I must say, gta v is the most fun ive had on xbox in a while. Spent $40,000 in game modifying a prius today. Good investment. Down to $500 though.
I uploaded a video to youtube called ten hours of me ****in yer mum m8 8ut they made me t8ke it down #rekt
Now that the picture is bigger I can easily tell whose car is whose, hers has a greenish hue, different rims, and more convincingly an autobahn motors temporary license plate
the one that I had hot les8ian sex with yer mum in m8 --- Double Post Merged, Sep 20, 2013 --- oh w8 that's 8OTH OF THEM :::: )
Oh my god you have a QWERTY keyboard not a numb pad on an old phone, act like and stop using 8 as a letter.