I want to know if there are going to be more technical issues on the PS4 as we saw with the AC demo. I also want to know the full extent of MS's cloud computing. There are actually a lot of questions I'd like to see explored in more detail, but I suppose we have several months for that.
I agree that Sony killed it, I just finished watching their conference due to business earlier. Gotta say, while the launch lineup isnt as great as Xbone, there are a couple of games I know I want already. I'd like to give infamous a go, since I was interested in the original when it came out but never had a ps3 to play it. As well as Final Fantasy Versus 13... I mean Final Fantasy 15, mother of god have I been waiting forever for that game to come out IWANTITRIGHTNOW. And then you have sony's track record with exclusives like Ni no Kuni and Uncharted. Sounds like even if they arent set for the launch lineup, they have a longterm lineup that will be better.
The Destiny reveal was the first I heard an applause during the whole conference. I think people are just getting a PS4 simply because it's not an xbox, which is ridiculous because the xbox isn't THAT bad. Always online? I'm always online anyway.. No used games? Buy new, support the developer. I went into the Sony conference expecting to be amazed, I wanted to feel the need to purchase both systems, but it didn't take me in. All I seen was a petty argument over DRM, some infantile mudslinging, and a bunch of mediocre exclusives.
Launch Titles (Stolen from Reddit): Kinect Sports Rivals (Kinect) - RARE Ryse: Son of Rome (New IP) - Crytek Forza Motorsport 5 (Drivatar) - Turn 10 Dead Rising 3 (Holiday 2013, SmartGlass) - Capcom Madden 25 (PS4) - EA Sports All Exclusives for the XBO (Again Stolen from Reddit): Killer Instinct (2013) - RARE Sunset Overdrive (New IP) - Insomniac Minecraft: One Edition (Bigger Worlds)- Mojang Quantum Break (New IP) - Remedy D4 (Kinect) - Swery65/Microsoft Studios Below (New IP) - CAPY Project Spark (ALSO WINDOWS 8, New IP, Kinect, SmartGlass) - Team Dakota/MS Studios Crimson Dragon (New IP, Kinect Possible) - Grounding Inc./Land Ho! Co Ltd. Untitled Project/Trailer (New IP) - Black Tusk Studios Halo (2014, 60FPS) - 343 Industries Zoo Tycoon (ALSO 360, Kinect) - Frontier/MS Studios Powerstar Golf - Zoe Mode LocoCycle (ALSO 360) - Twisted Pixel Games At the moment, I see absolutely no games that I'm interested in that are exclusive to the XBO. The only three I express any interest in are Ryse, Dead Rising 3, and Project Spark(Which isn't even exclusive, I'll get to that in a second). Ryse looks like a very gritty, very gory, slasher game. It's an incredibly good looking game and Crytek is definitely holding up to their godly graphical standards. But I got bored fairly easily (As I did watching most game trailers across all of the conferences this year) while watching the trailer and gameplay for it. There wasn't really anything that seemed all that great about it. Sitting there watching this armor-clad roman soldier spill thousands of pints of blood on the ground just seems unnecessary. Not to mention, the game is absolutely nothing like what it was promised to be... Dead Rising 3 looks alright, but there's definitely a bad taste left in my mouth after the previous DR games. The last three DR games had an awful and clunky combat system. They also had uninteresting stories that were plain predictable and boring. I'll be keeping my eye on it, but I don't have high hopes. And, finally, Project Spark. While I'm sure the Win8 version of this fantastic new engine will probably be comparable to Unity, the XBO version they demo'd on stage looks to be pretty limited. This leads me to believe every twelve-year-old who thinks he can make games better than actual developers is going to make the exact same project spark game over and over and call themselves professional game makers. So if you're looking for an intro-level zero-knowhow game engine, you might just want to check out Unity, CryEngine, or even Unreal Engine. All of them are free, full-feature, game engines that are incredibly user-friendly. I'm not even going to comment on the new 'Halo' (Seriously? Can't even come up with a name for it?). After the disgrace that H4 was, I can absolutely guarantee that it is not worth buying the console over. Heck, in my opinion, it's probably not even worth the price of the game... Whenever it comes out... Garrett, I love you bro. But I wholeheartedly disagree. Also, I have more trees than you. Dude, we live in Canada. Our internet is so unstable it's not even funny. And, of all people, you're saying you're always online? Dare I remember from a week ago where you were getting 1667ms ping and 0.02Mb/s download? With speeds like that, it's incredibly likely that your XBO won't even register connecting to the network. It'll time out and you literally won't be able to use your $600 console for anything other than TV. This is especially so with a lot of games pushing the computations to the cloud. If your ping is even 50ms it means it takes at least 50ms to send the data to the server, a ms or so to calculate, then another 50ms to send it back. This means that your game is permanently more than 0.1sec behind because of the always-on requirement. That's approaching game-breaking. Now imagine that with over 1sec ping... That's not how it works... The developer rarely gets profits from game sales. And, if they do, it's usually only a minuscule amount. When you buy new, you're not supporting the developer whatsoever; you're supporting the publisher. I think that this E3 has shown me that I should save my money for Steam Sales, Watch_Dogs, The Division, and Destiny. They're really the only games I'm genuinely interested in this time around. I'm feeling pretty PC Master Racey after this year's conferences.
Every time someone says this I want to smack them. Thats not what you're doing when you buy a new game. The publisher gets 99% of a new game sale with a few dollars going to the retailer. The developers make the same amount of money from their salaries regardless of how the game sold. If you really want to support the developers, buy DLC because that money is usually a direct line to them (developers normally get a decent slice of the money over the publisher with amount of DLC content sold). And it doesn't matter how you got the game to do that. Indirectly if a game reaches certain post launch milestones such as a high meta critic review score or a number of copies sold the publisher might give the developers a bonus, but that is not a guarantee. Publishers have been more known to fire developers after a game sells to recoup costs, (just ask ensemble studios when halo wars launched)
to each their own. From what I could tell, the soldiers had to rely on buildings for their "butt-thrusters" to be effective while engaging larger beings (ala 3D Manuever Gear), the primary character used the latter to engage others of its kind (ala Eren), and attacking the nape-esque area was the most effective way to defeat them (ala titans). The general ideas between the two are very similar, IMO. but yes, an AoT game would be awesome.
Well.. Halo would be the only reason for me to buy the Xbox One. What about Destiny folks... man it looks awesome! Extremely excited for it. Here is the gameplay for the people who haven't seen it yet. Spoiler And when they announced Kingdom Hearts III, I was amazed. Kingdom Hearts III! I think so many people have waited for it. Spoiler http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npjBHFb0fZM Nintendo is showing much too, Legend of Zelda (Windwaker HD and A Link Between Worlds), Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D world, and probally my favorite Super Smash Bros. There was a trailer for Megaman being in SSB. Linky Spoiler Super Smash Bros for 3DS and Wii U - Mega Man Joins the Battle! - YouTube So many amazing games.. I named a few above here which I am excited for but those are defenitly not all. The Witcher 3, Halo 5!, Elder Scrolls Online, Titanfall, Dark Souls II, Dead Rising 3. And with this I'm still not naming them all! Sorry for not immediatly linking the video's, I can only do one per post.
SOOOOOOO excited for the 3ds Smash bros, I actually get to play it without having to buy a **** Wii U. Also, considering Megaman was in the GB demake of smash bros, I was anticipating him to show up. (Would be cool to professor layton or someone from his franchise) I've come out of this wanting; A PS4, FF15, Pokemon, Smash Bros, Titanfall, Witcher 3, and most surprisingly... Kingdom Hearts 3.(I hated the story of the one I played, but the combat was nice) That MGS trailer and the Transistor ones had good music, so im in on those as well.
So you have a 3DS. Is it worth it to still buy it? Because man, the awesome games coming to that also! SSB for sure, but also Legend of Zelda : A Link Between worlds. Kingdoms Hearts III was indeed surprising to say the least. You have seen the Megaman SSB trailer right? If not here is the link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-yaQkDcSk Great trailer, awesome music at the ending.
If you are a fan of Pokemon, Fire Emblem or Animal Crossing, I'd say the purchase is worth it. Anything else is just icing on the cake, I actually wish the 3ds was their flagship console instead of Wii U.
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Wii Fit Trainer Joins the Battle! - YouTube EDIT: Loscocco posted it earlier, hahaha. Have Megaman and the Wii Fit Trainer been the only two announced so far?
the villager from animal crossing was in the trailer before megaman. Guess I would forget him too if I was super excited about megaman. I actually want a pokemon trainer as a character now.
TBH, I'm not too excited about any of the new characters so far, although I do like the fact that they are branching out instead of pulling characters from the same pool of games. That said, I would love to see Viewtiful Joe as a playable character and the return of Lucas. I'm pumped, Brawl and the others games preceding it are a blast with friends even to this date.