Yeah V3 is going to be a cut down on budget... Cause damn if blue base is going be the way it looks in the impact version again. Ill have more walls in this version which will allow me to make it bigger in size, making the size ratio pretty close. Ill also be able to redo the roads to be more framerate friendly cuz 3 things off the bat that are wrong with the impact version is size, blue base and warthog and banshee alleys.
hmm i was actualy thinking of making it on the edge of the large forge island because, yes there will be a drop but the floor is like sand and grass towards the edge so it would work well and half of Lasot resort is sand/grass and the rest is man made floor so i can do that easily but thanks
Only problem is that I've finished it it's not ruins it's the best to scale and recreation of it I could do, some parts are marginally changed but I hope it wont have effected the gameplay too much all I need to do is go over weapon placements on Last resort again and then put safe barriers and kill barriers In
robster95 i am asking you to add me on xbl because i need help with a zanzibar vruins map and i think you are the best one for the job
okay and thanks but honestly there are alot better people on here that could help you but ill try my best -UPDATE- my Final Resort is done and ill be uploading it any minute
I've seen a really good remake of Sanctuary/Asylum. It was done on Forge Island. However, I want to see a remake of Pinnacle and Uncaged on Forge Island.
I recently uploaded a remake of sandtrap called Sandblasted. Don't know if it's good enough to make the list, but it's out there!
I have started working on a Spire map. Not a complete remake, but something that is more suitable to standard matches rather than invasion. I have taken out the whole back of the map, the map consists of just the circular vehicle track, the spire, the base and the surrounding structures. I haven't tried to recreate the look of the structured either, I have mainly focussed on the layout. I might post a teaser soon.
I like that but I would also like to see an attempt at a true remake, as can be done. I thought Spire was awesome for BTB slayer. Jet-pack heaven it was. But I'm interested in your take on it nonetheless.
Timesplitters? What a coincidence, I just saw a announcement on youtube about Timesplitters. They are going to make a new one : Timesplitters - Rewind. I think a certain someone, and more of course, will be happy with that. I don't really know anything about that game though.