As a part of the 'Games for Gold' program, Halo 3 will be available for download free of charge beginning October 16th. (Major Nelson Blog) The game that spawned forge, back again. Discuss...
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'll be down to check out the forge and campaign... can't wait The multiplayer, though, is something I'm less than interested in. It's sad that we didn't get ODST multiplayer.
I just tried forging in Halo 3 for the first time. Is there a way to... -control your distance from a piece(I keep getting zoomed into it way worse than halo 4) -merge pieces -adjust coordinates -keep pieces from falling or tipping over by adjusting the physics in some way like phased or fixed from H4 -set rotation snap -delete all objects So far it looks like creating a map with this system would be extremely difficult and frustrating. The controls and physics make placing every piece a nightmare
There are techniques that allow you to merge pieces, but they are somewhat tedious, especially for someone who's just dabbling in Halo 3 Forge. You can probably go to YouTube and search Halo 3 Merging, or Ghost Merging and get an idea of what's involved. I believe you can control your distance from a piece, though I don't recall how. The only way to keep angled pieces from falling over (I think?) is to put something underneath them, save, and then delete the supporting object. All of the other things (coordinates, rotation snap, delete all) were not available in Halo 3. Now you probably get a sense of why some Halo 3 forgers look down on people that started in Reach/4. It's a whole different animal that requires much more forethought and patience.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I was thinking about while checking it out. I still might try to make a map on it though. I think I'll wait to see how many people go back to playing it first. It seems like making a map would take literally like ten times longer to build.
Does all the DLC come free with the game? Unless you've already downloaded or plan on downloading that, campaign is really the only thing to look forward to, hahaha. Halo 3's campaign is incredible, though. I wouldn't mind playing that over again.
I've spent more time on Halo 3 than all the other game's I've ever had. Just looked at my stats again, over 40k kills (matchmaking) across multiple accounts, 5,000 of which from the grav hammer, 4,000 from the sniper, 7,000 from the br. K/D was like 1.1 Was an avid screenshotter, the most popular pic I took got 311k downloads. Wow, never really thought about how much I played it until I saw this. Great times.
Yeah, it would be great if ODST were free rather than just 3. The good news is that the former is less than $5 at Gamestop. Chronmeister hit the nail on its head, though. Having become so used to Reach and 4's forge, I doubt many people would have to patience to forge something in Halo 3 anymore. On the bright side, you could check out all the quality maps that were made back in the day should you have the DLC.
I'm sure it will be like all the other free games so far. You will get the base game free, all the add-ons for the game will be advertised there next to the free game at a likely discounted price.
All DLC is Free at this point in time except for the Mythic II Map Pack. It's $10.00 But onto greater News! 343 is working on a Major Update for the Halo 3 Multiplayer Servers, Expecting 10 Million+ People to be playing when it is released on the 16th. They are adding new Playlists and Gametypes and tweaking the Forge Options. No release so far as to what they are adding, just that they are. All this information came from 343i and Bravo in a Podcast on Youtube.
Really? Wow, that's pretty cool. When I heard they were going to make changes to matchmaking playlists, I assumed that meant consolidation rather than expansion. I wonder what they're planning to do with forge...
Here is the link, I talked to APK about it more and he said that they are Tweaking around with Playlists to make them more fun for all players, they are getting rid of a couple Playlists, and adding a few more. He said the forge update is just a rumor at this point but cannot deny or confirm it.