wow, finally you got it in. No its not crowded, MLG on this was intense Seriously intense. I remember playing it like a thousand times with you guys. Thats when i got my Untouchable in MLG slayer. The map does have good flow to it. One of my personal gametype on it would have to be KOTH. Nice job. Although whens the regular version gonna come up?
Thanks, xanon, it was really a great help having you test it so much with me. I posted the regular version in the first post, I just think it plays better as an MLG map, so I kind of put my best foot foreward.
i have been looking for a good solid map like this for a while, it is open and closed in good BR pratice i wound be surprised to see this on the MLG playlist
Yeah that is great and all, but for the last time, stop judging before you play. And no, maps aren't all about first impression based on looks, if that is what you think than you have missed the point entirely. You are supposed to wait and play, have patience young Padawans, the forge will reveal itself to you soon enough...
dont call your map ''MLG'' if there is all of this weapons : 1 spartan laser 1 overshield 1 invisibility 1 regenerator 1 energy drain 2 bubble shields 2 sets of SMGs 2 needlers sorry but i dont like your map... i dont like the layout
Okay, dude prepare yourself, you just got on the wrong end of a train of *****. Firstly, learn to read or shut the hell up. If you read even any further down than the first weapon set (which was for the non-mlg version), you'd see the MLG weapon placement, which is a set of rockets, a sniper, a mauler, brs, 4 plasma grenades and 4 carbines. Secondly, the whole first part of the post explained that there were two versions, which tell me either you can't read or you didn't read to any length that required thought, save for the weapon placemement. In fact, there are two different links, in two different colors advertising both versions of the map, which tells me that you must be 1. completely colorblind, 2.a complete idiot, 3. completely blind or 4. a mixture of two and three. My bet's on the last one. That being the case, assuming, logically, that you're blind and stupid, none of your other points have any worth. Including the "I don't like your map, I don't like your layout." Why are these points illogical? Because you've shown me that you didn't even download the map by not addressing, in fact, basing your point on the "fact" that I don't know MLG weapon placement. There are only two links to download this map, both in different colors, both right next to eachother. You can't trick me, you didn't download the map at all. Also, read my F.U.Q., I find no value in any posts that just stand to bash my map without 1. knowledge of my map or 2.helpful criticism. Your post is an uninformed, unintelligent excuse of a post that just stands to make yourself feel better about your own self-insecurities. Shut the hell up and don't post in my thread again, kthxbai. Oh, and silence, you are about the 5th person to say something like that without even looking at my map. Please, download my map, play a game or two on it and come back when you have something constructive to say.
That's a little far, don't you think? I know you have a reason to be angry, but you only had to point it out, not insult him in 16 different ways. Although, I've got to hand it to you, that made me smile. But still. From the little I remember from your map when I played with you, I only remembered my surprise that you made a map that was MLG. Then it started to make sense once I saw that there are two versions. No offense, but I think I'll take the non-MLG version. Nothing to do with you, mostly what I have against MLG. Still, it's interesting that you took the time to make two versions.
Well, thank you all for the downloads. I can't wait to hear back from you all should you choose to reply. Also, congrats, nemi on 2k posts.
Lets just all take a deep breath here, Ok? Just because he politely disagreed with your maps layout, doesn't mean you have to make outragous claims about thier posts' legitimacy.
Yeah, I had a lot of misplaced anger in my post... he just happened to be the lucky winner of it all.
layout is good. just it looks crowded and bumby in a few areas. V2? thats something to think about. keep it up