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Feel free to kick your feet up, expect light moderation. That said, there's a lot to discuss with the upcoming MCC. Should be fun. Here's a little something I'm cooking up:
Yeah, I definitely see a similarity to Atheist. I'm not planning to be an avid forger for H2A, but I have to admit I'm really looking forward to seeing what can be done without a budget, and with no limits on the number of pieces that can be used in each category. There should be a big improvement in map aesthetics. It should be much easier to at least make maps with aesthetic consistency.
Not to mention the fact that we're supposed to be getting better terrain pieces (what with the fact that it's Skybox maps) and basic scripting. I can see some neat things coming out of this. Now if only I had five hundred bucks to pony up for an xbone and MCC... On an unrelated note, who own's the site now? I've been out of the loop as to the happenings of the hub recently.
Skybox selection is something the community has been asking for, for quite some time. Everything they touched on in their short panel was presented in a way to make it look like a direct result of community feedback. Although their ears are somewhat old, they're somewhat functional. I've got some optimism this time around; looking forward to seeing their simple scripting tools, new pallet pieces and custom options. I'm going to need to take a bath after Reach and H4, hopefully some underwater areas avail to forge on Coagulation / other canvases. @Haunted / aChunk - You may be right about the similarity with the overhead although in my mind, the map is quite different. I was kind of lost on how to complete the opposite side of the map so maybe I'll just pull a wing off of Atheist for it.
Yeah, nice to see them paying attention. The return of fine editing as well as zoom will be a warm welcome. I'm personally concerned about the palette though. The one we saw (albeit briefly) had an urban/concrete feeling to it, like Headlong or Outskirts. Not that that's inherently a problem, but making something that doesn't look like a human city would be challenging if not impossible. That is assuming that's the only palette we have though, which is unlikely. I'll refrain from being optimistic. That usually leads to me being disappointed. If you expect garbage it's hard to not be satisfied. As for water, I'm hoping we get placeable (or better yet, scaleable) water volumes as terrain pieces.
As most of you undoubtedly know, there's this thing called The Master Chief Collection being released for the XBOX One on November 11th. This is the place to talk about all things related to TMCC.
Can't wait to try my hand at CE online. Never really got into Halo on XBC or PC so this will be interesting, going from split screen 1v1s to full screen 4v4s.
Looks good, 60fps and all that jizz Awful medal implementation No in game timer was really odd Odd HUD CE Hitscan. Wouldnt say it looks awful but still not convincing me to buy a halo machine
The footage they showed today doesnt look like it plays exactly like the original xbox version. I'm still looking forward to it enormously though, for the same reason cf mentioned.
After watching that I think the classic graphics are much more appealing to look at. Its hard to fight that nostalgia.
Looks beastly. Hopefully it won't be nerfed for the final release. I mean...I guess it could be worse than H2A, but personally I'd rather watch a random person streaming CE or classic 2 over an H2A tournament. I get why competitors may be fine with it if there's a good prize pool, but it's clearly an inferior alternative in most ways (it's only positives are graphics and dev support) when compared to either CE or Classic Halo 2. I'll take clean/sleek visuals any day. Not a fan of super realistic and detailed multiplayer levels. I'm quite sure we're in the minority though.