TCOJ Tuesday Night Testing Lobby @ 7pm EST AUGUST 20th Hello all, this is the Signup thread for the TCOJ lobby of Tuesday AUGUST 20th 2013. Do you like fun and competitive testing lobbies with great, grown-up feedback? This lobby is for you then!!! We aim for 8-10 players, and pass the lead after each game in order of the sign-ups. We also usually get two rotations of the lobby or two games on your map. We like to playtest anything, just as long as its fun, with a focus on competitive gametypes and maps. If you want to playtest your maps or just play some great customs, then leave a message below with your GT and a link to the map thread you would like to test, and we will add you to the rotation. The host XBL GamerTAGs are Juanez Sanchez and AnotherClaymore, so add us if you like. The Lobby will begin at 12am GMT, 7pm EST. WE will invite players online to the lobby 15 mins before. The traditional recap thread posted the next day is now no longer the best or only place to leave feedback for the maps you played. Henceforth all forgers are firmly encouraged to create a simple Preview Thread Like This One so that ideas, criticism and feedback can be kept in better order and be better used. We will still put a recap post up of some kind though. We will play it by ear. HOSTS: Juanez Sanchez & AnotherClaymore Map / GamerTAG: 1. Vanguard by Hissing wings 2. Anotherclaymore! !!! 3. Novus/something new By Zandril 4. Extreme Race Track by AlexJ189 5. Paintball by Juanez Sanchez 6. Something by Nutty McNutbag 7. Chronmeisters latest thing 8. Zandrils thingamabob Reserves 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C'Mon, sign up. It's da frickin bomb, yo.
Oh you. How can I resist? But put me down for playing Dinosaur and Maybe a little rumble on Arboretum if we have enough dudes.
Do you guys still accept map submissions for testing? I just don't see myself being awake at 12 in the morning to make this lobby.
Alright Juanez, I've tagged the map. Map Name: Novus V2 Creator: Zandril S312 Recommended number of players: 8-12 Thread link: Map download link: File Browser Halo Official Site
Anyone else wants maps testing, then let us know you would like to join us and be online at the start of the lobby for an invite!!
I'm trying to finish up something new, since it's looking like a 2v2. Something smaller... Might have to play swat or something... well see how far i get finishing it tonight...
I will try to get on earlier than last time. Still no mic unfortunately. But if you guys are still there, I wouldn't mind running through Artifact again. It's been redone.
Does that mean you sold your house, Nutduster? Well done if so. Audi, yer a busy forge celebrity. We understand. Claymore, that looks some good ****. Looks like it might be a 2v2 lobby.
Sadly, no. We had a deadline by which we had to move no matter what. So right now we're going to be renting the house we intend to buy, and waiting for our current place in Indianapolis to sell. (Please lord let it be soon.)
Thanks for including me, guys. I apologize that I cannot remember all of the names of the maps so I can't post in their threads, but I will post here instead. I am no expert mapmaker, so my comments will be fairly simple and may or may not be helpful. 1. The Erosion map we played was really neat visually - which is saying something for Erosion. I thought that map was quite cool. The only issues I had were that some of the respawn points had multiple, long lines of sight to them and I died before I had a chance to get oriented at all. I also died when I could get oriented, but that's a personal problem. The second comment was that some of the hallways were pretty tight. The final comment is that I got lost often . . . but I got lost on Abandon for weeks, so that probably doesn't mean much. 2. The Impact map (the tall one with the center court with the rocks) was neat, too. I've not played on a map that stretches play vertically that much before, and I really struggled. That's not a bad thing; it's a good thing. The map plays uniquely, so it is memorable. The only comment is that the center court seemed kind of awkward to get around, but that may just be unfamiliarity with the map. 3. The KoTH map had one thing I noted. Keep in mind that this was my first KoTH game ever - so this observation may be totally meaningless. But at a couple of the later hills in the sequence, the rocks adjacent to the hill seemed to unduly favor the attackers. This may not matter 4v4, but with 2v2, the fact that the attackers could get that much of a height advantage while the defenders could not get up there without completely leaving the hill made defense very difficult. Maybe it's supposed to be that way . . . like I say, this was only my first KoTH game. Other than that, though, the map flowed very nicely. I'd never seen it before, but had no trouble finding my way around - which is unusual for me. I even got lost on Haven, but I didn't get lost on this map. Lastly, I don't have any suggestions for the CTF map or the Extraction map . . . I liked both of those but I don't play those gametypes enough to give any help. I didn't notice anything that caught my attention as needing improvement. Two of the maps I remember enough to associate the name of the map with the play . . . so I stuck my comments in the respective threads. Lastly, a big thanks for letting me join and for playing Artifact. And to answer someone's question in-game, the version on my Fileshare is, indeed, the version we played tonight.
Thanks man, it was a blast last night. Good close games all night. X2Sora was the mvp most of the night i think. Swine.
Had a great time guys. Fun maps too. I hope I'll have the time to join future TCOJ lobbies despite my busy college life.
It was a pleasure, Zandy. It was also one of the best lobbies in a long time for us, lots of great players and fun maps. It was awesome to maintain a full lobby for the whole night too, and how well matched did we get the teams??? Epic customs.