Pivot 09 Download: File Share Halo Official Site Players: 2-8 (small map) Game types: - Slayer variants (team or FFA) - CTF - KOTH (team or FFA) - Oddball (team or FFA) - Regicide - Flood Weapons: - Frag Grenade x2 (initial ordinance, 120 second re-spawn) - Frag Grenade x2 (initial ordinance, 120 second re-spawn) - Plasma Grenade x2 (initial ordinance, 120 second re-spawn) - Plasma Grenade x2 (initial ordinance, 120 second re-spawn) - Energy Sword (initial ordinance, no re-spawn) - Needler (random ordinance) - Needler (random ordinance) - Scattershot/Sticky Detonator (random ordinance) - Scattershot/Sticky Detonator (random ordinance) - Overshield (initial ordinance, 300 second re-spawn) Description: Small symmetrical indoor map that I started a while back and finally got around to finishing it. Just looking for some feedback on it, all feedback is welcome. Weapons: Sword and overshield are placed in the center of the map at an equal distance from the spawn point of each team. Needlers and plasma grenades spawn at each end of the hallway that seperates the map in half (not where Blue/Red teams spawn). Frag grenades spawn in Blue and Red team spawn rooms. Either a scattershot or a sticky detonator will spawn in both of the covered rotundas. Game Types: In CTF the flags and return plates will spawn on the highest platform in the spawn rooms. For KOTH the first hill should be right in the center of the map (main room) and from there it will go to each of the other places indicated in all of the pictures including there identical counterparts. Oddball will spawn in the center structure (where the purple light is). Flood will spawn on blue team side and survivors will spawn on red team side. There's nothing notably special about slayer and regicide game variants... *Screenshots should be working now but idk, they were working the last time i posted the thread, then they stopped working. If they stop working again i'll keep trying to figure it out but in the mean time you can follow this link to the screenshots section of my file share, the only pictures in there are of this map. Pictures: File Share Halo Official Site Main Room View 1 Main Room View 2 Main Room View 3 Blue Team Spawn Room (identical on red team side) Red Team Rotunda Covered (identical on blue team side) Red Team Rotunda Un-Covered (identical on blue team side) View of where the picture of "main room view 3" was taken, but from the opposite side... (Where Needlers and Plasma Grenades spawn) *Again, everything is completely symmetrical. Let me know what you think!
We didn't mean to post the link to the pictures on your File Share. No one's gonna click on that link just to view pictures of your map. Embed the actual images in your post.