Can you set it to work on a daily schedule (i.e. 8 hours with 5 minute breaks per day)? Then I'd just work to get all free skills to 99 and sell that mofo
Well your limited to the bots you wanna use, unless you feel like paying or can write your own. There are some bots that are AIO's with basically you can set tasks for (fletch 3,000 willows at west varrock bank, something like that) but theres not really a possibility to make the bot take breaks, unless you program it yourself. The bots often feature "antiban" which is humanlike actions or clicks that would leave someone to believe that a human was controlling. on another note, I made plans to go to the movies with this girl ive been chasing for literally years for saturday. Either gunna get friendzoned hard or bone. 50/50 shot I'm thinking. We should make bets.
I remember having a pure Prayer player. It was pretty fun going into the wilderness and being nearly invincible.
I also downloaded Crackdown for free. Free games r cool. Too bad box is at house w ***** mom. Need new house.
Didn't go on the date I had planned, wasn't allowed to go out after words to go to a party. Lonely night on youtube for me.
I would if my save still existed. One of those few games that just vanished. Happened to me with Need for Speed Most Wanted (launch 360 game, not the new one).