That Vertigo video made it look kinda cool. Not any closer to shelling out 10$ for this, but i don't dislike the map at all. Glad to see player-driven events again.
Ricochet looks cool.. might be interesting with tweaked zone sizes and/or reduced/no player movement when holding the ball (ultimate frisbee, anyone?). Pit remake is interesting as well, new lift will definitely help. Vertigo also looks interesting although I'm worried about the shield drain gimmick. It might become OP/stupid or it might create a bunch of meta.. we'll see. New perks are meh, seeing as I don't play Infinity. That sprint perk is worse than Jetpack on crack. 343i: "Let's break the game even more by removing 'jarring' experiences like descope and slowing down when you get hit so you can't run away with sprint being an absurdly high percentage of base movement!"
I'm sure they could, and I also feel bad about Halo 4 making it hard to make machinima. I'm saying I feel bad because they already released two episodes of season 11 before this pack was announced and they had to use the Mk VI helmet on Caboose. Oh well. I'm sure they'll find a way to sneak it back in somehow.
But....The Pit.... I know it's never gonna come up in regular MM. I know it's gonna be available in a shortlived DLC playlist and then basically disappear. I know I'm arguably throwing my money away (though this pack being a fair amount cheaper per map is making that a little less painful). And I know 343 know that I know this. But I'm buying it anyway, because who am I kidding? It's the freaking Pit. @Spin: thoroughly agree on the Sprint perk. They actually did a reasonable amount to make Sprint more tolerable compared to Reach, and now they're going to undo that with a perk that passive players can exploit the hell out of? Not impressed. I assume it's going to be an alternative to Mobility, right? Having both would be utterly ridiculous.
not sure if they are genuinely extending a hand by remaking the pit, or if they are taking advantage of the fact that the new forge is gimped to the point that a perfect remake is impossible...
yeah, there is now a hole in sword room and a lift up from under there to what was the wall directly across from the sword rooms door in that hall. Also the area under there has been expanded and is now a full room instead of tunnels that come to a T.
Ultra high-res and exclusive screenies, if anyone is interested: Xbox Wire just click "select set" for artwork and screenshots, then Dl
Yeah, I like that they are doing smaller map dlc, but I hate them for making my favorite armor set throughout the franchise into a dlc only thing (ODST) I can handle not having the helmet, cause recruit is remarkably similar (and I don't need the helmet to recreate Dare from ODST's armor set) but the shoulders and the body are a necessity. And while I am on about disappointments, I would rather have a High Ground, or Rat's Nest remake rather than Vertigo. I liked nearly all of any the older games maps better than Halo 4's so far. Oh, and as stated by others, making any of the armor mods dlc required is just not cool. I'll just be playing swat from then on if those are in normal matchmaking.
The water back behind vertigo looks like we might be able to forge on it... Also the name of the new plasma pistol... BoilerPlate... ****ing genius.
They might be stackable. The new shield recharge perk is stackable with the old one, so I'm guessing this sprint perk is stackable with the other one. I didn't think it could get worse.. Poorly. 12 bullet sniper rifles with sprint and no descope mechanic to balance the Sniper out. TBH I'm not expecting much in terms of gameplay from the variants of The Pit put into MM.
Out of all this, the only thing that looks appealing to me is the Forerunner-looking armour set. But it's still not enough to make me shell out my hard earned for something that is going to be around for a month. /2cents
Pitfall is amazing, but I'd love to play something else other than either Ricochet or Infinity Slayer the whole time. When playing Infinity it's only a painful reminder of how competitive Halo 3's The Pit used to be and how geeky it seems now with this kind of gametype, which takes away from the epicness of the map itself - because epic it is. Ricochet on it's own is amazing though, I can't wait to see creative minigames popping up using it in some way or another. The armor is awesome too. Just wish the ODST helmet looked a bit better, but other than that it's all really cool. And the stances and weapon skins are incredible as well. I'm glad the first map pack I bought finally was one really worth the money too.