Ya, dat's f*cked up. I will say though that in the grand scheme of things, one lame achievement is just that, a lame achievement. Don't think it warrants any extreme reactions at all (but ya know, internet and all that)
Agreed. It's not like it's gonna make people camp all game, every game, but I just gotta say it's a pointless achievement encouraging arguably the most hated strategy in the game. I just don't get the point . They know the internet is going to flip when they see that, so why put it in?
Lol at reactionary dramatic internet people. Most people will unlock this inadvertently just playing the game. You Overdoziz are the most reactionary dramatic person of all. You dont even play halo4 so why troll through its achievements just to come on here and start an anti-343 thread. In fact trolling is all you do these days.
it could be a tag, you look at their achievements, "oh, camping achievement, now I know who not to play with"
That's exactly what I was just thinking. Although, just because someone has unlocked it doesn't mean they continually camp every time they play; like someone said earlier, it could have been unlocked inadvertently. I know I'm not actively going to pursue this achievement, anyway. But it's mainly because it's pointless and one of the easiest and quickest ways to net yourself 40GS, and I hate achievements that aren't really a challenge.
I can just imagine every game on the map pack playlist. The game starts and everyone just runs to the corners and crouches for 60 seconds.
Uhh... were you expecting a different response? I mean really now, this is the internet we're talking about. Reactionary Drama is probably the reason anything on the internet still exists. Not like I'm gonna go burn their studio down. Just a bit annoyed at their decision making. For example, they could have put up a cheevo for getting 5 assassinations in one match, or getting an overkill with one mag of sniper (no reload). Instead they create a camping achievement with 0 thought involved. I think I've got a little bit of a reason to be annoyed
No, sorry my mistake. Its an atrocity and all of you pro gamers (especially the ones too pro to even play Halo anymore) are right to be outraged. Its definitely time to move on to franchises that haven't sold out for mass-market appeal. Better to leave this sad wasted game series to the deluded retarded Halo fanboys who can't appreciate how all the changes and updates since Halo3 have massively impeded and ruined multiplayer.
... and this isn't reactionary drama? Nobody said you had to agree with me/them or any given reasoning. Going on a passive agressive rant because someone is annoyed by 343i's logic is hardly helpful to anybody.
Now I'm sorry. You weren't being sarcastic? Apperantly I've seen too many passive agressive posts like that in the past. My apologies if I misinterpreted.
That's the only problem I see, it's not like I'm ripping off my shirt in anger its more like facepalm because 343i always manages to finds a new innovative way to make me facepalm. When there is a achievement it promotes that tactic, When there is a achievement involving spartan lasers/mongooses/etc the general public going to generally use spartan lasers/mongooses/etc more often solely because of the achievement. (Because people want to get it and not everyone random in every game is gonna have it) Maybe its 1 in 5 games or 1 in 10 games there is a guy camping a corner of map just for this achievement, Maybe you get 3+ games in a row with people camping trying for it. Maybe people in your games don't flat out camp but they adopt a camping playstyle just so they can increase the potential to get the achievement(while doing so subconsciously forming camping habits) Might say not worth complaining about because it seems insignificant, I'm not ripping off my shirt in rage but there is no point in making this achievement, If I had a choice between having this achievement (making randoms camp more) and not having this achievement (Keeping the status quo of players camping) I would choose not to have it.