I don't agree with this argument as it assumes quality content would be created due to the lack of consumer choice, which has no historical basis. What drives sales is the quality of the content. If someone makes a "killer app" for the kinect people would buy it and that would encourage other developers to make quality content. If everyone had one there is no impetus for quality, no incentive to make good use of the tech. At the same time, forcing capabilities from an unnecessary tech which detract from the enjoyment of a game just because the tech is there is the much worse result than developers refusing to make games because the tech isn't included.
Rising cost of development and great risk fuels quality assurance. The shovel ware on the Wii was b/c it took only a few weeks of dev time to make some rehash of a game that uses basic motion controls and appeals to the kiddies. With the Xbox One there wont be as much of that, especially since the console is so expensive. The cost of the console and the demographic it will appeal to decreases the amount of shovel ware that will be produce, so much so that we will practically see none at all, at least not retail games that is, XBL arcade is a different story (baby maker extreme?).
I won't be pre-ordering or buying it as soon it comes out, but will prob pick up in January. Also dunno if you guys heard but it comes with a headset now.
So I've heard. For me, the decision is still not made. If only my friends would buy a Xbox One instead of a PS4 everything would be alrighty Not that I don't support the PS4, but you know.. Halo, of course.
Its just hard for me to throw down that much money on an entertainment system now. I got little babies to feed and trying to give my wife a good reason to drop half a G on the new Xbox isn't easy, lol. Even so, Im not convinced I even want it yet.
I agree. Before, I said I was going to purchase both systems but now I find myself wondering why I would. I mean, there isn't really a reason for me to buy either. I can game just fine on my PC and neither consoles really offers anything special in my opinion. Sure, there might one or two exclusives a year but it's just not worth it in my opinion. I can invest in something else that's actually worth my time.
Idk about you guys but I'm having fun buying cheap Xbox games that I've missed over the years. Xbox One is a definite no for me, just too much money
I think I happily pay the price given for it. But guys, there is barely any point to buy it at release, right? Most games that will release with the Xbox One and PS4 in the very beginning, will come to the PS3 and Xbox 360 too, I think every game in the very beginning. So whatever, if you get it later you don't miss a thing.
Yeah. That's why I'm waiting. The launch titles aren't super appealing to me currently. Plus I'm just gonna wait and buy all the games coming out now on next gen. Like I have Destiny pre-ordered for 360, but I'll eventually switch it to Xbox one
The new consoles aren't backwards compatible but if I buy a game on demand will I be able to re-download it on my xbox one? Does anyone know? I know ghost is doing some hard copy trade in thing where the next gen version is only $10 more but I'm more thinking on the lines of halo 4 or something. My 360 is finally pooping out.