ROCKHARD *Serious Map Name TBD. Deal with it. This is a 1v1 map I'm building for Dax. It has a lot of rocks and trees and stuff. The map design is similar to a half-pipe with other skate park style geometry. It isn't ready for play yet, but it already has one meta so it is getting close. There is more height variation and routes that the pictures do not show. More on that soon.
Sooo Salem is getting a complete reforge, it's going to be more like flux/reflux/xcyience than damnation. And it will look pretty as ****. May post a screen of it or maybe not.. We'll see.
Yes. It is sexy. Creating a mini-Ark was the goal. The smallest player size Ark supports is 4 and I wanted to create a similar environment that supported 2. Rockhard replicates much of the combat scenarios, movement options, and multiple function geometry that Ark has, just on a smaller and symmetrical scale. I’m done forging for the most part in Halo 4. This little 1v1 map is my last project before I move onto PC level editors. I know. I just slapped down a ton of them last night and I tend to place things evenly out of habit. It will take on a more natural pattern over time. Those pics aren’t at the best angles either. The trees look better as you are walking around and barely paying attention to the skybox.
I'm trying to create something you have never seen on Halo 4. That's a little sketch. What do you think?
I think it looks pretty good but that curved bridge thing looks a little awkward, you should change it up a little
if it's not a box, then i cant wait. otherwise it wins my SaLoT of approval I think the creator of Koffing and Weezing can deal with this.
Not a box. More free roaming with a tunnel running under it that can be entered from 3 points and from the middle which is a broken down hole. Aesthetics will be nice, designwise I don't know. Trying my hardest to think out every patt of the map.
Spoiler Aiming for a release on wednesday. Also need a new name for this, thinking about 'Salem II', 'Zyon' or 'Quantic'.
I'm just going to stop making Themed maps now. I either hit the budget limit, the item limit, the lighting limit or I get framerate lag. Which sucks, because Longer was turning out pretty flipping great too... I'll probably remake it on Forge Island and give it another go, this time I won't have the "Space Station" restriction to worry about with Aesthetics.
Here is the small 1v1 map I'm working on (still on beta). The main weapon is a concussion rifle and teleporters work like they did on warlock. The map will come with a new 1v1 gametype I'm working on.
Salem II is ready for testing. Thread will be up after I'm done working, expect it in about 5 hours or so.
I really like the look of this map. How do the teleporters works? are they all on the same channel or are their two different channels? if so then you should color code them with dominion shield. What I mean is that the two that are across from each other would be for example red and the other two would be blue
I'm back in Austria! Don't expect much from me for a good while. Apartment hunting and getting my life back in order.