Cobalt Cobalt is an inverse symmetrical map designed for 4-8 players with CTF in mind. I took inspiration from Redemption's Binary (most evidently, the bridge) and Fated Fires Ender. The map possesses two snipers that spawn opposite from each other to the right of each teams base with a long line of sight that connects them. The initial push for the sniper is arguably the most important push of the game. The snipers can instantly get sight lines on each other, the rockets and anyone else who is pushing out of the base on top of the bridge. Cobalt has a unconventional design and immersing feel due to the large amount of pillars and walls that are not on a conservative 90 degree angle. Throughout the entire map, it is composed of mainly two bases and to colours. It design is very simple and disorientation should not be a problem. Special thanks to S0ULDIER for helping with some aspects of the map such as various jump ups as well as weapon and flag placements. New DL: Weapons on map:Sniper Rifle x2 (118s)Rockets (176s)BR x6 (10s)Lightrifle x2 (90s)Needler (90s)Frag Grenades x4 (30s)Screenshots:
This is the map I've been waiting for you to build man. Looks much sexier than Ender. Getting on live now to check it out.
This map is insanely gorgeous. I really like the tilted... well, everything. I'd love to get a game on here as soon as I can to give feedback. Also, I feel I need to try out the arena scene. I've quite been able to pull anything like this off, and even if I can, this will beat all my attempts. Great job from what I can see here.
Thanks dude! I honestly believe that if you can make a map look incredible it will give the impression that the map is unmistakably awesome so thats what I try to do with all my maps. haha
I guess I have a different impression of the map. I actually dislike adding angles just for the sake of adding angles. The bridge looks cool, but the other angled pieces just look odd to me. On the other hand, the core design/layout looks very nice. I'll take a closer look at it in game and see if I have any suggestions.
Yeah that angled **** is severly out of place. But the rest of the map looks good though. Forge Island has served you well.
On one I hand, I like the angles as they give the map a some what unique look as well as detract from what could have been an overly boxy aesthetic. On the other hand, they just look a little off and are a royal pain for bouncing 'nades off of. As I prefer function over aesthetics and find 'nade bouning to be a pretty important mechanic, I'd suggest trying a variant with the angled structures righted. Looks good though dude. Glad I got to play it last night. I enjoyed the game. Some iffy spawns, but that doesn't really bother me.
I never really found myself trying to bounce nades off of the angled parts as there really isn't many areas that it comes into play much. Most of the time i found myself nading the sides of them which are still at a 90 degree angle to the ground. like from snipe to top mid or bottom mid to top mid. they served their purpose rather well still imo.
This is kind of a silly complaint. I mean, look at midship. It's curvy as ****, yet nobody complained about nade bouncing. Just adapt. Keep the angles, they give the map personality and I like it.
Do you dislike me so much you have to dissect my post to such a point to find issue with it? Grow up dude.
Working on a major upgrade, will hopefully get a test on it tonight and get the DL in here tonight as well.
Updated OP with new DL. Updates include: - New route out of the bases - structural changes in the bases - Added ricochet game type
I finally got a chance to take a good look at this. It's definitely another solid map from you. It reminds me a little bit of the maps you mentioned. I also see a lot of similarities to a map called Dusk that I recently released. I like this better in pretty much every aspect though. I know I expressed my dislike for some of the angled geometry, and while my opinion hasn't changed, the solid aesthetics throughout the map easily overshadow that. It's really a pretty good looking map. The scaling feels spot on. The connections all feel natural. I particularly like how you incorporated a lot of subtle height variations. That's something most forgers don't do well. Those subtle variations can make a big difference in how a map plays, creating really interesting battles. You've figured this forge thing out pretty well I think. Nice job.