Xbox One

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AnotherClaymore, May 21, 2013.

  1. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Its mainly the lineup of games theyve had that Im referring to, going back to PS2. (Dark Cloud, Tales of..., Star Ocean, Shadow of the Colossus, Journey, Ni no Kuni, etc.) Its just reassurring knowing that they have always had more rpgs than microsoft, and better ones too.
    #281 Aschur, Jun 16, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2013
  2. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    I am really excited for the new Xbox One, despite the giant circlejerk going on. I thought people were trolling when they were talking about the game sharing program but that sounds really amazing and streamlined. I can understand the hate coming from people who are region-locked or without a stable connection though. I know Major Nelson dropped in a thread on Reddit and answered a few questions. He also mentioned he's going to do an AMA closer to launch.


    [–]veul 390 points 18 hours ago
    Just an idea here. Why not allow there to be a Xbox Live option to allow "offline" mode, but it disables any family sharing? Like
    "If Xbox One hasn't connected in 24 hrs: [] Disable game & Allow Sharing [] Enable Game & Disallow Sharing"

    [–]majornelsonMajor Nelson - Microsoft 429 points 18 hours ago
    I'd have to check w/ the engineers, but I don't see why that would not be possible.


    Edit: Now I just need friends that are going to get the Xbox One...
    #282 Furry x Furry, Jun 16, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2013
  3. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Butthurt ITT

    Seriously, post one more joke and the response will cause this thread to devolve to YouTube-Comments-Console-Wars tier retarded. The fact that a ton of people on all of these sites are getting butthurt and are retaliating towards the people that are cracking jokes or just expressing discontent towards which black plastic gaming-brick to buy is making me cringe. If you're truly proud of which brick you picked, then you wouldn't be affected and you wouldn't get snarky when someone believes differently or makes a joke at its expense.

    This thread is about the Xbox One, and unfortunately for you, a lot of people are persuaded to buy a PS4 instead (I for one hate just about every exclusive XB1 has and know none of my friends are going to buy it), so did you honestly believe that this thread was going to be filled with a bunch of people jacking off to Microsoft?
  4. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    There's a difference between a joke and a shitty meme. I completely understand why people feel a bit alienated by the Xbox One but if this thread is for Xbox One discussion, there shouldn't be any kind of confusion as to why people are calling others out when they're not contributing to it at all. In short, you're not as funny as you think you are. It's not about fanboyism at this point.
    #284 Furry x Furry, Jun 16, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2013
  5. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    1) Nothing is forcing or obligating you into posting your crappy pictures. Could you just not post them, and make yourself look slightly less sheepish in the process?
    2) You DO NOT HAVE TO PICK A CONSOLE. You can simply not buy one. It isn't one or the other.
    3) Look at the other side of the dice. According to many, Sony can do no wrong, and to use your logic, did you honestly believe that (what should be) an intelligent discussion about the XB1 would be filled with a bunch of moronic fanboys jacking off to Sony?
    4) If you post a stupid, ignorant trollish comment designed to make you look like a misinformed prat, expect people to be ticked off. What do you think people will do? Look at the picture, put on a monocle and chuckle to themselves, before going back to a crossword and glass of port? Or respond. Something which you are inviting them to do.
    5) It is a MESSAGE BOARD. Why do you take offence when another human being posts in the same forum as you?

    For goodness sake, shut up Loscocco. You're a nice guy and all, but get off your imaginary high horse you deemed yourself worthy of sitting upon, and come play in the mud like the rest of us! There may even be pies thrown!
  6. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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    Rather than replying to each and every comment in this thread, I'm going to like the ones I agree with or find amusing.

    Still getting one for Forza.
  7. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    The choice is not yet made for me. But hearing that Kingdom Hearts III also comes to the Xbox One at least made it somewhat easier! If only my friends would get a Xbox One, would make it a lot easier. I think they mostly do it for the paying part, and I heard you have to pay for Playstation Plus now too, soo... :p
  8. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Because "shitty" isn't relative at all. And a comparison chart between the XB1 and a Brick isn't exactly a meme. Nevertheless, I'm sure everyone here is sorry for not picking a more politically correct console joke; we wouldn't want to offend any consumers who just can't help the choices they have committed to (they're pretty sensitive about it), because it matters.

    If you expect the discussion to be nothing but praise for the XB1, just because the thread is titled "Xbox One", then you're asking for people to stop having opinions.

    Really? Because it sounds like you're having a really hard time taking a joke, and have mistaken disapproval with one product as a massive circlejerk (a word that you have said frequently thus far) for the opposing product.

    I didn't know being a sheep meant poking fun at a console. So, the non-sheepish thing to do would be to either 1) stop looking for holes to poke fun at and join Microsoft's fanboy herd or 2) keep myself from posting entirely (because god forbid I make anyone who shares one specific opinion related to XB1 chuckle)?

    Wasn't saying buying was necessary to have an opinion. Sorry if I made it sound that way.

    I don't see why you're confusing disappointment with the Xbone as complete devotion to Sony. I hate Halo 4, but that doesn't make me want to fap to Black Ops II just because they compete with each other. I'm pretty sure everyone here wishes the Xbox was better suited for them, because everyone here must have some interest in Halo and Xbox to begin with: I don't think any of us wished death upon one console, because we're not the sadistic bigots that you've been making us out to be. So I really don't get where you're getting the whole "we're all bowing down and praying to the all knowing Sony" thing from, especially since most people here were Xbox 360 fanboys at one time or another.

    No, if they don't find it funny, then they don't find it funny. I'm not expecting everyone to find it funny or find some deep, intellectual meaning behind it, but that doesn't mean they should start raging and accusing everyone of being a bunch of sheep that spend their time jacking each other off (because sexual accusations, in fact, are high class jokes), because it's just a ****ing brick of plastic that plays games. It's not a matter of disagreeing, it's a matter of how people are losing their **** over it. I don't understand why anyone feels so entitled that they need to be so over-sensitive when it comes down to their own opinion of which plastic brick is better looking: if you really were secure with which console looks better suited for you, you wouldn't be getting your jimmies rustled over every person that makes a joke, calls it stupid, or doesn't agree with it.

    Completely valid point. I just clearly hate all people, and everything I say applies to every last person. Everyone go ask an admin to delete their accounts, because you all sicken me.

    Regardless, it is a message board, so why are you expecting deep, meaningful, and intellectual discussion, and nothing more, from an internet board? Chances are, the pictures that I've posted that have made you, and many others, lose your **** have made someone somewhere else laugh to themselves.

    No, I advise you all find some ladders so you can all get up on my level. Also, it's not a horse, it's a purebred stallion.
    #288 Loscocco, Jun 16, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2013
  9. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    /kills self.
  10. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    I have expressed discontent with the Xbox One as new information from this thread and other sources have trickled down. I have also expressed some of the things I like about it. I completely understand why people would be upset. (Sidenote: I have mentioned circlejerk all of two times.) Reposting the same picture over and over though and pledging allegiance to a certain console before it's even released is idiotic. It contributes nothing towards the conversation, and instead of acting like a child and expecting people not to call you out on it is pretty damn foolish.

    If you can't find new stuff to hate on the Xbox One about, why do you need to post a picture that depicts the same (usually misleading) information? We get it, it can't play used games. We get it, it has TV services. We get it, you're too hardcore. We get it, you have to check in every 24-hours. We get it, Sony has a certain game. No need to restate the obvious. There are advantages to both consoles, some of which you won't agree with. I called it a circlejerk because people are immediately deeming everything Microsoft does as evil. "Oh, you can access a friend's library digitally? Pfft, it can't do it offline though! It sucks!" They're not advertising it as an offline console... I am fine with the popular opinion being that they dislike Xbox One but it seems as if people made their mind up when we have just had a glimpse of what each console has to offer.

    Both consoles look great in my opinion and there's no reason to choose one over the other, or at least now until the release of each respective platform. I'm not asking for you to like the Xbox One or Microsoft, just try to add to the conversation instead of posting unoriginal "jokes."
    #290 Furry x Furry, Jun 16, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2013
  11. J DawgMillenium

    J DawgMillenium Promethean
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    On-topic: I want the Xbox One, but it is also possible that the PS4 will eventually become compatible with the Oculus Rift. I will wait it out.
  12. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    Very true, I believe one of the developers over at Oculus mentioned that they were thinking about possibly porting it to the Playstation 4. I wouldn't expect such a feature at launch of it and I wouldn't completely rule it out for the Xbox One, even though it is highly unlikely, especially by comparison. Until Oculus Rift proves itself on its own, I think Microsoft will play it safe. That's assuming Oculus would even want to cooperate with them though. At this point, I don't think I would be into such a thing except for in a flight simulator (which was shown off by some EVE folks IIRC) or something but I'll have to see in order to believe. I hope everybody will be able to experience that level immersion. It would give Sony an even sharper edge though, for sure.
    #292 Furry x Furry, Jun 16, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2013
  13. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    good god, I would LOVE it if oculus worked for ANY console. That alone would sell me on an Xbox One.
  14. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Because calling everyone a bunch of circlejerkers (if that is a word) is the mature standpoint to tell me this from and has no hyperbolic connotation behind it. At least the picture had the intent on making people laugh rather than just shitting on everyone. And one picture was reposted, but did you honestly think whoever put it up the second time was going to scan through multiple pages to see if it had been posted before?

    Being a fanboy is a problem. Making a joke isn't swearing allegiance.

    Maybe I haven't scanned the thread enough, but I have yet to see a huge collection (I have seen a few people) of people screaming about how MS is from hell: I think you're blowing the entire thing out of proportion. As I said before, I don't think anyone here wants to see the Xbone fail, because who profits from that? MS dropped a ton of bombs at E3 recently, so I don't see why anyone anywhere wouldn't be talking nonstop about the same few features (DRM, Always Online, Select Countries, game selection, etc...). If you actually don't mind those features, and think it's a good console in the end, then good for you, but that doesn't change how it affects other people.

    The joke is clearly not directed towards your demographic, and the fact that you think it's unoriginal and unfunny doesn't mean no one else does.

    Honestly, things like these console wars at E3 only dictates which console I buy first.
  15. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    2's not a "small percentage" as I'm sure others have weighed in. More people don't have the internet requirements required than do (and I'm just talking about Xbox's target market, not just world population).

    The point is Microsoft has chosen to limit it potential consumer base by drawing a line in the sand without needing to. It would be one thing if most people had great internet and Microsoft didn't want to pay more money to support a minority, but that isn't the case. It doesn't cost Microsoft 1 cent to allow the console to play games without an internet connection and that decision removes anyone who might have otherwise wanted to buy one but didn't have the internet (again, they exist whether you want to believe they don't or not).

    Forced adoption is rarely well received. But hey, we'll see how long these policies last come release of the console and how it fairs in sales. If PS4 really takes off while Xbox One sits on the shelves we'll have our answer to what consumers think of Microsoft. Until then, it's just heavy handed language on both sides of the fence.
  16. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    I was under the impression that they were targeting people who had Xbox Live Gold, which requires the same internet they had before. I'm not saying that's right, but it's obvious they're not going for the demographic without internet because they made most of their money off of subscriptions and want to bring more to the service with the inclusion of cloud processing (albeit a gimmick), library sharing and what have you. There are blatant limitations to the consoles, but none that will hinder the experience for many, but enrich it since you can try friend's games online and play games with an interesting client/server kind of dynamic, similar to how plug-ins work in Minecraft. I want to be able to share my games with my family, and the console subscription is pretty awesome in my opinion.

    I'm not buying an X1 (or PS4 FWIW) at launch because I still think they can refine some things but I think they have a few exciting things to offer and that doesn't necessarily make me a fanboy either. I get that people want to speak out for the people without stable internet connectivity but if they can't connect, when did you play with them aside from the few times on local? Just curious. In the event that your internet does go out, I believe you can authenticate by other means too but that's still unclear.

    Connection is mainly required for sharing games online with your ten friends though. As I previously mentioned, you might be able to disable this feature so that you can play the game offline at the expense of not being able to share it online, which would be great for people who are offline. I know we'll have to wait and see if it becomes official but I don't see why they wouldn't. I don't think most people (ironically on the internet most of the day) would be pleased, but that's fine I guess.
  17. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    how do you know more people dont have internet access than do within the xbox's target market? im pretty sure microsoft has a better idea of the numbers than either of us. and as greedy as they may be, they're not retarded. im sure they did plenty of research. do you really think they would have made an internet-required device if the majority of their target audience didnt have access to internet? i have a feeling they wouldn't.
    most of these next gen games announced require you to be online to play them as intended anyway. it still doesnt seem all that likely to me that theres tons of people in the market for either console if they dont have access to internet. im not talking about this site, but it still seems to me like the majority of the people complaining are just doing it based on principle, not because it actually affects them.
  18. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You have it exactly right. The target for the X1 is the fratboys that play FPS games all the time and don't give two shits about offline anything or singleplayer.
  19. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    which is the majority of the consumer base. CoD has been the best selling game 4 years in a row now. madden and fifa are pretty close as well.

    im not necessarily a fan of the the decisions ms has made regarding the one, but i dont think anything is all that terrible either. i think if this verification thing is necessary, once every week would be pretty reasonable. maybe they'll change some things with all of this backlash, but even the way it is now isnt really a dealbreaker for me.
  20. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    2 market as in the USA, UK, the main regions where they sell the Xbox.

    In the USA, 77.3% of Americans have an internet connection. That number includes any internet connection, not whether that internet is sustained. According to the last stat there, 85 million of those 239 million have broadband. 85 million Americans out of 310 million have the capability to run their Xbox just fine. This doesn't get into demographics of who makes up that 85 million that would actually buy the Xbox but the point is, that's a lot of Americans that could potentially buy one but can't because of the policy.

    In the UK, "In 2012, 21 million households in Great Britain (80 per cent) had Internet access, compared with 19 million (77 per cent) in 2011." according to Internet Access - Households and Individuals, 2012 which is great for specifically Great Britian (doesn't say much about the rest of the UK) but that's still 21 million out of 53 million (the population of England) and that again doesn't include the number of those people who don't have a stable enough internet connection to support the xbox.

    Regardless of how the math works, the point is even if it was a "minority" which it isn't (at least not in the connotation you're giving it, 500 million is a "minority" compared to 1 billion but you wouldn't make policies that shun 500 million potential customers because that would just be stupid), we're talking about many millions of potential customers that have been cut off for very little justification. Microsoft could have included all the bells and whistles while still allowing the console to play games without an internet connection. There is no consumer friendly reason for changing this. They did it because publishers put pressure on them to do so. Wood wonk, it doesn't kill you to acknowledge this. Whether it effects your decision or not to buy the console doesn't matter, you can do what you want with your money, but don't shake off the concerns of A LOT of people because you think Microsoft doesn't need to satisfy some tiny vocal minority.

    And Furry, lots of people have xbox silver membership which is a free membership. So to assume they're only targeting their xbox gold demographic which pays them the fee is further subdividing their user base. And you want to know what happens when you market to only one portion of your userbase. You get what happened to Sega where they released a new console in the middle of the lifespan of it's well selling one with the mindset that their 1 key demographic would all buy the new one. When they didn't (because they already had a console that ran just fine) Sega went belly up.
    #300 PacMonster1, Jun 18, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2013

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