
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by SecretSchnitzel, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Select FI
    By SecretSchnitzel
    With heavy contributions from Hahka and Chef

    Select is an elongated bridge map in the style of Narrows. It's designed strictly for CTF and TS game play. This is its third rendition since it was originally created in Reach. It's a succesor to Narrows not in the geometric structure of the map, but in the style of gameplay it encourages to some degree.

    Backstory: Select was originally designed as a spiritual successor to Narrows in which it attempted to address the issues inherrent to Narrows, such as the ease of spawn trapping and the bottle neck in the center of the map. It was also heavily inspired by the smooth sloping curvature of Dream On in H3. In it's first iteration (Reach), I had widened the map and added two alternative paths on the outskirts to the map. This trait has persisted through each iteration, although with significant changes along the way. Also, while Select was original a mirrored symmetrical map, now it's an inverse symmetrical map featuring Snipers and Lifts on opposite corners. The snipes each have a sight line to each other as well as the Rockets at bottom mid, to allow for the deep gameplay based around contesting power weapons that Narrows featured. The Lifts on the corners of the map take players to top mid rather than straight across, allowing a quick flanking movement option but not allowing itself to be abused for flag runs. The Lifts also are positioned to allow players to lifts to the side platforms or straight up into the air depending on how they're entered.
    Currently Select FI still features the side routes, the central bridge, and a lower bridge. Additionally it has two small huts in the base the cover the function of the attics from Narrows, although significantly nerfed. The map has also been scaled up to a degree to compensate for H4's spawn system.

    Rockets - 176*
    Sniper(2) - 116*
    PlasmaNades(8) - 60
    Frags(4) - 60










  2. Squidkake

    Squidkake Forerunner

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    I see the resemblence to Narrows. It was actually the first thing that popped into my head since i look at the screenshots before the description. I like what you did with the man cannons. It gives a new twist to an old classic map. The aesthetics are nice and simple, nothing too fancy but in terms of playability, it looks flawless. Good job.
  3. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is more of a tribute to select than a remake right? I am sure i played an Erosion version of this a few months back. I have had a run around on here but haven't yet had a game on this version but the geommetry was great and it looks tighter and more competitive than the original Select.
  4. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's simply Select. The core design is still there, which is why I kept the name. The design has been both built upon and refined, but it's core design is virtually unchanged.

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