OK ive hurd to many people saying this "the maps sloppy and is not good interlocking" heres my answer "ITS SUPOSED TO BE THAT WAY NOOBS! I MADE IT THROWN TOGETHER SO PLEASE WHAT I AM SAYING IS SUPOSED TO MEAN SOMETHING TO YOU CLUELESS PEOPLE!" thank you for reading =) this map ids something that i literly "through together" and shaped it up a bit and then made it impossible to exit enter the second wall without entering the right passage and here some pics JAIL OUTER WALL INNER WALL RAMP TO BASE WALKWAY TO BASE TOP OF BASE and srry i didnt show you the inside of the base its really confusing so you might have trouble yourself but its really fun to play on and the jail you cant get out f unless you kill your self so happy playing and the spawn points are placed outside the bunker so you can change that if you want
Hello and welcome to the Forge Hub Community. Your current post is not up to Forge Hub Community standards. You must have your images embedded. Please read the topic link below for more information about correct map posting format. Correct Map Posting: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1196 By saying this I mean add a map description and many more details of how your map works. Try adding weapons and equipments lists as well. Correct spelling please. Is this your first map by any chance?
His pictures are Embedded. However, there's no reason to give a rude response, brownie. About the map, It looks interesting, and I like the idea for sure.
um are you serious you could have put WAY more time into it on the good side though i guess it can be counted as art
i ment to say after that this is not my first map i dont know how many i have but heres a list pelican hanger tower war in the city drop ship bunker hill acension remake piller of spring cliff side peak caves r us and if this was my first map would i be a unsc graduate grade 2? no i wouldnt and srry about being rude *EDIT* heres some more scarab h2 vesion reamke vallhala outside the map cops and robbers (with jail break system)
Oh my God, a nuke went off when you were building your awesome map, now it's all ruined. Oh wait there aren't any nukes in halo. But seriously you need to put a little more time into your maps so they can be apprciated by the community.
Yeah, and your rank is not determined by the number of maps you post, it is by the number of times you post anything. A response to a map, or an answer to a Forum question.
oh but camo the point of the map is to be messy like i said literly "through it together" and its purposly messy then some if it was shaped
iteresting it looks a little sloppy i would like to see more of map and i have now idea what that guy was talkign about when pictures arent embbed
no the point was to be sloppy and he is just new to the site probably and doesnt know what to say but besides that yeh
I'm sorry to say that I do not see much in the way of new gameplay on this map. The name doesn't fit the map. Maybe something like "Tunnelway" or such
I dont wanna sound mean but this map looks incredibly clustered and hideous. Is there any specific layout or have objects been thrown randomly? Also, I dont understand the jail
omg the point of the map is to be thrown around! how do yall not get that its been reorgnized around it to be 2 walls and ontop is a ramp do yall get it now probably not but im saying clear as crystal