4-8 Players Vanguard

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Squeak, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. Squeak

    Squeak Promethean
    Senior Member

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    by DBD Squeak and DarkGoldNova

    Slayer - KoTH - CTF - Extraction - Lockdown - Ricochet


    Vanguard is a symmetrical 4-base map with some aspects from Sanctuary.

    Power weapons :
    Overshield - 2 mins
    Railgun - 2 mins
    Sniper - 2 mins (1 clip)
    Jet pack - 30 secs (no ordinance)

    Other weapons :
    BR x 6
    LR x 2
    Carbine X 1
    Plasma pistol X 2
    Assault rifle X 2
    Needler X 1
    Boltshot X 1

    Grenades :
    Plasma X 2
    Frag X 4
    Pulse X 2

    Screenshots :






    Note: Some of these pictures are from an older version of the map.

    Thanks :
    The Fated Fire (Biggest thanks [​IMG])

    #1 Squeak, Aug 10, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2013
  2. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    Your use of ramps to create angled geometry looks very nice, especially in purple. The use of 2X2 corners in the center looks pretty good also.
    Overall, the map looks pretty nice.


    This is one of my main problems with map. You've used a lot of 'lazy' cover. Most of it works, but the walkway covers around bottom mid don't fit at all, imo.
    In yellow, the struts where the BR's are seem unnecessary, and the large walkways and satellite antenna obstruct movement through yellow a little bit too much.
    In the bottom of the red and blue bases, you've used window pieces for cover, which I personally really dislike because of the type of gameplay it can result in.


    You have 5 areas (red, blue, gold, purple, and green). Green has a direct connection to both gold and purple. Aside from that, none of the areas connect directly together.
    I feel like if the areas were more integrated together (interwoven) that movement would flow more smoothly.
    Also, I don't particularly like the fact that you have a lift going from bottom purple to top purple. It's basically a free ride from the lowest location on the map to the highest location on the map. I would prefer if people had to work harder to attain an elevation advantage.

    I like your weapon set. The only thing I want to note is that the Sniper doesn't need to be at 116 seconds. The spawn time is reduced by 4 seconds when using Ordnance because it takes 4 seconds for them to drop. Traditionally placed weapons can be set at the exact time you want them to spawn at. Are you aware of the differences between how the timing of weapon spawns work for Ordnance vs. traditional placement vs. drop spawns? Just curious because I can explain how they work more in-depth if that would be helpful.

    Your respawn points are all positioned well. However, I feel like your spawning could be significantly improved by setting all of your respawn points to neutral, and setting up your spawn zones differently. If you want more information/explanation about that, let me know and I can give a rundown of what I would change and why.

    I know my feedback may give the perception that I don't like the map, but that's not exactly the case. I think it will play fairly well in it's current state. I just wanted to point out some adjustments that could potentially help it play even better, so I hope it comes across as being constructive rather than destructive. Again, feel free to ask if you want further clarification on anything I've mentioned.
  3. Squeak

    Squeak Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for complementing my map's appearance, that is what most people talk about first. Top mid and purple are my babies :)


    I know I used a lot of lazy cover on the map, I just didn't want it to be to open on the purple side of the map. I was thinking about moving the whole entire walkway cover back till it hits the wall, I mainly want to use that piece because it makes yellow look like a good point on the map. The struts on yellow were actually put there because I thought it looked pretty well with the theme I was going with.
    Lastly, I might just change the windows into walls on the bottom of red and blue.

    I don't have That many pieces to work with. The only part I would make connect better would be the bases to yellow...rock is already really close to each base. The lift to top purple/rock was added so that there would be another way up. Without it there would only be 3 ways up it without the jetpack under the purple bridge.

    I just have a habit at setting everything to 116. I don't know how I would feel with having a static sniper as well.

    Yeah I felt that setting it to each team was bad at the start, I even have all the respawn zones that I need placed down already. I will probably make a change to that later.

    You were very constructive thanks, I will take some of the things you said into consideration. If you would like to help I added you again (sorry I had to delete someone fast last time so yeah....)
  4. HissingWings

    HissingWings Promethean
    Senior Member

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    I would appreciate it if you changed the name of the map. I posted a map called Vanguard a couple of days ago in the WIP section and I was planning to move it to this section (as it is now finished) and I don't think there should be two maps with the same name. As to the map, I do like the design but I think some of a Chunk's suggestions would help. Also imo the flag capture thiings on yellow look kind of wierd.
  5. Squeak

    Squeak Promethean
    Senior Member

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    I've been working on this map for awhile, I posted some of the WIP pictures in the what are you doing section with the name of the map.
  6. HissingWings

    HissingWings Promethean
    Senior Member

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    the pictures you posted were placed around the same time I put my map in the WIP section (after I had been working on it for a while) and I couldn't find a name anywhere.
  7. Squeak

    Squeak Promethean
    Senior Member

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    VANGUARD V1.01


    Gametypes added : Extraction, Lockdown (Dominion) [Custom gametype DL link above]

    - Expanded yellow, moved walkways back .5 units
    - Changed yellows aesthetics on the 1x4 structures
    - Turned dishes on bases into dish opens w/ extraction cylinders in them
    - Added 2 rock 1s on the end of purple bridge
    - Changed carbine to DMR on the purple bridge
    - Added pistols to replace DMR
    - Moved catwalk lips on yellow bridge further to the middle
    - Fixed red teams initial spawning
    - Removed shield door on top rock and replaced it with 2x invisible gravity zones

    Pictures :


    #7 Squeak, Aug 14, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2013
  8. RipShaDe 41

    RipShaDe 41 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really liked this map when you showed it to me. The structures were interesting and the layout was good. I still need to play on it but it looked great. Next time you play test it send me an invite.
  9. Maximus IL

    Maximus IL TCOJ

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    Played CTF no sprint on this during TCOJ. It played well for the most part. The only issue I had was that the map didn't seem quite right for no sprint. It's not that it was too big - there was plenty of action. Only a few seconds from spawn and you were right back in the thick of things. So that part went very well. It also did not take too long to transit from one side of the map to the other. So I don't think it was a matter of scale. I think it may be that the amount of cover was not optimal for no sprint. Visually, the cover appeared plenty sufficient were you able to sprint while transiting . . . but without the ability to sprint, you were out in the open too often while trying to get across the map.
  10. Squeak

    Squeak Promethean
    Senior Member

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    I actually think the map could be scaled down a bit for no sprint. I'll be working hard on the map in the next few upcoming weeks.
  11. Squeak

    Squeak Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Bridge pics (WiP)




    Going to add jump ups to the bridge pieces ;)
  12. Squeak

    Squeak Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Update V1.02

    Gametypes added & gameplay changes :

    • Ricochet added (Pruple bridge -- Yellow -- Bottom rocks)
    • Changed hill and extractions to be a 5-plot game (HILL : Green -- Top rocks -- Top blue -- Yellow -- Top Red l Extraction : Green -- Top rocks -- Yellow -- Top Blue -- Top Red)
    • CTF Fixes (Can't take flag from under base, respawn zones work)
    • Respawn zones (Now only in CTF, Slayer, and Ricochet)
    • Changed the spawning so FFA can be played.

    Structure :

    • Removed all inclines off of the top middle structure
    • Added bridges with jumps up to them
    • Changed yellow tunnel pieces
    • Added flag box
    • Changed windows under bases to walls

    Weapons :

    • Moved sniper to yellow antenna, made it an ordinance drop
    • Placed carbines under bridges
    • Moved plasma pistol inside of the bases behind the flag
    • Made all grenades on normal so you can't run into them

  13. Maximus IL

    Maximus IL TCOJ

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    I would like to play this again to see how the changes work. I think changing the red/blue approaches to center will help a lot with the cover. Will you be planning on doing another TCOJ with this one?
  14. Squeak

    Squeak Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Sure, I played on it Tuesday and it worked out pretty good :)
  15. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it was a cool map. I quite liked the simple layout, you don't get lost and it's fun to play. though, I think there was only one side of the map that looked very noticeably different from the rest.
  16. Squeak

    Squeak Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man, yea rocks is different from the rest of the map but I think it works really good for the gameplay on my map :)
  17. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah, that's not exactly what I meant. the 3 other sides can be a bit hard to differentiate. or maybe it is that grass area around the central structure that looked a lil bit too symetrical.
  18. Squeak

    Squeak Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Differentiate from blue and red or?

    Also, testing out new ordinance on the map to see if it plays better.
  19. Maximus IL

    Maximus IL TCOJ

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    Squeak, I didn't get a chance to look at the other one this weekend, but I did look at this one. I only had 3 other people at the time, though, and they can't stand NS settings, so we played with sprint and we only played CTF. We didn't try any other game modes. Because there were fewer people, I'm not entirely sure that the bridges would completely eliminate the cover issues with NS settings (they very well may, but our test really couldn't determine that), but they worked great with regular MM settings. So that was a definite plus. Also, the sniper as an ordnance drop I think is better, too. With only 4 people, we couldn't test the spawning changes . . . but I didn't remember having spawning issues in the TCOJ test.

    Apologies for not getting to the other map like I promised. I will try to get to it this week.
    a Chunk likes this.

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