I'm just curious why there needs to be a skin change every week? Are you guys really thinking a less professional skin will attract more members and not alienate the old ones? I was making a joke about the fact that you guys do something halfway and then put it on the back burner instead of finishing it, LIKE the familiarization of the staff thing. If appearance and functionality, then they should be finished before they're implemented. Why is it so hard for you guys to finish something, especially if it's something as simple as following simple design principles. If you don't have any experience with it, why bother? You want it too look even more amateur? I seriously hope nobody is paying for this quality of work. On a side note: are you guys all busy making crappy style sheets and copy/pasting js snippets? Or is it just that hard to write an introduction/answer a few questions? It's not an academic research paper and makes you guys look lazy. Not that you guys are... I'm just saying that it makes you LOOK lazy. With all due respect, Furry
I have been playing Halo since CE. Halo 2 is my favorite. I hate the Halo 3 BR. I like playing on small to medium arena style maps. I am on the Halotracker leaderboards for SWAT in Reach. I enjoy discussing game mechanics and game design. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have furry ( or anyone else ).
I personally prefer to spend a lot of time in preparation prior to officially releasing anything. That's just my personal preference. On the staff, we have a mixture of people that share my preference, and people that prefer to focus on moving forward even if things aren't perfect, to avoid stagnation. The goal is to strike a balance between the two, ideally. I think I know what you think about how successful we've been in accomplishing that so far, lol. Once something is officially implemented, I always prefer to focus on helping improve the current situation. There can be value in complaining, as long as complaining isn't the only thing a person does. I'm saying that hypothetically rather than talking about you particularly, as I know you've pointed out some pretty specific issues that can be addressed. As far as the AMA goes, no it's not a difficult thing to do at all. It's essentially ready to go, and has been for a while. We just felt it would be more appropriate to do it after the new forums went live.
I wish the GnA section would come back in other news, lets hope that this new forum design stays around long enough to look nice
I'm looking into it. Halo Discussion will move out of the Off-Topic section and a "Media" forum will replace it which will house montages, screenshots and GnA.