Ok...I did totally misjudge the size. It's much bigger than I thought. Doing what you stated in your most recent post should be a step in the right direction.
Damn, been so busy that I forgot about this website. Great to see the website getting a makeover. It's looking really good so far! Also good to seeing the new creations over here!
The "Auburnistoobroketobuyanxbone" foundation is now taking donations. You know, in case any of you were interested.
Kinda like a pretzel? Is this game worth getting, cuz we all know I'd only get it for the forge, oh and did I mention, I don't have XboxOne... Some1 make something inspiring me to spend $400 so I can make something better! edit: lol at my signature. Shows how long it's been since I've posted on here. The good old days.
Hard to say. It all depends what's important to you. It's a step up in many ways; a step back in others. It's probably the best game (as far as competitive mechanics) forge has been available on. There are some nice piece additions that make it much easier to build natural terrain. The blocks all have identical, consistent textures. Scripting is an awesome addition. Framerate is not very good. Creating color contrast is a major challenge.
Framerate is better in many ways, but you have to forge primarily out of blocks to take advantage of it. I've been able to forge three maps now with no noticeable frame drops, even with the inclusion of 2-3 lights. @Cluck, is it so hard to forgive and forget? You're literally the only person on any forge forum (aside MrGreen) that has any problem with me. I've got no beef with you.
Hey everyone I'm new here but need some help forging! Started to remake beaver creek on awash but really struggling with the bases, particularly the tunnels underneath, anyone done this before? Thanks guys
I have so many ideas for using switches. Here is one. I'll post more later when I have more time. A switch that launches exploding items at oncoming attackers and infected. You have to use the Power Core item in Map Gadgets because Fusion Coils don't seem to interact with Man-Cannons. Power Cores are set to not spawn at start and never respawn, but they are scripted with a spawn channel. When a switch is activated, it spawns the power cores that launch through the cannon. Then a timer with the same Broadcast Channel and a Power Channel counts down until the switch can be activated again.
New map in my file share. Ignore the lights they are probably going to get removed. I noticed frame drops in a spot, so they are gone. Don't really care for the green light all that much anyways. Map Name: rework
The amount of love that Dust 2 remake is getting is silly. Might just be that the H2A forge pallet is dog ****, but the piece usage/lines of sight/scaling is all wrong.