I'm working on a simple Infection map called Dead Islands. It's based off of Wash and I've created a bunch of islands that hold equipment. What's unique is that just about every island has at least 1 switch that can be used to call in airdrops for vehicles. Because of that, "civilian" vehicles make up most of the available rides. I've made sure to keep spawn points separated and far from each other. It's up to players to locate each other and meet up. Ideally, infected would have 300% movement speed. I was planning on letting them spawn via airdrops onto islands.
Gonna post some screenshots later tonight of my competitive map. I'm excited to see what you guys think.
Inverse-symmetrical floating competitive map. One team's side is done, I just need to copy it over. Obviously the floating diagonal bridge over there isn't supposed to be there. And the closest structure in the front isn't done.
Reminds me of a ascension/guardian mix. Assuming that the front center part of the map is missing some connections? (ways to cross the map other than the open mid) Architecturally it looks neat. What are those pieces you used to make the hut in the left foreground? And those braces in mid?
I like how this rock pillar is split in the middle, thats one way to conduct research offshore! Thanks for the screenshot Cluck...will be looking forward to seeing the rest of the map.
Yep, it's inspired by guardian and lockout. I always loved how they restricted movement. Lockout maybe a little too much. I thought guardian was better because of the man cannons. Here is a topside view: Again, the side at the top of the pic is not done. It's inverse symmetrical so they'll look the same in the end. Also, there are man cannons on the outside. So it is very similar to guardian since the only way across the map is through the middle or the man cannons. That might be a little to restrictive since there is no bottom mid though. I'll just see how it plays and go from there. Not sure what structure in the foreground you mean, but the braces are made from 1x1 tall and thins with inclines on the tips.
Curious to see how it'll turn out. Hahahaha I totally missed those pieces. I don't have the game just yet.. Just been watching streams of forge.
Finished forging pit inspired asym. Plan on it being one bomb/flag and slayer map. Lighting issues though. I thought I would be cute and forge on Bloodline to get a different sky-box that did not go very well.
For 1v1 I assume? My only real complaint is the sparse dancefloor, with the middle being pretty much the only area with room to move. Spawning is probably going to be extremely predictable. That could turn out to be either good or bad.
4v4. I might be wrong, but I think H2A maps can be a lot smaller than H4 or even Reach maps. I mean the size of top mid on lockout is only a little bigger than a 5x5 block. If it ends up being too small, I'll just make it a 1v1. I think you're right about the spawning though. I should probably segment some areas a little more.
Maybe I'm just misjudging the size of the map. It looks much smaller than lockout. Man...I really wish there was an easy way to share maps...
going to have to dis-agree. reach and h4 both supported the standard small arena map size, scaling maps up and segmenting them more to compensate for sprint actually broke the gameplay. so H2:A supports the same standard 4v4 map size that all halos have supported, just reach and h4 degraded the overall gameplay because of the inclusion of armour abilities. for your map itself the thing that worries me the most is lack of movement options, it looks like the movement is going to be pretty linear with little room to breathe or be creative. more movement options and height variation would go a long way.
@cluckinho Your top middle need a lot of work. It is a very long and wide sight line that does little to defer from it. It also probably wouldn't hurt scale that down and actually put more map where you just have lifts because as it stands this map is just a bottleneck with the only other option besides going through the middle is a very risky lift.
Yeah I agree. I think I'm going to shorten the length of the middle, and add some more structural layers for some diversity. I still want to keep movement somewhat restrictive in a lockout/guardian kind of way though.