Keep The Legend Alive: Anti-Infinity Campaign

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Squally DaBeanz, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. Squally DaBeanz

    343 Industries Forge Critic

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    As many of you are well aware, 343i has recently announced that Legendary BRs, as well as the new "Team Slayer" will be added into the standard 4V4 Slayer playlist soon. This has many people excited, myself included. Legendary BRs will provide a classic Halo experience that has been absent from Halo 4 for too long. On the other hand, Team Slayer will provide a nice middle ground, allowing personal loadouts but removing the randomness and chaos of random and personal ordnance.

    This is a change that has long been needed in the realm that is Halo 4 matchmaking. With these coming additions, I have a proposition for the Halo community. A campaign, really, against the randomness and chaos of Infinity settings. When these new gametypes go live, I want to see people voting for either Legendary BRs or regular Team Slayer instead of Infinity Slayer. Here is why:

    343 believes they know what is best for Halo. While they have done some things right, they have also done many things wrong, and we as a community need to get that message across in a way they can't ignore. Currently, 343 is looking to consolidate playlists, and make things more condensed and streamlined when looking for a match to play. They are basing their judgments on the numbers they see. Playlist populations, hours played in certain playlists, consecutive hours played, maps and gametypes voted for, etc.

    This is where we need to send our message, in the numbers. If people only vote for gametypes without random and personal ordnance (Legendary BRs and Team Slayer), the numbers will show it. With this, we can get Halo back to the way it should be: skill based. If we can get enough people to support this, 343 won't be able to ignore the numbers we put up, and will be forced to make changes. These changes will be for the better in the long run. It will bring the competitive community back, keep people playing the game for longer, and bring the series back to it's roots.

    Please don't misunderstand this, I love change and new additions to games. But when something this drastic comes along that ends up killing the population, something needs to be done. If this campaign is a success, we can see improvements made to not only Halo 4, but all future titles in the series as well.

    I have created a list of five base gametypes to be used in Slayer playlists on Halo Waypoint. Please support this thread, along with this campaign to get a message across to 343i. Together, as a community, we can save this legendary franchise!

  2. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
    Senior Member

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    I just want my Rocket Race.
  3. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    You're asking the Halo community to willingly play without crutches; I'm okay with that, and you don't need to ask me to vote against infinity, but most of what's left isn't.

    ACID REFLEX Promethean

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    I hate to say it squalls but 343i are a bunch of arrogant, self-centered, money grubbers that are led by the most arrogant son of a ***** in the industry. Frank O' Conner. Why is it that Frank isn't working on Destiny with Bungie right now? Because he saw the M$. M$ believes that for Halo to usher in a new generation of cash cows then they have to follow the leader, Unfortunately the world seems to think that CoD is the leader so M$ tried to make Call Of Halo: Infinity Warfare to get more people to buy it and guess what, It worked! They made their money and now they could give a **** less about the game, its fans, and the legacy of the best interactive experience of the past decade! This should be painfully obvious to anyone who has had the pleasure of being a part of this fantastic community for the previous titles in the series, only to be sold out and sorely disappointed I'm not saying we should give up he fight but if you tuned into the global championship you would have seen how truly uncompetitive and lame this installment is. This game means so much to me and you and all the Halo fans and its a travesty to see it sold out. So to conclude this rant I will say this, and I hope Frank and everyone else at 343i sees this, Halo 4 is a monument to your sins! #Greed
  5. Teancum

    Teancum Forerunner

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    I'll get a lot of hate for this, but Halo 4 is great because it isn't Halo 3. I don't understand why people just don't play 3 if that's the kind of gameplay they want. With Halo 3 going free in the next few months the population will swell again. We can't always be living in the past. I know the OP wants a balance, and I agree with that, but if that's the case then make it simply Legendary 4v4 and Legendary BTB. Two classic playlists that are sure to be filled, and (this is gonna be really unpopular) but a War Games Map Pass playlist. I know people don't always own the DLC, but those of us that do we have no chance to play all the maps we bought.

    I'll say it again. If Halo 4 isn't your thing, play Halo 3. And that's not meant to be some rude burn. It's meant to simply tell you to play what's fun instead of taking to the forums to yet again jump on the "343i Sucks" train.
    Nowhere in your difficult-to-read rant did you explain why you don't like it.
    #5 Teancum, Sep 2, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2013
  6. DC

    DC Ancient
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    Actually 343 is a subsidiary of Microsoft solely made to create new Halo content, Microsoft makes all the decisions for them, and pumps money in and out. So, while 343 is itself a business, it could give a **** less about money since Microsoft already pumped so much money into them.

    Frank O'Connor has said before that he chose to stay with Halo, because he loves Halo. Either way you turn it, he would still be making money.

    If you haven't noticed, they frequently update halo, 343 cares. It might just be vague, because they did make major mistakes. And I thought everyone smashed this Call of Halo thing to bits already? I'm sorry if 343 has some pretty big shoes to fill, they want to do well, so they introduce new mechanics into the halo gameplay, and get flamed for it. Albeit, they didn't do the best job with it, theres really only so much you can introduce into an fps shooter, its going to get repetitive across the triple A games.

    Personally, I don't mind infinity. Dont take it out, just fix it. And fix it well. Then put it back in. It's something to keep you going. It changes the flow of the game, and keeps you thinking that you're opponent could literally come at you with anything.
  7. t507 771t5

    t507 771t5 Forerunner

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    First off, I understand that not many people on this site are happy with the work that 343 has done, but saying that they are only worrying about the money from this game is crazy. Microsoft didn’t buy Halo so that they could have one game that everyone bought and then have the franchise fail. They bought it because they saw the possibility of the franchise being continued into the future. They HAVE to know that if they lose their fan-base then the franchise will fail too. They probably also know that less people kept playing halo. I would doubt that they would keep things up the way they are if they know it isn’t working for the franchise, no matter if they really care about the money. Also, 343 IS actually making the decisions for halo. Microsoft is a big company, and they may have some influence on the group, particularly on Frank, but they are not going to make all the decisions for the game. I do not believe that Microsoft and 343 have a plan to create the most terrible game ever.

    ON TOPIC: I play matchmaking very often and I have quite a few problems with it. The playlists I frequent are big team skirmish, Flood (for hivemind), Team Slayer, and Dominion. I used to play on legendary slayer a lot, but the time for searching for players bugs me, as well as the fact that it became another Team throwdown. I feel like most of what you are saying makes sense. I feel like BTB and Big Team Skirmish should become one playlist. I also think that it would be nice to have a 4v4 slayer with options, but honestly I’m less worried about the gametype settings. I hate the insta-kills with all of the loadout weapons. It is so annoying to be playing CTF and have no one score because one player can guard to flag so easily. Once they fix that I’ll be happy. However, I think that 343 does look at numbers a lot so I’m willing to support this.

    ACID REFLEX Promethean

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    No problem.

    Sprint, which calls for bigger,
    Maps, Which take away from the player vs player experience that is Halo.
    Flinch, To quote Ghandi a well respected and popular member of the pro community "Flinch is the single worst decision of any developer, of all time"
    Awful Sandbox balance.
    Infinity(Fiesta) Slayer.
    No Descoping.
    Broken hitboxes (when crouch jumping)
    PROMO vision, and most other AA's
    Perks, Where do you think this came from?
    Copy and pasted Forge, (what a rip off)
    and last but not least
    GARBAGE MM. 15 min wait times, disorganized lists, no social/ranked segregation, I payed even more money to this damn company for maps that don't even show up in the rotations, How can you not feel duped for that?
    Feel free to ask for clarity on any of those things.

    While I agree the game needs new mechanics and to evolve along with the rest of the FPS out there I think they ruined what makes a Halo game at its core, I did rant before about the financial side of things, but there is substance to these arguments.

    I mean, I can't even sit with a few friends and play split screen multiplayer because of the horrid framerate and screen lag.
    What is a Halo title without that fundamental social experience? I am not jumping on any train these have been my opinions about this title from the beginning, The financial rant was more directed at the fact that they really did lie to us about a lot of things, and if you think MS is putting money in for the sake of the game you sir are truly naive to the ways of the world.

    ACID REFLEX Promethean

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    In no way did I say that they were planning the downfall of Halo. I was getting at the fact that M$ pushed the deadline of this title for SALES, That business decision is what ultimately led to the problems with this game. Also the bad development choices that were made during the dev process such as building an entire multiplayer work up (that was quite similar to past Halo titles) and trashing it. If it were me I would have built onto that core Halo experience instead of trashing it and starting anew.
    Can we agree that in terms of longevity and sales and overall satisfaction that Halo 3 was the most successful title in the series? I'm not saying it was the best but the most publicized and successful. Why is that? Because it brought people together and built onto the already hugely successful sandbox of Halo 2. This is what seperates a good developer from a great one, They took the core of Halo and added on, They didn't try to change what the experience of a Halo title means, which I quote Frank O' Conner "We really wanted to change things up with the Infinity experience, and give old fans something familiar while giving new fans something to get excited about"
    They just changed too much and try to deny it all you want they sold out CoD style gameplay mechanics to get CoD fans interested, Which is great business but bad for the already loyal and passionate fanbase.
  10. Squally DaBeanz

    343 Industries Forge Critic

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    Alright guys, while we can argue all day about how much 343 ruined the game, why they did it and all that, let's focus on SAVING Halo for future titles. All I'm asking with this thread is to send a message to 343 through the matchmaking numbers to nudge them in the right direction. At this point, that starts with the removal of random and personal drops. While there are many things that can be improved with the sandbox, this is probably the most detrimental part of the gametypes, and the easiest to fix. It's not perfect, but it's a way to get the ball rolling and make Halo fun and balanced again. This is only the beginning.
    theSpinCycle likes this.
  11. t507 771t5

    t507 771t5 Forerunner

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    I agree that 343 messed up, I’m just saying that they didn’t do it for the money. They just made an (Lots of) mistakes. I think that they know about most of the issues with the game that people have (Especially since everyone’s been screaming about them). I could not see them ignoring the ‘big’ issues that everyone has with the game, when planning the next title. I agree that the infinity settings is an issue that gets pushed under the rug because of all of the bigger problems. I also think that the fan base is somewhat split on how they like their slayer. I personally would love to play a halo 5 that actually works like a halo game, so I’m going to support this. I am just wondering, do you have this up anywhere other than Forgehub and Halo waypoint? This Campaign is only going to work well if you can really get the word out.
  12. Squally DaBeanz

    343 Industries Forge Critic

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    I have this same thread posted on and If you have any other places you think I should spread this to, please let me know. I want as many people to see this as possible.
  13. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    Great idea and concept, although I think it's something a lot of us do unconsciously because Infinity is ughhhhhhhh. Anyways, it's good to see that feeling expressed on paper.

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