All of the posting that happened in the other format are gone Also look how adorable the little warning is... Awwww do the widdle mods not like "toxic" behavior? Grays being bullies again? Awwww
"Welcome to the new Age of Forgehub!" Toxic behavior towards the site or the staff will result in the posts being removed. Habitual offenders will receive suspensions. Tread lightly.
LMAO. Tread Lightly. Somebody wishes they could match the badassery of Walter White. Too bad. You suck. Give us pro-staff back, thanks.
" Furry x Furry Thank you for posting! Your post will not be visible until a moderator has approved it for posting." [2:48:03 PM] Eli: I got infracted [2:48:10 PM] Eli: and now my posts have to be approved
Oh god the warning is even more adorable now.. They're effectively calling all of us a "handful of trolls" Free Furry 2013 thread in the Feedback section I think might be in order
OVR, you need thicker skin. I mean when I was staff do you know how much flak I had to put up with? I mean, not a lot, because people actually liked me. But you're going to need thick skin in the days to come because you suck. You suck at everything. You shouldn't let things get to you or the bullies win. I know because I'm a bully and I usually win because people let stuff get to them. Oh look! I managed to get around the filter.