Vent Your Frustrations!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Xun, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Although I was a regular member here, I never posted anything of worth. I never made any decent maps (or really tried to, at all), and ended up falling out of contact with the community.

    Sorry guys
  2. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    This is kind of a frustration?

    There's an absolutely stunning girl at my school, whom of which I don't even know the name of. It's bittersweet as I'm about 80% sure she's just another hot girl with no brains. However, she was in one of my transfer orientation classes, and she asked interesting questions. But... I may never know which she is. Although maybe it's better I don't meet her as she'll always be that perfect girl who probably is awesome.

    Here's where I realize I sound very creepy..

    PS She's WAY out of my league. No questions asked lmao. Also, when I say stunning, I mean extremely stunning. Though she kinda dresses to, ahem, impress, so I don't know what to say there...

    Anyways, ya. Sucks, but kinda is awesome.
    #1062 Monolith, Feb 23, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2013
  3. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    they flat out refuse to negotiate, and are willing to defend themselves in court

    insurance can't sue them because of the technicality they stand on, so the repairs are coming out of my pocket


    Needless to say, I am very bitter with this whole experience.
  4. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
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    Sue dem sons of the bitches.
  5. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Welcome to the real world... where people are willing to go to court than pay for their own child's doings (or at least some of it).

    It stinks that it happened at your school. If it had happened at your or their home then it would've gone down better..

    If all else fails, decide to help him/her (i forget if it's a boy or a girl) with their laptop after the janitor waxes the hallways particularly well that day. Coincidence? I think yes.

    Lol just kidding..... don't do that..
  6. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I don't even. All that effort, gone. ****ing *****. But I can't call her that, because I'd stoop to her level, I have to take the high road so she realizes that I was right all along and phase 2.5 works out of my plan, but that implies that she will realize..

    Women amaze me.

    I don't even. All that effort, gone. ****ing *****. But I can't call her that, because I'd stoop to her level, I have to take the high road so she realizes that I was right all along and phase 2.5 works out of my plan, but that implies that she will realize..

    Women amaze me.
  7. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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    "Accidentally" knock her phone or other expensive device she is bound to have seeing as her parents sound like rich white people onto the floor then "accidentally" stand on it in the "confusion". Or "accidentally" scratch her parents expensive car. Or punch the ***** in the face and take whatever punishment comes your way, knowing full well it was worth it.

    Also, talk down to her constantly and wind her up whenever possible, just generally make her life a misery for making yours the same. Karma baby. Some people deserve it.
    #1067 ♥ Sky, Feb 26, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2013
  8. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    I think the majority of problems in life can be solved by one of two things if not both:
    A) A copious amount of monies.
    B) A great ****ing lawyer.

    And if you have neither, well be prepared to get dicked around the rest of your life.
  9. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    Today is the day that residents living on campus can select to keep their rooms. They sent out the email saying it was open for us to do so around 5 PM Est, and the servers have been down since for overload and close at midnight.

    Also, anyone on their third year or higher is not guaranteed on-campus housing for the first time in a long while.
  10. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Yeah, you can do some pretty stupid **** and get away with it with the right authority at your side. Aka, if your parents are well known, you have a great lawyer, you're famous, etc.

    Also, today's frustration = My naive friends who want me to watch the most dumb movies. They think every and any movie with jason statham, the rock, or jeremy renner is an incredible movie. All they seem to care about is explosions, gore, or family guy humor. I don't care if somebody's naive but don't push me into the same boat. Also, my one friend's twin is borderline racist, and you can't do squat about it. He's like, "You take me too seriously," I'm like, "are you shitting me? you ridicule all races outside your own (he's "white") behind their backs and laugh about it all the time!"

    On sort of similar note: Abrasive people. I've always been a quiet person, and I will not inflict any harm on anyone else (at least in-person), even if someone paid me. Unfortunately, some view me as a coward, and can't for the life of them (or at least seemingly) see past this opinion. So I won't write off other people's opinions, even if I personally find them offensive (again, at least in-person). People like Steve Jobs would write off, basically, a person's very existence right in front of their face. There's a reason he's often been called a jerk, at least imo. Don't get me wrong, I think short term authoritarian methodology is good, but long-term it's terribly inhibiting. So, I'm stuck to saying squat to people in-person because I'm a pretty damn inhibited person.... for better or worse. In other words, I get pretty "butthurt" when people call me out for ****, and I know it's happened quite a bit on this site sometimes. Anyways, yeah, it annoys me when people who go around judging people with little to no regard or reverence to their background. I know I've been known to do this on the internet so I can't say I'm much better than those people. However, it can be tough facing the brunt of jokes, and it sucks when people go around doing this to other people like it's nothing but fun and games. I know quite a few people with depression, and people who have gone so far as to attempt suicide, so it annoys me when people take these facts haphazardly.

    Anyways, yeah. Just wish there was more respect between people. Hate it when people seemingly gang up on others. But that's pretty much basic human nature.. Anyways, I realize I'm kinda just ranting at this point, so... yeah, gonna head out..
    #1070 Monolith, Mar 4, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2013
  11. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    Welcome to humanity

    the best you can hope to do is not go along the same path.
  12. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    Ok, I might as well resurrect this thread.

    My luck with gaming in two cases has gone to the shits. I shall simply say three words: PC, XBOX and connection/ping.

    Ok, I was at first sorting out files and past papers from (a BRITISH) college now it is close to being finished when the files on top of the shelf DIRECTLY ABOVE MY LAPTOP fell of right ON TOP OF IT. ALL EIGHT OF THEM filled with like HALF A TON of paperwork.

    Luckily, the PC was mostly intact with my R and C keys coming off and my space bar looking slightly wonky. Plugged them back in and all seemed fine.

    Then I turn on the XBOX and play some H4 matchmaking and it goes to the shits. Constantly switching hosts, which either makes me 'die' and losing some power weapons, makes me face the wrong way, or makes me somehow 'teleport' several metres away from one location to another every few seconds. Or some guys just don't die. Then XBOX Live goes to hell as I was switching games and such in annoyance.

    Then I switch over to the PC and amongst the R key coming off again and not seeming like it wants to go back on again (classic personification), then when Im on another game, Im either driving in circles, unable to stop moving or can't do anything at all.

    Now my only logical device I can game on is my IPAD.

    Still, could be worse...

    Rage Over
  13. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    check the keyboard for flaks of metal, or stuck/broken buttons

    make sure to wear sterile gloves and a static discharger (run a wire from your person to any metal object attached the ground), laptop tech is delicate, and **** tends to happen when you are not careful.
  14. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Gonna go ahead and say stoicism is pretty dumb.
  15. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    internet arguments

    people not reading my posts properly
    people not taking into account multiple contexts
    people getting ahead of themselves with false dilemma

    trying and failing to multiquote/cascade quotes automatically
  16. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Everything I thought I knew is a lie. Being backstabbed by a gypsy ****ing hurts, and it's taken me a while to recover, I don't know if I will. I've been trying to believe that she's not just some floozy ass *****, but I can't deny it anymore. [REDACTED], I'm glad you have chlamydia, if anyone in the world deserves it, it's you, you ****ing gypsy piece of ****. (Wow, that actually felt good to say -- even if I just typed it.)

    Two days after that ordeal, another dumb ****, possibly also hailing from Romania runs a yield and T-bones my car, and I get stuck with fault. I took it to the police, and they just told me "If what I told them had happened actually happened, it would be her fault, but she told her story first." so that's a huge jump in my insurance rates.

    Now not only am I depressed and **** over my life going from top-notch to essentially rock-bottom in two days, ****ing finals; normally not a big deal, but because I'd failed two courses first semester, I need to get an A- average and to be honest, I was neither prepared or mentally able to perform after all that ****. Cue post-finals mental breakdown. My GPA is 1.4, which is ****ing borderline able to return next year, but that doesn't matter, because I'm taking a gap year anyway.

    But wait! There's more!

    My parents decide to move into the middle of nowhere (ask Vince or Sharp). Since April 4th, this has been my speedtest results.
    And I can't get a job, because I don't have experience, because I don't have a job. I've applied and gotten interviews, and they always bring up the fact that "I lack the preferred level of experience."

    So I meet another girl, she's really great and we have brilliant chemistry between us, it's as if we're invincible when we're together. We're extremely similar in a lot of ways, too. She's gone through basically the same thing as me in the last year, including all that **** up there ^^, save the car accident. The problem lies in the fact that she has the same internet as I do, and her phone is legitimately broken. It feels like she's slipping out of my reach because she lives so far away. The only communication between us is a one-post-per-10/14-day conversation over facebook. I just want to hang out with her, but even a simple task is completely out of this realm of possibility.

    //Tl;Dr version:
    OldGirl = Gypsy;
    CarInsurance ++;
    GPA --;
    ShittyInternet = True;
    NetIncome = 0.00;
    NewGirl = null;
    #1076 pinohkio, Jun 8, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2013
  17. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    I'm sure you can reason with your insurance company

    you can also take whats-her-face to small claims court, depending on where you are, there are traffic cams everywhere
  18. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Insurance company won't budge, they won't go against the police report. Unfortunately there are no traffic cams in the back lot on campus either.
  19. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I'm sorry but that sucks. Long distance relationships are the worst too. Maybe try to get a job through a family friend, if possible. That's how I got my first job, good luck.
  20. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Upgraded my service package on Thursday to the most expensive one, which still is only 5mb/s down and 2mb/s up. Now it's back down to Afghan speeds. Either my shitty ISP throttled the **** out of my Internet for absolutely no reason (1250ms ping is DEFINITELY worth the $60/month); or the moment there's a cloud in the sky, my Internet just goes to ****. Fortunately it's hard to justify the purchase of a single shotgun shell.

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