Halo 3 MCC or just for a general redownload? For the latter, it should be possible if Bungie's fileshare is still working.
Yeah for general redownload. Can I play that map on MCC? And Bungie's file share just in MCC itself or on a different site? Thanks.
The classic maps can't be ported to MCC, unfortunately. I'm not actually sure if Halo 3's fileshare is still online. Can someone look into it?
Oh, no bother. That was the only purpose for the post. I was hoping to play all my Halo 3 forge maps n MCC. I had some really great ones. But, I think I'll actually have fun recreating them since they have magnetic functionality now.
No magnets in Halo 3 unfortunately. Only Halo 2A. On the bright side, other than the missing weapons and vehicles, the two play extremely similarly.
Sorry, maybe I misarticulated. Can you create an obejct to float in midair without any special tricks? If not, there is no way I'm going back to stacking boxes to try to get that thing to work out. That would be a shame.
Hmm...Well, the good news is Halo 2A has some amazing forge options, so I should be okay there. One of the cooler parts of that map was the fact that it was in Foundry, which had great lighting. Here's a link to the map page if you want to check out a few pictures of it...I miss it a lot http://www.forgehub.com/threads/multi-loft.692/#post-10343
the halo stats and fileshare stuff on bungie.net is read only, not sure if it is still online but i don't think you'll be able to download from it. to find the map you could try searching the halo3 map archive