"Furry x Furry Thank you for posting! Your post will not be visible until a moderator has approved it for posting." He can reply back that's true: if he says something you're interested in having him say. Otherwise you don't have to lift a finger to stop him saying it. This is why you talking as though you're interested in having a conversation among equals when you're preventing him from retorting pisses me off so much. Gai tren zich Pacmonster.
I bet if I post it here it'll get censored and I'll be infracted. If you seriously want it shoot me a PM.
I actually posted the site but it will be two days before it's accepted probably. Maybe it won't be approved at all.
Watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind last night, pretty good movie, Jim Carrey portrayed his character pretty well, however Kristen Dunst ****ing sucked. Also, what kind of site is Insane's? Im intrigued.