i'll probably get it soon after it comes out, if not day 1. cant say i really expected it to be anything less than 500.
I really want to check out the new Halo game to see what 343i learned, and hopefully it will be a great game, however, there is no way I could support MS's new DRM policies, so I decline to get the Xbox one.
Yeah I'm out on that one. Watch though, 343 will get everything right and make the forge everything we wanted it to be. I'll be so mad.
This is a very difficult decision for me. If I get the PS4, there will be no Halo, Kinect stuff, and (possibly) no Minecraft. If I get the Xbox One, there will be more restrictions on trading, selling, playing, etc. "So they say to me, they say, 'Vaas! Vaas! Who the **** is it going to be? Them or me? Me or them?' Like, you know, like they ****ing think that I need to make a ****ing choice!"
When you buy a game for the Xbox One, you're essentially buying 10 licenses for that game. The fact that your friends can play it also is something that I think a lot of people are overlooking.
"Family" is how they referred to that. So it's still unclear how it will work and what decides who's "family". Is it just a code that you can give up to ten people to allow them to play your games? Do they have to sign in to your gamer tag to play them? Is this policy just for gold members? Do these "family members" have to all be on the same credit card?
For those that have been wondering, Final Fantasy XV isn't an exclusive Sony title. I think Mad Max is also multi-platform. Source: E3 2013: Final Fantasy XV Comes to Xbox One - IGN EDIT: Kingdom Hearts III is also coming to Xbox One Source: http://au.ign.com/articles/2013/06/11/e3-2013-kingdom-hearts-iii-heading-to-xbox-one
oh well, dont really mind it going to it, just means more people get to play it. But Dark Sorceror was just a tech demo, not a game.
EDIT: Whoops, COMPLETELY wrong thread. Stupid multiple tabs xD Xbox: 1 Playstation: 4 I think Xbox just lost SO much of their supporters.
...any parent who pays for their children/themselves/etc live account? I'm not saying families can only have one card I'm saying Microsoft might limit its sharing to only live accounts linked to the same card, as that's one of the few ways of determining if someone actually is family.
My guess is it'll be a system similar to the family gold packs they already have. You designate a parent account and connect it to all the others. However, this could mean that you have to be paying for the Gold Membership of anyone you want to share your games with using this method.
Its almost as if Microsoft is working for Sony. That's hilarious. Sony is crapping all over Microsoft. It seems like they are making such obviously stupid choices imo, how can they not expect this to fail them?