When did this become that "What you're NOT working on thread."? Good luck with your apartment hunting. Heres something i've been working on. I actually have the map finished and posted a preview thread for it but I figured I'd still share. Spoiler I've been trying to build a lot more simple lately rather than taking some of the risks I normally do while designing and creating a map.
OT banter like that has always been a part of WAYWO. It's relevant though as I'm pretty much saying I won't be forging or gaming for awhile. Don't want you guys to worry.
As if I could win a 1v1. Cluck, just drop it man. You're obsession with me is annoying. I can't understand for the life of me why some internet persona seems to be such a personal issue for you. It's not healthy dude.
Is this the PPC 3.0 thread? Because I don't see a whole lot on-topic. banter banter banter schnitzel banter.
@Audience just dyb and don't be that moderator who people don't like. I swear to god every person who origins are from forgehub take stuff to serious. I swear to god. This is just a thread on a site that isn't even that active. Why do people feel like they have to throw their weight around? You don't see me, the fattest forger alive, throwing my weight around.
There's not much on topic stuff because Halo 4 is crap and not enough people want to forge every day of the week. It's a sad, sad truth. Also, I have never been so shocked with what the hell is going on with forgehub. It's extremely sudden, and I'm still without much of a clue of what's really happening. I've just seen a bunch of people threatening to quit forgehub or simply saying forgehub is dead or R.I.P. forgehub.
Its just kids that are mad that their friends don't run the place anymore. As Tyrant said, FH kids take **** way too seriously.
I don't reAlly see the kids who are mad about friends not running the show lol. Most of the people upset with the new regime weren't even close to the old admins or staff for that matter. Where do you get that schnitz? You even played that card on me when you called me a garbage forger that only got features cuz my "buddies" we're on staff when I only had 2 friends that were ever on staff & they weren't even on staff when I got a lot of my features, lol. To me it just seems like the older staff guys didn't like you cuz of how you acted (act) and you got severely butthurt and now youre just so excited they are gone. Problem is, you still act like a douche bag so it's only a matter of time before the new staff can't stand you.
Guys. Feel free to voice your concerns in the Feedback and Suggestions forum or the Vent Your Frustrations thread. Please stop insulting/attacking members of the site.
I'm working on a minigame using the modded slayer variant that allows you to attach objects to one another. It's basically a last man standing arena where Mongeese have to knock the opponents off the edge. Oh, and they each have a Mantis attached to them, so another player on your team can shoot rockets and stomp to help you. It's nothing feature worthy by any stretch but it's a laid back game to play with friends. Sadly I don't think it'll show up on here unless our stance on modified content is any different.
Modded content is fine these days I think... I could be wrong though. Sounds cool Katanga. I always loved the bumper cars customs.
I think modding is okay as long as it's not for the purpose of cheating in MM. In other words, custom games are fine. But as for hosting it in your file share, I'm not 100% sure.