Well whether it "fails" them or not remains to be seen when the console comes out. I certainly hope it does. Tired of companies getting away with taking advantage of their consumers. The main issue here is that the mass majority of consumers for this kind of tech aren't watching E3 or read corporate policies.
Honestly, I thought they had a pretty good lineup of games. I don't really think it's inherently evil either, they might just be misunderstood. I mean, the used games thing is an option for the publisher, creating a universal system to circumvent the online pass thing but extended the capabilities just in case. On top of that, I think they're really pushing what can be done with cloud processing but haven't been advertising some of the real possibilities. Microsoft has never been as open as Sony but I think their cloud processing techniques can be used in largely immersive games for great benefit. Maybe they don't know what they can do with it, or the PR person just completely wrote it off. I think there could have been a good compromise for being online and what that can bring to the game, but they certainly did not represent that like they should have.
See the problem here is the "good" in their plan is more speculative than the evil. We know restrictions on playing games because PC has shown us how that goes. Until we see a "cloud" game benefiting from the service it will continue to just be fancy talk. But I wouldn't call their new polices "misunderstood". It's clear who they are for and it isn't the consumer. They chose this path because they could and they figure consumers will buy their system regardless.
ehehehhheh. at this PR ****ing meltdown. and at pacmonster, because he mad bro. i wasnt even trolling and he gets trolled, every thread with a kind of debate involving him gets so heated it becomes worthless discussing it any further. im pretty sad that titanfall will be xbox exclusive (console-wise) but i don't think i'm missing out too much as there's destiny and then there's battlefield 4 so i'm satisfied for first person shooters. The division looked real sweet, i wish i had friends like the ones they were playing with in the demo lol. overall theres no real console exclusivity thats pulling me either way. halo is getting less and less exciting - and the community is getting smaller, lol - and i like killzone and infamous second son looks like a major step up from the old infamous games - i never liked the setting but seattle looks cool.
Titanfall is exclusive? I thought it was just announced at the Microsoft conference, like how Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III will be multi-platform. Edit: Nevermind. :c Edit 2: It's okay, vertical combat is terrible. Remember Spire?
Seriously, what's your problem? The thread hasn't deformed into endless debate because of the three posts that were "too long". Titanfall will also be out on PC.
FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555. I'm done.
Dude?! Are you for real!? Thats crazy. I'm always online anyways but I just think they're crazy! I can't comprehend this move they made, it just seems so stupid to me.
The funny thing (or scary thing, for Microsoft) is that I'm the kind of guy that doesn't care about this at all - as in, my XBox is always online anyway, and I don't care if my XBone is always online or if they're auto-updating it all the time behind my back. Really couldn't care less. However, the general reaction to this "feature" has been so negative that it may dissuade me from buying this console... not because I'm easily swayed by the opinions of others, but more because I'm starting to be concerned that people won't support the console overall and two years from now, it'll be moribund. Don't want to pay $500 for a piece of pre-dead hardware, thank you.
which is honestly a stupid reason. If you like racing games, ps4 and even pc have them. Most of them better than forza.
Im just saiyan. At least he isnt going bonkers over gran tourismo, which is probably the only racing game worse than forza.
Unrelated, but still important; Project Spark is confirmed to be FREE and released within a short launch window with the Xbox One. It will also have (at least) one beta on Windows 8, and possibly the 360. Granted, you could just get Project Spark on the 360 though. I'm not saying that it warrants the purchase of the One, I'm buying One regardless.