Got the game around a week ago and have to say it is in my top 10 games now, and so I thought I'd make a wallpaper: Comments and critique please. Thanks for looking!
While I like the red/blue thing going on here, it seems a bit off kilter. The blue seems to extend to just a tiny bit of the hood and off to the right a bit instead of the full other half of his head.
I did that on purpose. I thought it looked too simple with just half and half, that's why there's little bits of blue on the far left and red on the far right. If enough people say something I can change it back, however.
Hey Erico, long time no post (from me anyway). I like the colorization, usually it turns out wrong but you seem to have gotten it right. However, the blue extending around the entire top of the image is a bit distracting. I think you may be better served to lessen the saturation the area outside the hood as well as darkening it. This may help the blue thing that pac mentioned. Other than that all I have to say is that you did great with the color, when I do that it always looks wonky.
Hey, thanks for the critique, Icecickle. Now that I've looked at it more I see the red and blue are pretty distracting on the hood edge. Especially the red, very saturated. I'll make an edit in a bit, just moved into the dorms and don't have a lot of spare time
Nice work. Personally I'd have made the blue a little duller as, to me, it seems to pull more attention than the red side, but that's just me. Are the colours supposed to signify the moral choices you can make in the game, or is it just because red and blue go together like eggs and bacon?
Yessir, it's to signify good/bad in the game. It's a great game I just wish they added more powers or at least made a sequel. Anyways, yeah, that blue side sucks up all the attention. And I've noticed it's overall pretty dark. Idk whether to keep that or not? Thanks for the feedback
The darkness is good, as it's a seldom bright game. I'd leave it as is if you're happy with it, once you start second-guessing your work you'll end up whittling it down to a nub. Have you downloaded The Knife of Dunwall and Brigmore Witches, by the way? Excellent DLC that no fan of the game should miss. Dunwall City Trials are alright too, if you're into time-trial sorts of things, but I'd leave it if you're short on time/patience.
Nice, but I think the grey has too much maroon, and the blue is too blue. Try a very grey, steel blue?