Good games tonight, some really good maps in the rotation, even if some of those maps happened to have random holes in the floor haha.
Sorry I was late. Contingencies were not expected in my schedule. I tried to join an hour in, but the spots were all taken: better luck next time. You guys might as well make reviews of the maps you have seen to give me a clear picture of your session.
Heeyyyyy, look at this guy. You were on fire last night, Mink, I was finding it incredibly difficult to kill you.
Recap for TCOJ Tuesday 4/6/2013 Hey Guys! This is the Recap thread for the TCOJ lobby of 4/6/2013. You guys must have some thoughts on the stuff we played last night, so this is the place to put them down in writing, like tiny atom bombs of truth and praise. Be nice, be mean, er.... whatevs. Thanks to everyone who attended. It seems people are still willing to keep doing great custom nights amidst all the confusion and wailing and gnashing of teeth, so hats off to you all. I'll post my recap later on. Peace
Gamertag: Shadowcat AZ Map name: The Mona Lisa Gametype: Mona Lisa Variant Description: A linear style Flood map inside of the Mona Lisa, a derilict ship floating in the debis field of Halo Tested: No Finished: No. Mods, if you could delete this post, it would be great! I have pulled this map off of my fileshare to make modifications to it. As soon as I have it ready, I will repost. Thanks to all of you who have shown an interest in this map, and I will get it all fixed asap!
I don't know what time you guys started, so I'll just post what I played in order: Arboretum/Nitrogen: Were these actually the same map?? I'll pretend they were even if they weren't. I really like this map. The flow was great, it never forced me to run into the entire enemy team, provided enough cover to survive with minimal sprint usage and had just enough angles to threaten a set-up without destroying it completely. I did feel the Sniper was a bit too well protected though, I'd recommend either a small window to nade through on the left and right of the snipe hall (just after the rock walls), or rearranging the pillars. Other things could be done, but that's what sticks out to me after a couple of games. Extraction played well, I was surprised, but the spot near the lift was a little bit.. clusterfucky when capturing/protecting. The damage boost pickup worked surprisingly well, kudos. Palisade: This map confused me. The centre I feel needs to be spread out a small amount with a tiny, tiiiiny bit more cover on the raised centre-ring. I did feel like a stair way to the centre-ring was needed in the "spawn pits", as they were pretty much a deathtrap (in a 4v4, but on the other hand, in a 2v2 I feel like it wouldn't take a lot of thought to know where the enemy are), maybe an extra level is in order? Regardless, I've saved it as my go to 1v1 map and added a 1-mag snipe bottom mid, it just felt "right" for it. SVH1(?): Regardless of it's porous nature (everyone thought that jump was on purpose anyway, so it's k ), I like this map a lot. I did feel it needed a tricky jump to get from bottom to top mid, but other than that I have no real complaints. I didn't get any bad spawns, I could jump on top of the small bases and tame top-mid with help from teammates and I just found it interesting to play, overall. I would like to see some placed weapons on the outer walls of the map though. Although I barely played a game of it, I never felt the need to go far right/left unless I spawned there (in which case, I'd just sprint right back to bottom mid, because sprint). Bleached: I liked this map, but felt it was meant for objective. I'll start with the things I didn't like: Incin Cannon and Beam Rifle on map. I honestly hate this decision; if those two weapons were people, I'd want them drowned in an acid-bath. Just.. no, please, just.. no. Change them to Rockets and Snipe (1 clip FRG and snipe would be fine, too). Aside from that dirtyness, I only have one thing; the jump on bottom Beam Rifle on either side of the lift needs to be more noticeable. I spent so long thinking "there has to be a jump here, right?" jumping up and sliding down to no avail. It wasn't until I watched it in theater that I actually noticed where it was. Other than those two things, I enjoyed the game we played. Foot-traffic had a nice mix, there wasn't really a go-to spot other than when a weapon came up, people generally moved around as a team and I found it quite enjoyable. Paranoia Hills: This map, to me, is a BTB (5v5 maybe) one-sided objective map (neither of which really exist in H4, which is a great shame), I would really enjoy it with a one flag/bomb gametype. As it was in a 4v4(3), I wasn't it's biggest fan. One of my biggest gripes (yet again) is the Beam Rifle, so from her on, just imagine that if a map has a Beam spawn, I disapprove lol. But down to actually map stuff: I really didn't see a lot of use coming from the base under/next to the crows nest/tele, other than restocking DMR ammo. I got a couple of bad spawns, but they were in good locations (around rockets) so that's the game's fault, not the creator's. All in all, like I said I'd love it for 1-sided BTB (or even 5v5) gametypes, but unless it's streamlined a bit, I can't see it fitting well for slayer. This is just because you've added so many little interesting areas that won't get used in Slayer. Double Helix 1.1: I'm not the biggest Regicide fan, but I honestly enjoyed this. It was refreshing, just an all around fun map. I also think this would work for Oddball. A couple of rocks down low for cover would be nice, or making some form of lift with the middle decorative structure. But honestly, it played great as it was. I think an arrow pointing up to the jump lifts would be good though. Dumbshits like me have a hard time finding stuff like that Kamohoaliil.1(?): I enjoyed this map, even though I fell off more than 10 times. That was, to be honest, due to my dumbfuggery, but still.. I shouldn't be punished for not paying attention!! No.. I should be, it was easily avoidable, stupid is as stupid does. I did find that you could spring-jump onto the corners of the bridge though, and had I not fell down, I'm certain I would've blocked off an entire bridge from use. There's no counter angles other than being inside the base behind it (or to the side, in front of my home base). I thought that if this was added as an actual part of the map, it might force more people down low, which I felt was just dead-space. Regardless of getting my ass handed to me, I still enjoyed playing on this map. Updraft: Good vehicle map, but really needs some plasma pistols littered around. That and the crate spawn being too unprotected were my only problems with this map. Good job. An overshield on the rock ramp (towards banshee) wouldn't hurt. If there's no snipers on map, I'd recommend a couple of low-ammo snipers (to discourage using on vehicles) just to give infantry an objective outside of killing vehicles haha. Smallsylum: Needs to be smaller pls. Hyjinx: This map stood out for me, played really well, nice tactical jumps littered around, good angles on the top structure from bottom to put up a fight. The only thing I'd change is the flag spawns. I think they need to be fleshed out a lil' more just to get a better defense from there when you're pushed all the way back. I lagged out, so I only have a minute or so of gameplay. But I'd definitely like to see the final product in MM. Those are just my opinions, I'm not a forger, I'm just a guy who's played waaaay too much Halo in his life. If you don't agree with me, I'm more than likely wrong and I'll take your word for it. I look forward to next time, when I'll have a mic and a fixed controller! Wooh!
MINK!!! Thanks for taking the time to do a full recap!! Thats the reason that this lobby thrives! If you ever threw anything together in forge, please feel free to bring it along. we love playing all and every type of map; regardless of if you think it'll work or not. LOL! Yeah, the exact same map but I decided to call it Arboretum after changing the position of 1 of the extraction spots. I shoulda just played Arboretum twice, but I am notoriously scatty Thanks for the compliments though! I might get rid of the sniper there, it makes that area very hard to approach. What weapon would suffice in that spot then???
I've thought about it and I honestly can't think of a power weapon other than the Sniper working in that spot. Rockets/Shotgun/Saw would decimate anyone trying to contest it. The snipe is the right way to go (in my opinion) purely because a sniper isn't a sure kill 100% of the time in anyone's hands, casual or pro. It's just a case of nerfing it's position I think.
Well I joined rather late due to my inherent habit of faling asleep in the afternoon, I still managed to play a couple of maps. I really liked Updraft and thought the vehicle slaughter was fun, but the infantry needed some PPs to balance it out, did get a nice hijack on the banshee too and then we played a half size Asylum which was great had a lot of fun on that one and felt like I was playing Reach again lol. I also really appreciate the feedback on Hyjinx, and I apologize for the fail CTF settings that made the game slow as balls but hey the spawns worked pretty great and I got some insight about the jump pads, cover, and the base/flag area. I was wondering tough if anyone knew ow to set up touch to return CTF? I loked in te settings but couldn't figure it out. Hope to get v2 tested next time and ill try to be on time and sign up this time lol.
I thought we had a good turnout, the maps were alot of fun. I'm very busy at work this week, I'll try and come back and make a few comments on each map sometime later... Thanks for the feedback on Palisade & Double Helix, both maps I would like to make some improvements too so every lil bit helps. Arboretum/Nitrogen I like CTF on this map more than extraction, but I think I prefer CTF over Extraction on most maps. The removal of the shield doors was a good improvement I thought, that side of the map seems to draw a lot of action. I noticed the lift ‘floor’ and thought that was a very nice way to hide those ugly lift pieces, nicely done. Palisade: As I thought 4v4 or in this case 3v4 was still overcrowed. I still think that 3v3 works great for fast paced gameplay, but 2v2 or 1v1 is a def option. I'm still playing around with the idea of expanding those ‘grassy’ spawn areas a bit and make them more defined playspaces rather than just generic spawn areas. Hope I get some time to make some changes before next week… we’ll see. SVH1: Thought the structure was put together pretty well. (sans the missing floor piece) I thought it looked like it would create a fun center structure to fight for control over, looking forward to playing a full game in the future. Bleached: Nutduster released this a while ago I think, feedback is not needed, it plays great. Nice job. Paranoia Hills: I thought some of the play spaces were very separated, not sure if this is by design or if they need to be a little more connected to each other. The map almost seems like 3 different maps smashed together, I think more players (btb) might make it less noticeable. But I seemed to either see no one or everyone was in the same area. Could have just been me. Double Helix: I think this is playing pretty good, I'm happy with the gameplay on it. I do like the suggestion to add more ‘arrows’ to the ‘hidden’ lifts in the ceiling. And maybe a bit more decoration around here or there but otherwise I’ll prolly release it some time soon. Kamohoaliil CTF was a lot of fun on this map, the bases worked good for defense yet still allow enuf ways to get in so it doesn’t get to campy. I like the ‘choke point’ bridges across the top outside and the high risk/reward crate jump in the top mid, balance well. The bottom still seemed a little underutilized but improved. Works as a good ‘alt’ route for flag carriers. Updraft: I thought more players would be better, seem to me like there were a lot of vehicles and power weapons. The middle structure and bases were well forged and fun to get into confrontations around. The middle lift misfired for me a few times, not sure how or if you can fix but I seemed to drop back down a few times before I made it up. Smallasylm: Fun Times. Hyjinx: I found top mid to be a powerful position, as it should be. I liked the verticality of this map, and thought it played rather well. Fighting in the center structure was fun, navigating around was a little tricky but still doable. I think after I got more familiar with the layout I would enjoy it even more.
I think everything played well, despite my missing piece. I'll have a chance to take a look at the films tonight after work. I should have something up by Friday night.
Buddies. ARBORETUM Mine. I think objective gametypes work well on here- I didn't see or hear of any bad spawns either, which is always nice. unsure how to nerf that position where the sniper is- maybe remove the double walls but make the uprights in the hall a little bigger? We shall see. PALISADE FIRSTLY, this is obviously not intended for 8 ppl, it's just crazy busy. But I know that you have to take the custom party you have onto your maps- as beggars can't be choosers. This sometimes results in frantic games. But GOD this is fun. Round and round and up and down, bang, bang. I could play just about any slayer gametype on here and have fun I think. And Mink already saved this map to 1v1 ppl on. That's a compliment!!!!!! SVH1 A very beautifully made map- it's a shame you ballsed up that floor bit but I have done that before 2 or 3 times myself! I am the king of ****-ups, I feel your pain. I will definitely enjoy playing a few more games on here, Then I will give you some real feedback. BLEACHED I feel like I have played this before.... Its still rocks Nutduster, sweet map is sweet. Ah, I even remember when it was White Lodge, and I couldn't kill Overdoziz on it. PARANOIA HILLS This is a massively ambitious map, giant verticality and giant sightlines. I wouldn't want that top sniper to become too dominant- I have heard it said before that if you deploy a power weapon on your map it should be in a spot of little use- i.e. the player who claims it must then travel to a useful position to exploit it. perhaps try and reposition that- along with the beam rifle possibly, I was getting lit up by both of them in turn. the map flows back and forth well, and there is often enough cover to allow safe movement. Your lifts to the snipers work well. My guys seemed a bit confused as to where the beam rifle one was located though, can you make it a little more visible? The hill you made of big-ass rocks looks dead good too. I think we sorted the spawning problem too. DOUBLE HELIX Honestly, I didn't like this that much when I first played it, ti was so simplistic I couldn't get down with it. But almost after the first edits were done it became the excellent map it is now- so fast and furious but very fun to move around on. I'm with Mink on this one- I usually dislike/avoid regicide, but this map seems to suit it very well indeed. Can't think of anything that bugs me really. KAMOHOALAIHILAIALAIO I do have to say I can't get the hang of the name. Obviously Hawaiian, but it's a little long for me. The action centred much less around the bridges this time- but we got absolutely hammered at ctf and I couldn't find a way through past Nutty and Lomllocked. Does the Rocket launcher come up more than once during a game? I can't remember seeing it tbh. Good fun. UPDRAFT A very fun 'bigger team' map. The duelling mantises worked well i think, but would have been better with bigger teams maybe. Then you get pockets of isolated fighting that take on their own unique flow. So the map was maybe just a little big for the teams we had, but it worked fine anyway. The banshee came back very quickly, or was that my imagination? Thank god you put a splazer on here, or the vehicles woulda been OP to hell. I would simply like to request some more games on here. SMALLSYLUM MIND=BLOWN HYJINX This had a really competitive and very tight feel to it. This was a very playable map indeed, although 1 one-sided game isn't enough to judge from. MOAR please. The only things bugging me were the jump from the bottom-mid curved ramp up to the platform was a little high, I only made it about 20% of the time which is a bit much in the middle of a tight competitive game like that. I think that it shouldn't require absolutely perfect timing there, as the majority of players who haven't had much experience on the map will struggle to land it safely. Also I wasn't sure about the flag platforms- they also felt very high- or just a little misplaced. Perhaps they could do with some work as I saw flag bearers struggling to get up a few times. GREAT GAMES EVERYONE- I WILL PUT UP A SIGNUP THREAD TOMORROW FOR NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT. KEEP THEM MAPS COMING AND KEEP THE JUICY AND STICKY, SWEATY SALTY AND SWEET CORE OF HALO CUSTOM GAMES ALIVE! ITS ALIVE I TELL YOU, ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!