Here are some of my upcoming releases and maps in progress. If you have any questions about there please feel free to ask and I'll get back to you. If you want to test any, leave your gamertag in the thread. Thanks. Deceiver. Spoiler Tier. Spoiler Vile. Spoiler Expire. Spoiler Composure. Spoiler Amaroid. Spoiler Temper. Spoiler Continuum. (Colab with BWG assassin) Spoiler LS: Corporation. Spoiler Modded maps I will not be posting: Spoiler Exceed: Claxon: In progress maps: Spoiler 1: 2: (has been updated since photos were taken) MORE TBA I have a few more and will be adding to this.
Blaze! Geez dude. So many maps, and they all look gorgeous. The very last WIP - might it be a 1v1? Reminds me a lot of some of the old Halo 3 sandbox maps. Also, where's that other one you showed me??
@zandril Thanks, as soon as i find someone willing to edit up some title pictures I'll start to post them. Temper is my personal favorite of all my maps actually, as far as gameplay. With the 2 rockets as a giant factor of risk vs reward it really makes some unique and balanced gameplay that is just what I like. @nooch First post? Haha. And thank you. @dax Yeah it's intended to be for 1v1. That's weird you mention that it looks like a sandbox map because i was just in a party with someone who said the same thing. That other 1v1 map I showed you I'm not sure if i want to post yet, though it plays well I feel it may get torn apart and to be honest the map doesn't look as clean as the rest of the maps so it bugs me. I will more than likely update it in though because I have a hold out flood map, a 1 flag map (inprogress), a mirrored version of amaroid and a few other maps that I'm sure other people will like even if they don't meet my standards completely. @oli Vile* but thank you Oli. I am thinking about maybe submitting one or 2 of these to MM but since they're sort of different/away from the vanilla gameplay people are used to, i feel theyed be looked over. Plus, it seems you have a much better chance if 'you know someone'. haha
These all are so interesting. I too can play with your images on photoshop. Nothing fancy, but I can place borders or slap on some quick effects if you need them. I'll never understand how a persona can have multiple great projects at once. I have a difficult time keeping one project!
Vile is broken. Most abuseable 1v1 map I ever played. Forget who showed it to me, but I dominated him badly as soon as I figured out how to exploit the map. The rest.... I'm sure one or two might have some potential. I'll reserve my judgement till I see what catches on with the community.
@zandril Sent. @vizcluk Thanks man @Audience I'll let you know if zandril doesn't have time to get to it. Thank you. @Secret The only way I can see to exploit it after the removal of the sticky det is to camp in the mancannon room and if you are playing against someone who can think on their feet and not blindly rush in repetitively, it's not hard at all to push them out. Especially with the new weapon set and few other updates to the map since v1. Looking foward to seeing feedback if you get to playing some of the others. Thanks for the comment.
Blaze, you fiend. How's that haven inspired map going? I felt bad I couldn't help out on it :/ But I've played many of these, and al I can say is that I envy the **** out of you
I showed it to you. And I can agree, it was abusable. There is a new version out that I want to try with you. It has a couple of extra jumps and things to the top area. Not sure how much better it is. The first game I played on it was better, although I still have concerns about the top area.
Oh snap sorry Mr. Ancient Member, you've been here longer than I have. I merely saw 1 for your blog entries and wrongly assumed it was your first post.
I especially like Deceiver. I can't say much about the layout when looking at the pictures, but it looks sooo clean. The way you merged the rocks with the white bridge pieces and greeny pillars gives it a natural, yet structured feel, which I love to see in maps. Keep me updated.
@behemoth It's perfectly fine man. Don't worry about it. it's not really going anywhere. Haha. I mainly just need to copy the other side and add a few minor things but i'm lazy. I'm glad you like the maps you've played of mine, I'll be doing my best to keep them coming. @spin No match I've played has had any real issues with the top and I've played with a good amount of people and a few of those were even before i noobed up most of the jumps. Haha. I might just be preference. @nooch Haha, no need to be sorry. Just thought i'd point that out. @Remkings Thank you. Yeah, it's hard to get a good contrast on forge island but designed the layout mostly beforehand so I could put my main focus on piece use and worked that in as a consistent aesthetic around the whole map. Feel free to add me and we will get a few matches on it. GT: Whos Blaze
Would love it, atm I'm taking care of my 2nd baby so I'm almost afk. But I'll be getting on it whenever I can.
Go ahead and send me a FR. LS: Corporation. Spoiler Modded maps I will not be posting: Spoiler Exceed: Claxon: More to be added. Completed: 1v1, 4v4. In progress, 1v1, 1 flag, modded aesthetic.