Now, I'm not saying that bungie didn't do a great job with Halo 3 (which they did), and I'm not saying that bungie sucks or anything in that vein (because without bungie we wouldn't even have this community). But... There are inevitably some things that bungie did that make people want to hold a BR up to the designers' heads and demand some sort of reasoning. Vote for what you think bungie's biggest mistake was, and explain w/ a post if you want. Idk what you choose, I made this out of pure curiousity... --------------------------------------------------------- Personally, I vote for Epitaph because it just plain sucks. I have turned off my xbox before after getting Epitaph 3 times in a row on lone wolves. If you play that map and not get rocketed from above or shotgun camped from behind a shield door, you deserve a medal and a pat on the back. Don't try to fix it, just get rid of it. It is broken beyond repair.
I don't know, epitaph wasn't that bad. I mean, it wasn't good, but it wasn't their worst mistake. I think that rat's nest was far worse... along with snowbound. However, their worst mistake, not making legendary map pack free... ever...
First of all, in theatre you can hold down RT click start then back and it will fast foward for you. Second of all, you missed a couple pretty large ones. 1: you can rank down when people quit. 2: the new beatdown system 3: continuous play list updates make the problem worse. 4: whoever is host always wins in swat. 5: forging is completely and totally unreliable, I'd rather mod. 6: you get banned for non MM modding. 7: wtf kinda name is bungie?
You screwed up on two of those: Mongeese- they are not overpowered at all. And they are almost impossible to get splattered with unless you suck. [EDIT] Okay, apparently I missed your sarcasm. Lol, sorry. Epitaph is not horrible, it is not the best, but it is okay, IMHO. All of those are FAIL. I am sorry, but the new beatdown system is much better and makes way more sense, the playlist updates usually help (give me an example besides beatdown that made it worse, because I think they help and that beatdown is perfect now), and... no, wait. Lol, you got me there. Haha
He was saying that when OTHER people quit, YOU can lose ranks, as some bullshit way to deal with system manipulation. Don't use fake statistics. A)Not funny. B)They keep adding in new playlists, taking ones out, you lose 50's gain them, lose them. There is no rank transference, so a 48 in Hardcore who was about to get his 50 would have to start again. They could have done a much better job with making the weapons deal with lag, by reducing most of their travel times to pretty close to zero. Not funny either, try again. On a sidenote, ellipses at the end of a sentence means 4 periods.
One of the things that I hate alot is that the tripmines aren't as powerful as they were in the beta plus, they're not on Valhalla anymore!
idk what you guys are talking about, my overall tool of destruction is the trip mine, I get liek overkill exterminations w/'em in swat.
That's only cause in SWAT you got no sheilds. any maps that i make, I love incorperating the trip mine. But I always have to set like.. all four with rediculously low respawn time for em to actually get used. If not, people ignore em cause they only remove your sheild. Usefull in tiny cramped maps where its hectic and you cant see em and so much firefighting your mine killed the guys taht other people are fighting, USELESS in avalanche where its open, beeping LOUDLY and with a bright, "STAY THE F$% AWAY" light, where you placed it in the hopes of someone running over it and not seeing it, scoring you a tactical kill. All the other points are true. and the reason people hate Isolation is the underground. All the hills and trees mess you up. its a pain in the but map >_>
Ehhh.... shut up. You must not realize how hard it is to pick up sarcasm in plain text. I am usually good about it though. And you are NOT one to talk about bnasty574, your name is JJ (okay...) 3672. So, I don't see what you have over him. Oh wow, you have no idea how hard it is to resist from flaming you, but I won't because I am a good person (lol, modest, too!)
Mongoose are hard to be splattered with, you gotta be retarded if you think what you wrote is true, sorry. It takes about 30 seconds to interlock, not 20 minutes.. And as someones said theres a glitch to where it stays fastforwarding...
None of them. Bungie's worst blunder was the way host is decided and what good connection actually is. I'm from Australia and ONLY get host if versing other Australians. Basically, every other country pulls host over us. Even if there are 7 Aussies in a game and 1 American, the American still pulls host. If I search good connection, I still get Americans and obtain yellow bars and get 'out-meleed' in almost every melee duel. That is what is wrong with Halo.
Other than changing how they find host, you can't do much about it. There will always be latency and lag. You can't eliminate it via network code. Latency is determined by how far away you are from the host and lag is the result of lost packets between host to client. There is aways latency, there isn't always lag. W/e. None of the options you have are accurate, imo. I don't mind Epitaph or Isolation or Snowbound. I know what your saying about interlocking (no, it doesn't take 20 minutes to interlock, it takes 20 minutes to make it look right and place it in the correct spot) but I'm not the biggest Forger. Don't have an issue with FF because of previously mentions "start" bug. Match making does have time where it doesn't work the way it is supposed to but it almost always works for me. Don't mind most equipment, some are questionable but I like most of them. I know what your saying about the mongoose! So annoying! /sarmasm (for those who can't detect sarcasm in words) The only problem I truly have with Halo 3 is the lack of good, quality maps. Don't get me wrong, I like the current maps, but they are just lacking right now.
I'd say that their biggest mistake was attracting a fanbase that largely bitches about how they're not perfect.
I don't mind Epitaph. I can't stand Isolation. I think maybe it's just because it's such a depressing design. It's all shadowed and covered in flood-stuff.
I just wish bungie had made a functional Ladder object in forge. so that when you hit it, you run to the other side/edge, no matter waht direction it's facing. That way you could lay it flat to create forced walkways or use it as a ladder; would be extremly usefull in forge... no need to use lifts or stairs anymore to get to multiple levels.