I've been coming to these for the last few weeks and I guess I'll actually sign up for this one so I don't have to wait all night to get to my map.
I will not be in attendance tonight. Actually, there's a chance I might be retiring from Halo. Playing GTA5 the last couple weeks has just reminded me how much more enjoyment I get out of those games. They're fun and stress-relieving for me, unlike Halo, which (with its strong competitive element) is often stress-causing. And a lot of small things about the last two games in the series have really bothered me in a way I find hard to get over; if it's not ordnance driving me nuts, it's somebody hiding with invis and a sniper, or what have you. I might get bored with GTA and change my mind on this, but at this moment, my urge to play Halo is completely gone. Will probably fire it up in the next week or two and get my last two maps officially released; after that... we'll see.
No problem Nutty. TBH I don't feel the same as I used to feel about Halo. The competitiveness of matchmaking has finally been washed away for me, and the only thing left is Custom games. I am looking forward to seeing what they do with Halo5 though, and I am not going to stop playing Halo4 for now anyway cos I still enjoy it. @Overdoziz; I understand your position and do sympathize. Halo was always about everyone being equal throughout the entire game, and allowing their skills to be the deciding factor in victory or loss. Ordnance has robbed the game of that skill gap and reduced matchmaking especially to randomness. At it's core the game for me seems intact, if you play gametypes without personal or random ordnance. That being said, you should have stuck around to play customs with us. It just shows how little you enjoyed playing Halo with the group if you could abandon us just cos you disagree with the gametypes; even though you could remove ordnance. And don't say it's sprint that messed you up cos you play Battlefield all day. Unless you dont sprint in that game as a matter of principal of course.
To be fair, Over never liked AAs either. When Halo 4 came out with both AAs and ordnance, and no significant improvements in forge, AND custom game options severely limited until just recently, he threw in the towel. I liked the game better than him by a wide margin, but I don't really blame him for making that call back when you could still get money for a resold copy.
Yeah we are right back to the fact that Halo 3 was the best Halo. Inescapable fact. But You can remove AA's, ordnance, DMRs, Boltshots, Incins, Binaries, and all the loadout gadgets such as stability, ammo and mobility from your gametypes. The final things you can't remove are descope, flag un-droppability and sprint. Those things aren't that massive are they? Unless you really can't function just playing customs.
That's all true, but I think sometimes people just get tired of swimming against the current. Halo is not predominantly a game to be played at a high competitive level anymore. If you want that purer experience, matchmaking is pretty much entirely not for you, and even the majority of custom matches (that you don't host yourself) will also not be for you. So I understand that frustration. To a large extent, "You can make the game play the way you want!" is just a poor workaround for a game that isn't what you want it to be, at its heart.
Gotcha. --- Double Post Merged, Oct 2, 2013 --- Yeah it was fun, nice to get you back in a lobby again Claymore.
I'm pretty sure you can over ride certain aspects of loadouts. Like you can force the grenades to be Frags and secondary to be Magnums without affecting the rest of their infinity loadouts.
Signup Thread For Tuesday Oct. 8, 2013 It looks like Juanez won't be attending this week so I will be hosting the lobby again this Tuesday night. We are running low on players lately so feel free to sign up even if you don't have any maps to test. We can always use a full lobby. The MYM ricochet deadline is Oct. 8th as well so it would kinda be a good chance to get your final tests in. Anyway, I hope to see some of you there. I am really anxious to get some more tests in on Supersport. You guys haven't even seen it yet! If you are interested in joining please respond to this thread by asking me to sign you up. Unless I see a huge response to this signup thread I would like to cap this week's lobby at eight bc that party size suits the submissions to the contest. be first to sign up, be first to test, just leave your GT so I can invite you Tuesday 4pm-7pm PST 1.AlexJ189 2.Chronmeister 3.Squeak 4.MaximusIL 5.Skylor 6.tokee da smokee 7.Zandril 8.
Don't have anything to test but I'm happy to attend if there isn't enough people, feel free to knock me off if there becomes too many people.
I will be there. If the lobby stays small, I can bring Minidrome again. I made some changes based on last time and would like to see how they work.
Sign ME UP!! I will definitely be there tomorrow!! I know i say this alot, but I Promise I will be there! I have 2 Maps I have been DYING to test. 1 for Rico, and 1 for Slayer See You There!