Why I am done, and why you deserve to know

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Vincent Torre, May 20, 2013.

  1. Shad0w Viper

    Shad0w Viper YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Obviously what everyone wants is for me to come out of retirement and save this site.
  2. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    This is all so disappointing
  3. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    To start, I'll be cherry-picking from previous posts without quoting, since it'd be bothersome to organize such an amount of bbcode. For that reason, I'd advise READING THROUGH THE THREAD BEFORE POSTING. Also making those types of posts seem to give off such a snobbish attitude, so I'll refrain, as much fun as they are to make.

    As a former staff member, I agree with Schnitzel that Forge Hub's image needs to change. It doesn't need a new tech admin, or new staff, or more features, or a bigger social media presence, or even a whole skin/software update. It needs a new community and a new attitude, both on Live and on forums/blogs/yt channels/online in general. Schnitzel, it may be true that certain staff members were assholes to you when you first joined, but you and I both know that not only have you changed, but you're projecting your encounters with the staff (which was previously explained in this thread, gets changed or even re-hauled at least every 6 months or so) to the potential new members you envision FH will receive. Taking that position is, plain and simple, disrespectful to whomever happens to be staff whenever you decide to visit here. I digress...

    It's impossible to take the position that the staff are the ones giving off the haughty attitude to the new members and those over Live and the internet, simply because there's no way for such a relatively small number to impact the whole of the the forging community. THE FORGE HUB COMMUNITY is at fault for how we're perceived, and although it gets complicated, it stems from the arguments that get made public over the forums, the ostracizing of certain individuals, the conversations about Forge Hub in customs lobbies, and the like of behavior. It's a numbers game when it comes to this issue; the greys (and loyals, and architects, etc) are more exposed to the rest of the forge users and halo players than the staff. Hell, some staffers don't have Halo 4.

    Our reputation is tested every time our name is uttered in a thread, a lobby (TGIF/BIOC, testing, etc), or a yt video. For the last few month that I've stepped away from FH, I've observed the reactions of those I am with whenever the topic of our site comes up, mostly with other FH members present (many times in customs). It always astounds me how the small things like the infraction system, unfavorable members in the forums, the difficulty to get a map "recognized", and the like are the recurring things that come up in conversation about us. It's especially disheartening for me as a former staff member, since we have and still are trying to provide positive discussion pieces for people to talk about away from the site. I feel that specific cycle of associating the negative attitude with our name needs to be destroyed. Nothing can be done on the site to stop that Pavlovian effect, save for what Insane has suggested: creating a new site.

    Most of the blaming of the downfall of Forge Hub has been produced by long-standing members, members who have put in serious effort into their maps and/or online presence(perceived or otherwise), but there are also newer members piping up, in this thread and in other situations, with no knowledge of the known and relatively unknown history of Forge Hub, and frankly that annoys the hell out of me, only because its impossible for the staff to be truly transparent and air out all details and such. Even if we did, the information is only beneficial to the staff, since the rest of the community cant do anything with it except to make claims and argue for change, armed with such information. Again, I digress...

    If we need to create a new website to get back to a respectable point as a Halo community, and if I were Sock Monkey, I'd gladly trade away our 60k members (we were around 78k when I was Community Manager, where did those go?), 1.5 million posts, innumerable accolades and achievements, and our SEO ranking to start a new history with Halo 5 and 6 (I cant say the same for kajin because he has the financial stake in such statistics).

    Because I still care for Forge Hub, its members, and its reputation, whether it stays the same name or not.

    Also I just want to say hello! :D Thanks to all the members of the site that have posted in this thread, from the oldest of the old members to the freshest faces. You care enough to share your input in this thread, even during hard times. It does mean something to the members like me.
    #203 Black Theorem, May 28, 2013
    Last edited: May 28, 2013
  4. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Well spoken, BT. I do think the site is fixable... but it might not be worth the effort. It's a weird thing to say, but it would take a lot more work to fix this site than to just start fresh. To be honest, these numbers aren't fantastically great, and though they could be ported theoretically, I wouldn't bother. When I was showing off the site in the past it was like "Wow, 60,000 members!", but now it's somewhat apparent that that number isn't that high, as well as the fact that it's 100% irrelevant. People only want to know how active the site currently is, not how popular it once was. It's probably better off at this point to either move to a new location, or join a different community (for example, on HaloCustoms we're trying to create a map system that makes sense and helps little-known maps get recognition... but that takes Forge people to make it happen).
    #204 Insane54, May 28, 2013
    Last edited: May 28, 2013
  5. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Excellent read, BT. I said this a while ago in the staff skype chat as well about possibly needing to look into making a new site. I didn't pinpoint the same issues, but it happened. Clearly, nothing came of it; and since I don't know how to do any serious web design, I did nothing about it as well. This, in my mind, is the last thing that FH can do to revive itself.

    I'm conflicted on Insane's comment. Wheather or not it's "worth" saving FH i something I can't decide, honestly. I think it has such a great potential, but at the same time it may simply suffer again. It's tough to say.
  6. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Its hard for me to say "Make a new site". Just imo, I would rather see Forgehub revived than to start all over again on a whole new site. Forgehub created my forging experience and everything I have accomplished in forge stems from this site. I just cant see giving up as an option, granted, I cant really make the changes needed or do the work myself. I just wish to see Forgehub thriving once again.
  7. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Agreed, of course I'd love for FH to thrive again; but I think it may be far enough down that it won't be possible without a really cohesive effort by web developers, administration, and staff working in unison. Right now, I don't see any of that, unfortunately. The staff is closest to being there, but without a web dev and capable administration, and the trio all working together efficiently, the best it can do is have a short run of success and flop again. So, assuming that cohesiveness doesn't happen (and no, its not worth waiting until Halo 5 because "we're working on it"), it's going to probably need a new site :/

    Believe me, this site is important to me, and it was huge for me and even my career -- but right now, I feel like unless they can make really quick moves on the administration side, its better to just recreate the ForgeHub experience elsewhere.
    #207 Insane54, May 28, 2013
    Last edited: May 28, 2013
  8. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    maybe a staff chat box?
  9. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  10. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    i really think Nibbs was onto to something with the cat abortions.
  11. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
    Senior Member

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    Hahahaha we had one of those. Oh the things we had up in that ivory tower, it was glorious.
  12. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
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    If by Chat box, you mean Skype group chat, that still exists. It's likely seldom used since us journos left.
  13. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    No, it's used. There was a short period of time where activity in the skype chat was low after you guys left. However, discussion has picked up lately and we've got some pretty awesome plans in the works.
  14. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    <sigh>... If I had a nickel...

    The enthusiasm from someone is appreciated, though :)
  15. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Hi all.

    Let me start out by saying I'm certainly not the most well known member of these forums. I've been here for a few years, but I never made a big impact on the community like I always wanted. Looking back, I know what I could've done, but I can't change the past. As I read the OP, and as I read some of your responses (I hadn't read all your responses, though I do know everyone is debating on ways to revive our site). I say our because, as previous members have said, we're a community.

    I'd like to also say: thank you. I kind of grew up with ForgeHub, though I wasn't here from the start, I joined when I was about 11 or so. I've always been on FH, even through my chemo days. I remember when Bloo Jay, or should I say Homer, started out his YouTube videos. I remember when Sarge was blue, and you could PM him for Recon. And my being a naive little 10 year old boy, literally sent him a message on XBL asking for Reconz. Yeah, I was gullible. Still am. I also remember going into my first (and actually last) customs game with a bunch of you guys, and literally being nervous cause I had a squeaky voice and didn't want to be made fun of. We've all had good and bad memories here, whether or not we realize it.

    I don't want to see ForgeHub die, and even through my pessimism I still believe 4chub can come back.

    I personally don't know of any ways to revive this site. I've never had any experience running one, nor do I believe I'm capable-enough to even suggest an idea. So, to all of you trying to revive this site: Thanks.
  16. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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  17. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Maybe Halo 5 will save the site.
  18. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I'm guessing most people won't do anything to make this site more active since:
    A) most people simply don't know how
    B) most people come here casually and don't care enough for a site that isn't exactly on par with "real life antics"

    So, you guys who actually can do something and want to do something should step it up. I like the site but it's at the point where I wouldn't go crazy if it died, contrary to popular belief I have a decent life outside of talking about videogames and non-"essential" stuff. This site's helped a lot when I was younger, though, so I'm all for advocating change, but I myself don't know what the right changes are.
    #218 Monolith, Jun 12, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2013
  19. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    "Maybe Halo Reach will save the site"
    "Maybe Halo 4 will save the site"

    It's been a long time since the site didn't need saving, and I don't see it happening with the next iteration as much as it didn't happen with the last
  20. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    Not with that attitude.

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