Just saw it. Shweet! PS: The ship is the one with the tank (what was her name again??), right,? and with andy and the evil dudes in it, right?
I figured it would end up being something like this, considering that Omega wouldn't necessarily be destroyed from the explosion. Also considering that he jumps from person to person, it lets well into something more. I find it odd that they'd use Halo 2 again but I guess it only makes sense.
All I can say is, SWEET. Now we can see the income of even more users with unoriginal RvB inspired names.
Same here, I am very confused. I never really followed RvB, but I know it was a comedy. So now, it is a serious thing and all the funny characters died? Is that how it ended?
Hey, is anyone here a RvB sponsor? Because if not, I was planning to subscribe to them anyways, and I could give you guys updates and such.
why are we here headlight fluid get the flag chruch dies meet tex tex is a chick is it a spider chruch is a ghost doc werid caboose voice silly stuff, skip like 15 episodes on battle creek with religious flag men. somthing, teleportors omllay evil in posesses doc church is a gay robot lopez has a ***** switch some crazy time travling stuff happens enter halo 2 church does werid stuff in time kills captian flowers more stuff on zanzibar must bomb evil base meet andy meet alien tucker finds a sword sword is key alien touches tucker containment, wyoming kills alien out of mind mini series tex does stuff back on coaug tucker is pregnet with alien chuch has every vehcile on the map, sheila is jealous skip some stuff, crash pelican, grifs sister doc sees sister naked dognuts falls under in waterworks, find secert lab flowers didnt die, he is alive stuff happens tex swithces sides 3 things alertnate endings recovery one mini series stuff meet washington new redvsblue series takes where recovery one left off. Ok list is very vague.., and some things out of order.
I've only played Halo on the computer, Halo 2 a couple of times at my friend's. Halo 3 was pretty much my first main thing. I remember watching a bit of season 1 + 2, but nothing after it.
that was amazing and some really nice editing in the begging if you didn't notice there where 4 tanks and 6 hornets which looked amazing