So one of my first maps was a Star Wars inspired Snowbound variant that gave me some really beautiful shots. I want to share a couple of them with you: Hope you enjoyed these. There was no modding, no filtering, no special set ups, other than viewing battles in Theater and being patient enough to wait for the right moment from the right angle!
i remember your map thread of this a while back. anyways my fav of the pics are the one with the trip mine and the last one. ppl might say some of these are random but they should know that they're suppose to show action shots of the map. IMO those are really good looking action shots.
I personally think the first one is the only good one, but it is good enough to make up for the bad quality of the other ones.
Duly noted. I'll remove the link to my map but I didn't do this for an advert. It just happened that I managed to get a couple of really pretty shots from that particular map but I can see that the cross-referenced posts are a touchy subject here and I want to be clear that I have no intention of taking advantage of anything so... take another look at the first post in this thread and see if it looks better. Cheers, Ash
what kind of gameplay is the map made for? it looks cool, I always want a chance to get the ever-coveted over-extermination with a flamethrower then lol at the guys who just got beasted on.