I didn't, but I might be invested in them. Also this is cool Photoshop Live - Street Retouch Prank - YouTube
It was an announcement which will probably be postponed, just like Kingdom Hearts 3. You'll be so disappointed if they're actually released in 2014.
I don't think that the company producing that is owned by Sony or Microsoft, but I could be wrong. It also isn't an exclusive for either console (right?).
I mean, personally I don't because I don't have nearly enough cash on hand to do it myself. But for my econ class this year we started a stock simulation project (in realtime) with $100k and I ended up with a net worth of around $167k.
I didnt watch e3. watched highlights. Only thing thats changed is my opinion of halo 5 and xbox one. Spoiler Can't wait for Watch Dogs and gta 5 though.
Completely agree on both statements. Nothing jumped out and said "****ing get this game *****" with the halo 5 tease. Also, I don't understand the rational behind the connecting to internet atleast once every 24 hour period. And as of now the xbox one is a xbox 360 with a blu ray player and a video camera strapped on in my eyes. Well, if you took the original xbox controller and put it with the 360. And didn't allow used games because thats to cliche. Oh and **** older console games, nostalgia is another form of being a *****.
How does Halo 5 look meh when there was no gameplay footage? I'm not defending it, just wondering. The rationale behind the 24-hour check-in period is that you and 10 friends are able to share games digitally with one another, which you might be able to use to play cooperatively or in multiplayer. It WILL have its limitations though which haven't been clarified. Recently, Major Nelson has said that he is going to ask the engineers if it will be possible to disable online sharing in order to play it offline. The Xbox One is built on a new x86 architecture which would have to have another virtual box inside (that would be 4 OS's on a single box) in order to play older games. It's unfortunate and am happy Sony is pushing for game streaming which could easily be accomplished with X1's cloud if they decide to advertise it. I am glad Sony is pushing for that kind of competition, even though I probably won't play them all that often. I'd play more PS3 emulations because I missed out on a lot of current-gen exclusives. Also, you could have made so much more money with a 100k investment.
Given that I didn't really have a lot of knowledge on the subject, had appx. a month and a quarter of time, and could make a maximum investment of $20k into one company, I would say that I did pretty well.
Could've just cheated and invested in a commodity that was historically doing well. Like gold, oh wait. Spoiler I'm gonna go cry in a corner now.
I have had two days of summer. Summer is now over for me. Life is about to get tough, but I think this will pass.
What, you mean an ETF? Basically something that won't have 1 month gains over roughly 10% at best (just a random guess, I don't follow gold)? No thanks, I'll stick to day trading/penny stocks