News New Age Of Forge Hub

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by oVR, Jun 22, 2013.

  1. A Haunted Army

    A Haunted Army Your Local Pessimist
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    does it really matter? what really matters is building up the community...
  2. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    Having been present for the rise and fall of dozens of quality forums, it does matter. They almost always revolve around tech admins or the lack thereof.
  3. SilentA98

    SilentA98 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    So I started a feedback thread on waypoint about a week ago. Unforunately as some of you may know, my Halo 4 disc is dead and I can't keep it active. I've got a user over there giving feedback (he's not the best, but it works for now) for some of the maps submitted and I help where I can.

    Anyway, the point I'm getting at is this: Should I diverge the people in the thread here? It would be a good way to get some more forge interested users and would hopefully give the Hub some more activity and views. Right now I doubt much of the Waypoint population even knows it exists, so giving it some more exposure would be a good thing.

    Good idea? Bad Idea? Should I wait a bit?...

    Anyway, glad the sites changing hands. Hopefully it doesn't die any time soon, and if we're lucky Halo 5 (or whatever you want to call it, I don't care) will do something crazy for its map editor and renew some interest into the forging community.
  4. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Why wait? Do it and see what happens.. Forgehub can't lose anything.
  5. SilentA98

    SilentA98 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Alright, I'll go update the OP over there with a link and everything else (short description etc.) and post a reply to give it a bump and gain attention.

    I will also message the other guy who was helping me test, and hopefully I can convince him to sign up for the Hub and help out around here as well.
  6. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Would you mind posting the link to that, actually?
  7. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Good to see some stirrings around here. I actually thought that Forgehub was going to slowly fade away into obscurity, so this breath of life, however small at the moment, is a good sign. I'm still a little dubious as to whether or not the community and interest in Halo/Forging can be revived however, but I'm not going to write it off without giving it a chance. That's the great thing about being a realist. ;)

    A suggestion I have, even though it has more than likely been discussed internally, is to reach out to other communities and have some more "Forgehub VS X" games. That way it will get the Forgehub name out there and peoples interest may be piqued, causing them to chance upon our forum and possibly trick them into joining.

    Another suggestion, although is seems to already be in the process of being implemented, is to listen to the ideas and suggestions of the community, and actually follow through on making it happen. That was one of the problems with the former management, as I see it. Lots of things seemed to be glossed over in the Customer Service threads and it didn't make the people in charge look good in the eyes of the people who visited their site. Fair enough, people have lives and can't commit every hour of their time to doing something which may seem minuscule and irrelevant, but it's these small things that make all the difference in the end.

    Plus pie. There should be more pie. Kthxbai.
    #47 Xun, Jun 25, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2013
  8. Verses Fatum

    Verses Fatum Ancient
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    My only problem I had with Forgehub was the lack of help from most of the members, I for one posted a thread for a map series I was going to make, only for one of the members to shoot me down, thus I really lost motivation to continue to forge, that and the fact that the three maps in the series were not very forgable in the first place, but I might get back into it, I haven't lost hope in the Halo series and I'll admit, I'm not one to notice whats competitive and whats not, so I haven't really noticed a difference from Halo CE to Halo 4 besides graphics.
  9. SilentA98

    SilentA98 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Sure. Here you go. A pretty measly thread at best, but after seeing around 10 threads of people saying "Can anyone test my maps" I decided to set it up. Not very well written and a bit ugly to look at, but it works. I've only got 2-3 people submitting maps at the moment unforunately, and I was hoping for a bigger turn up (there is a thread on waypoint where the community can submit maps for matchmaking, and a ton of people submit their maps with 0 tests or runthroughs) but few showed up.

    Anyway, I haven't edited the post over there, but I'm getting around to it soon.

    EDIT: Alright, I've updated the OP over there. For whatever reason the update broke the color system on waypoint and the OP is now entirely colourless, so I'm sorry about that.

    I'll leave any replies to the thread for now in case anyone here wants to reply over there (so it doesn't look like I'm bumping the thread. I'm already not in the best area with the moderators at the moment so I'd prefer to keep my infractions to a minimum).
    #49 SilentA98, Jun 25, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2013
  10. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Great news overkill, if anyone should take over this site, you're the man for the job. Looking forward to all of your plans and hopefully you can save this site. Could we get a rating system for maps? If you're taking the forgers 'name' out of the equation, this would be a great substitute to find quality maps.
  11. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Definitely keep leaving suggestions and input on what's going on. Right now, we've just been conversing and building up our staff again. Ovr has been behind the scenes working on his master plan, which I have no ideas about what that might be. He says that he'll provide more information in the coming hours or days (depending on his schedule), so we'll let you know more as soon as we can.
  12. oVR

    oVR Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, definitely part of the "master plan".

    So far, within the basic forum settings, I started to bring that goal of having maps recognized independent of the person with the "recently uploaded" and "maps in progress" on the side bars.

    Obviously its not enough nor is it good enough but, as we look into the technical side of implementing changes, it will surely improve.
  13. SilentA98

    SilentA98 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Meh, **** happens. Just like negative comments and negative behaviour will happen.

    This is likely a learning curve for oVR, give them a chance. If things like this continues to happen or oVR abuses their power, we could simply leave. If oVR can get forge hub back on its feet, then that's all well and good. Hopefully they'll learn eventually and/or not try and get too harsh with rules and everything else. People do stupid things, and people learn from those things. Give oVR a chance to learn.

    @oVR, please, don't abuse your power. If I may be frank, just because you're the administrator doesn't make you right.

    I'll probably get an infraction for this, but ah well. I'll live with it.

    EDIT: Anyway, on a more positive note, may I suggest bringing back the testers guild? We kinda need map testers to give feedback, especially if I'm diluting my Map Testing thread here. This'll be confusing for them, so if they were to see a giant "Map Testers" area, it'd probably help get them onto the right track a lot faster than having to dig around.
    #53 SilentA98, Jun 25, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2013
  14. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    We all need to take a couple steps back here and take it easy. After all, it's only been four(?) days. We definitely need to work on things on our end, that's for sure, but at the same time let's still try to keep things civil :)
  15. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    As much as I love to see you guys fighting for what you all think is right, this sort of commenting gets us nowhere. Let's try and use intelligence and reason rather than name-calling.
  16. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Like I said, it's only been a few days since Overkill's been in charge. There's still plenty of time to learn the gist of properly managing an online community.

    Things could've been handled better, but let's give it some time, eh?
  17. Security

    Security Ancient
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    I'm sorry but if you're just here to stir **** up I would rather you stop posting
  18. SilentA98

    SilentA98 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Can you show me anywhere else that oVR has done anything similar?

    Making one silly decision doesn't exactly make someone a dictator, and that really doesn't help contribute to the topic at hand.
  19. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that an admin should have experience before he jumps into the thick of things.
  20. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Following this theory, you should just be the better man and try out some intelligence. It might be more successful. I'm not backing anybody up here, I just am annoyed (like Security) at the idiotic name calling and posts simply to stir **** up. Organize your thoughts and make a case for yourself. That is the only way oVR might listen to you...


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