@Staff: If you have to treat people like babies and have to approve a member's post, then actually approve the post within a short time (I don't think you guys are this inactive). This treatment is already low enough, but it's stupid if you're too lazy to approve a post made around 24 hours ago; especially when the post doesn't violate rules. #Waypointhub - @Katanga: From what I've heard/assumed about modded content: -Forgehub doesn't allow the release of modded maps or gametypes (except I've seen a map with modded content, so maybe not anymore). -No one cares if you play modded games, except when cheating in MM -I heard this is true, but also heard the opposite, but just I would be careful about having modded content in your file share. I recommend simply hosting lobbies if you want the gametype to spread. Just my input.
There's not a way for us to easily see moderated posts in one place, so we may not see them immediately. We hope to have a better tool for that with the new forum software, though. In the meantime, you could try to avoid earning a Warned status in the first place.
Ok understood about the moderated post thing, but one little insulting comment doesn't warrant any form of forum probation. In the meantime, you all could realize everyone hates Forgehub, Waypoint, and Beyond Entertainment because of the **** moderating. It's not making the forum more peaceful, it's making everyone who's affected bitterly annoyed. Why don't you let the community report people's posts if that doesn't happen already? If someone doesn't like it, they can hit the report button. But you guys don't need to soar over every post infracting people. For example, Zandril doesn't like the drama and name-calling (I'm just singling out based on the rant above currently). If he and others have an issue with posts, let them report the posts (although of course this hopefully couldn't be abused by overreactions)
I agree that it's pretty ridiculous for a post to go that long without being approved. Unfortunately, the current process of approving posts for members that are temporarily at a warned status essentially requires us to read through every post right now. This is far from ideal, and hopefully will be more automated with the forum upgrade. We definitely encourage people to report posts that they feel are inappropriate. However, we cannot rely solely upon that to determine what gets moderated. There are forum rules in place that everyone is expected to abide by, and that staff members are responsible for enforcing. Each of those forum rules is very reasonable. I think you would be surprised by how few warnings/infractions are actually handed out. I think you can understand why we can't simply delete posts that are against the rules without any consequence to the poster. I also think you would agree that the post that you were warned for was clearly against the rules, and aside from that it was just plain unnecessary. Almost everyone who has complained about the enforcement of the forum rules after being warned/infracted has admitted that their post broke the rules. Further, almost nobody has argued that the rule they broke was unfair. With the exception of maybe one case (which nobody is probably even aware of because there wasn't an enormous public scene made about it), every single complaint about the moderation since I've been on staff has been hypothetical rather than being a complaint about the moderation that actually occurred. If anyone feels they have been warned/infracted for something that is not against the forum rules, I'd encourage them to contact a staff member they feel comfortable with and express their disagreement/concern. Aside from that, I encourage everyone to familiarize themselves with the forum rules, which have been in place for years, and do their best to abide by them.
I know I said I'd keep my mouth shut about moderation and all that, but wouldn't it be better to discuss this on its own thread? On a map related note, I'm attempting a competitive map design. Can't seem to come up with anything I like though. Any map I do come up with that I like hits one of the barriers (be it lighting, block limit or framerate) and I can never complete it. I'll probably rebuild longer on Forge Island (which will be incredibly annoying considering it's supposed to be a space loading station, but I like the overall design and don't want to give up on it) where I don't have to make it themed, and can simply make it open instead of enclosed like the previous version. ... After that I'll be attempting a temple styled map. Not sure what I'm going to do with it, but I'll come up with something (already got a picture in my head. It's translating that picture to forge that's going to be a pain.)
I, on the other hand, have rather enjoyed my treatment these days. I still get infractions for silly ****, mostly because I post silly **** that I deserve to be infracted for... I'm just happy I no longer get it for simply farting in the wrong direction. Yay to the death of stupid biases!
woah, it looks really fine. though, not sure you have enough items to build many rooms like this. oh yeah, 1V1
As the others said, It looks really clean! That large gate is awesome, you should post some more pics though. And about your Forgehub name.. If I am correct you can send a visitor message to oVR (The Administrator) or a PM.
that's a bit sad to think that all maps should look more like this. I had a bit of hope when I saw the ramps items in forge island were cleaner than in other canvas, but the buildings blocks are still as bad.
I agree to that. a lot of blocks have textures that lack 4-way symmetry (Look at the 2x3/2x4's in Reach, then look at them in H4, same with 2x2's). There's actually a piece that appears to be a simple texture that's even and clean, but on line is moved up and the opposite side moved down (inverse symmetrical texture). I saw it on the 2x2 flat IIRC. Very annoying. The 3x3 short is the only block worth using universally, but the other pieces are pretty selective with maps IMO.
My forge fingers are itching, I'm thinking about finishing my Shangri-La map, making a superduper clean remake of chill-out or something small on Impact for 1's and 2's. Will try to draw something out for that last one.
Rebuilding Longer on Forge Island because I got some bad framerate lag in the original (thanks Impact). It's not going to be nearly as interesting a theme, but that should allow me to do more with it than I could before. It should play better this time around and I'll make it look as good as I can on the given pallet. I'm annoyed I couldn't go with the Impact pallet, but that happens.
bean the 2x2 short is a good block, but to be perfectly honest I think all the pieces look ****ty or have something wrong with them.
Tomorrow I'll start my vacation. Before that I want to show you the map I'm working on. Can u guess which map inspired me?