Does anyone know when this will be done or have the winners already been announced and I just missed it?
I was a part of the judging rather frequently when this was happening, so if any of you are interested to hear what we thought of your map PM me with the map(s) that you are interested in hearing about and a link to their thread. I can't guarantee long responses, but I can guarantee some insight from those of us who tested. I'm terribly sorry that it went down like this, but it's how it is now. Still, I found something to enjoy in almost every entry. Again, I apologize for having quit my staff position when I did and leaving this tourney, but we were so disorganized and had to keep setting back the date to start this that it just piled on to the rest of our issues, and at the end of the day Forgehub became the last ting that I wanted to deal with. Hopefully with a new administrator we can fix some of our issues and get some new things going. That being said, the Dust-Up tourney is still dead. Message me if you would like some words on your map(s) and I'll do my best to answer about them.
Audi, I have some leftover notes from when we were judging the maps somewhere in the staff forums. It's a shame things went down like they did. There were some truly amazing maps in that pot.
It might not be a bad idea to just do another 2v2 map contest. Starting from scratch, perhaps with different settings. You could allow previously built maps to be submitted. That way, anyone who submitted a map in this contest could just resubmit it they're still active here. Of course, it's probably not something that could be done right away. Wait until all the staff is solidly in place, and that there are people involved that can see the contest through to the end.
I've already brought up the same thing a bit ago, but the staff was too fragmented at the time to really discuss it. I definitely am going to push for something to make up for this failed tourney. It really could have been very nice.
Maybe the first thing you should do to make up for it is Feature some of those maps, then. Don't just say, "Sorry we let this contest die. It was all for nothing, but you guys did some great work! ", take some of the maps that you liked and showcase them here. Use whatever little connection this place has left with 343i, Waypoint, or whoever else and push for them to be featured there or added to matchmaking. Do something to try and reward those who put in that work and came up with something good in some way, don't just offer them a measly pat on the back and the chance at some "feedback" from you if they happen to read these posts and/or message you about it.
I'd like to help somehow; please let me know how I can. Matchmaking has little hope. Doubles has had no updates for several months. Word is Ghost may get more power over the Doubles playlist; if that happens, PGL / whatever 4v4 maps with lower kill counts may get into the playlist. As for features, I agree; I'd like to see a feature or two if there are any great maps in the submissions that are not being recycled for a future tourney.
I'm trying to get discussions on these very things going right now. Spin, thanks for the offer of help. I'll keep it in mind.