that's it, i'm done, 343i have no ****ing clue on what they're doing.... this is just speechless and priceless.
Well yeah but when I look on the actual Halo 4 achievement list its not there? Is this from the bundle next month?
That's funny. They should also have achievements for: - Getting at least 15 kills in a match by only using power/ordnance weapons - Playing an entire CTF game without being further than 15 meters from your own flag - Getting 10+ kills with a sniper while the camo AA is activated at the time you fire - Deflecting 30 or more shots from any weapon with the hardlight shield in one match - Hiding (zero accumulated personal score and no deaths for an entire match) - 5 betrayals in one game without being booted - EMPing your own team's vehicles at least ten times in a game - Laziness (not moving, no shots fired)
Protect this House (30 Gamerscore) In matchmaking, assassinate the ball carrier within five meters of your own goal in Ricochet. Hat Trick (33 Gamerscore) In matchmaking, score three times in one round of Ricochet. From Downtown (25 Gamerscore) In matchmaking, score by throwing the ball from 30 meters in Ricochet. Repeat Survivor (25 Gamerscore) In matchmaking, survive three vehicle explosions in a row with the Survivor package. Can’t Catch Me (20 Gamerscore) In matchmaking, score a goal in Ricochet while taking damage with the Resistor active. Just a Scratch (20 Gamerscore) In matchmaking, recover full shields from low health with both Resistor and Recharge active. Pitchin’ a Tent (40 Gamerscore) In matchmaking, effectively camp one location without dying for a full 60 seconds. One Man Army (27 Gamerscore) In matchmaking, get 4 consecutive kills with the Rocket Launcher without dying. Shocking (10 Gamerscore) In Bullseye DLC Matchmaking, activate both electrical surge systems during a match on Vertigo. Got It! (20 Gamerscore) In Bullseye DLC Matchmaking, acquire the Rocket Launcher at the start of a match on Pitfall.
What's the big deal? Its clearly a joke or an easter egg achievement. Don't tell me, "omg stupid 343i now encouraging camping as if they haven't already killed halo off "
Joke or no, I don't like it. What I find even funnier about this is you get 40 gamerscore for it. You got 5 for getting an overkill in FFA on Halo 3...