Why I am done, and why you deserve to know

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Vincent Torre, May 20, 2013.

  1. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oh, so it's about me then eh? I'm just butthurt that I don't have a feature right? Excellent deduction there mate. You speak about growing up? Your rationale here is anything but. I'm merely making an acute observation, one that is objectively grounded, that this place is plagued by in-group vs out-group biases. It has nothing to do with my opinion, it's psychology. A natural occurrence in human interactions in which a higher degree of occurs here than in normal social norms.

    Please tell me again about how I'm the immature one. ;)

    Oh, and that proxy account was a false flag claim invented to ban me. Pretty shameful of you to go along with it. Even more shameful is your reliance on ad hominems in an attempt to discredit my opinion. And the notion that I'd enjoy being a part of a circle jerk? I have NEVER given any individual preferential treatment on account of being friends. How many times did I tear you're maps apart back when we were buddies? If anything, I've been one of the most unbiased and objective minded individuals in the greater forge community.
    #61 SecretSchnitzel, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Throw in as many ten-cent words as you want, "mate." I know you personally and I know how butt-hurt you were to not get recognition you felt was rightly yours - here, on the MLG forum, or anywhere. You have a persecution complex a mile wide. And your alleged observations are nothing more than conspiracy theories - at least when pointed in the direction of anyone that's been on staff in the last six months.

    But hey, how would I know? I was only the guy actually doing the work. And you're just a guy bitter from a long-term ban who has nursed a grudge against this site and everyone in a position of authority - not just here, but worldwide: your superiors in the military, your boss at every job you've ever had, anyone who was made a cartographer by Bungie, Bungie and now 343 as well, and on and on. Is there anyone a rung up the ladder from you who you DON'T think is corrupt and biased? But of course, if you could scale that ladder, you'd be the first guy ever to not be corrupted by that slight taste of power - is that so?

    Nothing you say is convincing at all, to anyone who is in a position to know better.

    Here's a list of every map featured during my tenure. Please, feel free to explain how all these guys are members of the good ol' boy club. Not one staff member. At least two guys here that barely have any presence on the forum at all, and were only featured because someone suggested their maps. You can also count DHG Redemption as a near-miss; we only didn't feature his map because it made it into matchmaking and it seemed redundant to do so at that point. You can also go check the feature suggestion thread for yourself, then check my game history if you want to see me and other staffers actually playing those maps to check them out. Every word I have said in this thread is true.

    Lotus - unoverrated and WALDO the lemon
    Forgery - by Zatherla, Hushed Behemoth and A Lonely Schmeef
    Elegy - by Urban Myth
    Destitute in Chains - by REMkings
    Guitar Hero - by Zatherla
    Panic Station - by Psychoduck
    Ciela - by Dax
    Clarity of Faith - by timmypanic
    Radiant - by Juanez Sanchez
    Endfall - by Blackout8SIX
    Curb Stomp - by Fenix Hulk
    Big Freeze - by Mockknizzle008 & FlyingshoeILR
    Carbonite - by Dax
    #62 Nutduster, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  3. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    You're embarrassing yourself now. If you had any guts you'd apologize for your actions, instead of yet again resorting to complete dishonesty. We had custom infractions where staffers could assign any amount of points to them - you could have been banned at any time for almost any reason during that period, and you supplied plenty of them by being abusive and insulting all the time. But your behavior was let go until your little shadow-buddy showed up.

    But hey, why just fling accusations (that's kind of your thing) when I can furnish evidence? Here's your faux-friend. Look at his post history: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/search.php?searchid=14662 The wittily-named "Proximo." Somebody created him as a "false flag" (more conspiracy theory language, what a shock!) and kept posting as him, on your threads, for months? His first post back in December 2010, on YOUR map Amalgam. The account continues to post off and on, mostly in your threads (or against your known adversaries), until discovered and banned in late 2012. A two-year-long false flag, huh? That's a hell of a vendetta somebody must have had against you. Oh, the many months and years they nursed this thing along until the time was right to spring the trap...

    I don't think Bungie's old fileshare stuff is online anymore unfortunately, but I can also attest to a Proximo posting some glowing comments on your maps on bungie.net. Which is interesting, since you had multiple secondary XBL accounts at various times, including a "ProxiSchnitzel" that I was friends with because YOU sent me a friend request. We played games and talked together on that account. It really seems to me that if you're going to lie, you should take care to cover your tracks a little better in the first place. Otherwise just man up for once and admit to the silly **** you engage in.

    EDIT - Oh look, I was wrong. "Proximo A40" really loves your work, dude: http://halo.bungie.net/stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=16230506&player=SecretSchnitzel

    EDIT 2 - The conspiracy goes deeper, I guess - clever of the false flaggers to give Proximo A40 your name: https://live.xbox.com/en-US/Profile?GamerTag=Proximo A40
    #63 Nutduster, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  4. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Please, do continue this witch hunt. It's mildly amusing. You knew me what, three years ago? A period of time where I was struggling with addiction and adjusting to civilian life. I do admit I was a pretty outrageous individual any very irate about being passed up on features when I felt I deserved them, but that was then. I've come a long way in life since then and have managed to accomplish a good deal for myself. You don't know me. Hell, you barely knew me back then. You've taken my personal flaws and blown them out of proportion for the sake of building your argument.

    On the note of features since you've been here, I could care less. I haven't paid attention to them. I don't think anything of them. I'm not even raising allegations against them. My stance against features comes much in part from the period of time in which features were regularly authored by staff members.

    And btw, I didn't really have a problem in the military. There's a reason why I got out with an Honorable Discharge and my TS clearance intact. There's damn good reason why I have a letter of recommendation from an Ambasador I served under. ****, I don't even have any negative marks in my SRB under page 11. Tell me more about my tenure in the military as if you know what you're talking about.

    You want to keep up these little personal attacks and call me the immature one? Go right ahead. Ball's in your court and I can play all day.
  5. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    You're only objective when it comes to the maps themselves, which is good. Outside of that, you come off as a sort of conspiracy theorist with a chip on his shoulder.
  6. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Crazy, this sounds a little bit like a conspiracy theory to me now. ProxiSchnitzel was my secondary account during my H3 tryhard days in a failed attempt of getting a 50. I also had a RetSchnitzelSec and a SecSchnitzelRet account. Hell, I also had a TeufulHunden account and TheRealCabose. Those are my accounts. And I did have a proxi account here, I never denied that, but it wasn't Proximo. Nice try Nutty.
  7. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I can vouch for Nutty. While I can understand some emotional tensions with the feature system, everything he said is true. SS, some of yoru claims were never even hinted to. I don't mind you poking at the staff (or ex-staff as it may be) and questioning the way things are done. However, you need to be able to recognize when the truth is said, and this is it right here. Features are 95% unbiased (the 5% would be that small amount Nutty mentioned where if we have no suggestions, we have to find our own, and we often go to old maps that we've played with our buddies first, though that doesnt mean they get in).


    #67 Audienceofone, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  8. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Which has what to do with this thread..? You speak and think unclearly. You're just flinging **** at people because that's what you do. No one who worked on staff here in the last half a year was a member of the staff during the time period you're complaining about, which was exactly my point - you know, the one that led you to call me a liar and a member of the in club. Care to re-think your response...?

    So just to recap: 1) you have an established love of the prefix "Proxi" when making up a second version of yourself; 2) there was an account called Proximo that got banned, and got YOU banned; 3) this account posted on and off for over two years, mostly on your own threads, as is clear from the account's post history; but 4) somehow Proximo was somebody other than you, invented just to discredit you and get you banned.

    Yes - very believable.
    #68 Nutduster, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  9. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    As entertaining as this is, might I recommend you guys take it to a private conversation? You're embarrassing yourselves.
  10. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Look, I'm not denying my past here. I was a pain in the ass. I did take issue where I shouldn't have. I was a trouble maker. That's not me today. It's spilled milk. I don't care about any of that. My opinion today is purely objective because I feel no ties to forge fame. I get nothing from this. I've got more important things in life.

    Let me lay it out Barney Style:

    • I used to be a douche
    • I used to have a chip on my shoulder
    • I used to raise hell for no good reason
    • I used to be a less than honorable person
    • I used to have a lot of personal struggles
    • I no longer carry a grudge
    • I no longer care about forge related accolades
    • I no longer hold anything against people I used to have problems with
    • I still believe that this forum suffers from in-group vs out-group bias issues
    • I still believe that there's an undeserving culture of elitism here that relates much to the feature system
    • I still believe that most staffers are bottom dwelling troglodytes from the lowest rungs of society

    The fact that you're going so far out of your way to try to pin something on me that simply doesn't exist just shows how pathetic you really are dude. I'm sorry, this place had and still has issues. It's not my imagination running rampant and you can levy all the personal attacks you want against me and craft up the wildest stories, but it's just that. Stories.

    I've laid my cards out on the table. I see where this is going. It's pathetic and I will have no further part of it.
    It's hilarious how I'm the "immature" one here.
  11. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    If you can't see how the first four are contradicted and discredited by all the rest, I can't help you. Of course you don't really believe all this stuff, anyway.

    Yes - we were discussing them reasonably. Including me. Feel free to check earlier in this thread and see what I had to say about the state of things here. Of course you know that, because you liked the post where I said it. What YOU did was come in and say for the millionth time that staffs r curupt and features r curupt and this or that site is sooooo much better, and anyone who disagrees with anything you say is lying through their teeth (that's a quote) and part of the in club.

    You're not helping. You've never been helpful in a room of adults trying to resolve complex problems; you're just grinding the same axe that you always do.

    And now I'm done too, so whatever else you have to say, PM me for a non-response. Anything I could possibly say about or to you is right here in this thread.
    #71 Nutduster, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  12. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Stop. Both of you.
  13. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Some **** is not worth your time Nut, including people. I gave up trying to argue with women, you'll never win or come to an agreement on anything unless you just shut the hell up and say yes mam.
  14. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
    Senior Member

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    0h lift your skirts and shake your girl butts, you sissies.

    y'all makin noise.
  15. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    ¡Ay dios mio! Lets just all settle down so I don't have to lock this.

    Thanks guys.
  16. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You are ****in crazy, Schnitzel. Nutduster's TCOJ lobby ran flawlessly and without any of the bullshit that so-called pro forgers desperately spout. For about 2 years we played every kind of forge creation going from good to bad and enjoyed every game regardless of how pro the maps were. Such a lobby is the entire point of a website like this and we made the very most of our games together, and every chap that brought a map to the table left with helpful and friendly feedback; just cos it was all a blast.

    Nutduster, GrenadeGorilla and Audience were at the heart of the most consistent and friendly lobby on this website for nothing more than the odd thankyou,so you can forget trying to say that they are somehow trying to curry favour or kiss anyones ass. They ran TCOJ cos they love Halo is all.
  17. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, why did i try and get involved?
  18. undr zid

    undr zid Promethean
    Senior Member

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    I am going to give you a perspective, that many people here do not have. I am going to be honest with you guys, and tell you from the very start my impressions of Forgehub. This is coming from someone who owns a Forge community, so please, do not look at what I am going to say as anything more than an opinion that is from an alternative perspective that I am writing for the sake of this topic. With that said, I feel for you guys, I sympathize with this community, and I genuinely would rather you be successful than a failure. Keep in mind that I am not a regular here at all, which I will elaborate on in full, and that my opinion is my own and does not reflect anyone else other than myself. I have always looked up to this community, not down, and that does not change with the current state of affairs.

    When I started my Forge community, I had no idea what this place was, had no idea it existed. Shortly after learning about it, I basically just watched from a distance to get pointers on what to do, and how to do it. You guys were successful, and basically gave the impression that you were the go-to guys for Forge in the Halo 3 era. For which I respected, and still do. You had contests, events, and an active Staff that from the looks of it, cared about the future of the site, and helping others get their maps looked at. Which in reality, is the basic fundamentals of any Forge related community.

    Skipping a bunch of time and progression, when Forge Cafe blew up at Bungie.net, we had a humpday with your Staff that was really fun for both parties, and that impression stuck with me. (I am sure you can find the original post of this event) Even as I did not visit this site often at all, I knew that the Staff were good folks who liked being a part of Forgehub. I visited this site maybe once every few months. Just to see what was happening and how it was going.

    Every single time I did, I read through map post after map post, of the most negative comments and "reviews" of maps that even I could not handle reading. I continually thought to myself, "how the hell can the Staff allow this to take place on a regular basis?" Over some more time, I never visited this site. The Staff (mod team) did not put a stop to assholes in the forums, and basically allowed people to say what they wanted to anyone. By doing that, my impression of the site was soiled, I mean it really was. I am not going to call names because I honestly do not know the Staff here at all, and doing so would be wrong. Whether you guys realized it or not, what you allowed to happen was to create an atmosphere where people had no sense of respect for one another. Again, this is coming from someone who visited seldom, so this is my own opinion and could very well be completely wrong.

    If you are looking for someone to blame, it is the Staff here. No matter how you look at it, that is what it was. Circling back to that humpday, Forge Cafe and Forgehub had another humpday with Reach. That, was the very last time that I ever wanted to do anything with you guys. The people who came to represent Forgehub that day, were complete assholes. Not only did they **** all over the group of well-mannered individuals that I brought along, but they did it in a way that I became embarrassed that I talked so positively about our first experience, and got my guys all geared up for a fun day with this super community. Every single one of us were in shock about how rude and dis-respectful these Staff members were towards us, that we hardly even spoke to each other during the actual games. We just wanted it to end, and leave. I am a fairly nice guy, so I want to add that I am actually being generous with my description of the events that took place that day.

    Since then, I never visited the site at all. Why would I? The forums are full of people who are well, jerks. The Staff that we encountered were, jerks. I witnessed a complete 180 degree change in my impression of this place with only a handful of encounters with it. I am not even trying to funnel my overall impressions on just a few events, I am saying that from my own experience, the people who were given authority here to represent this place have failed. Either you simply do not care, or you just like the attention of being in a place where people listen to you regardless of how you really are. If you are not bending over backwards to improve this place, and the experience of every single member here, then you should not be representing it at all. You reflect this place, and if that's the impression you give, then that is the impression people get. It's just common sense.

    So if you want to save this place, especially with Halo 4 being the game that apparently everyone hates, then you need to change that aspect first and foremost. How no one here has root access is crippling. At least one person should have access to this, and be actively improving the mechanics of the site. You need to get in contact with the guy who has that, and get it from him. Or this place will not change at all. You are going to see a steady decline until it is dead, and a scary thing about gaming communities is, once the general public (as individuals) recognizes that this place is "dead", it will be nothing but trouble getting it back. This applies to me as well, trust me. I am not excluded from this law.

    So as a community, I love this place. You guys have the ability to do incredible things with little effort based on the fact that you dominated Halo 3 Forge, and acquired 50k+ members. Your issue is with how it is run, and once again, I am not singling anyone out, because I do not know anyone here. My opinions are based on what I have experienced with my own eyes.

    Nobody wants to be a part of any community where the energy is negative. You must find a way to change this first, then the rest is open to debate. Even now, you guys are arguing to each other in public about trivial stuff that does not apply to this thread at all. That, proves my point of how irresponsible you are with how you present yourself to your community. You are not the community, your members are. I assure you that you are not above them, and you are not entitled to any respect from anyone unless it is earned. Which I think someone proved in a post on this thread, about how they recognized that a previous admin was adored here on some level.

    These are my thoughts, and I am apologetic if I offended anyone. Truthfully, my opinions should not matter as much as a regular member here. Any regular member here has an opinion that outweighs mine. I have no real reason to even comment here, as I am aware this may be rude to people. I just want to say this as I think it is important to hear from someone who is not a regular here, and on some level should reflect a guest, or a member who is not active, and why they may not be coming back here on a regular basis.

    I genuinely wish you guys the best of luck, and hope you are able to turn this around successfully. It is my belief that your Staff just needs re-adjusting and possibly a greater understanding of what you have here and how it is being strangled to death by either what you are doing, or by what you are not doing.

    I want to add that the author of this topic, should be respected. It takes guts to say what he said, and no one would say it like that unless they actually cared. So kudos to you.
    #78 undr zid, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  19. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I find this a particularly interesting criticism, as the opposite is a much more common complaint levied against the staff. Dating right back to when I first became staff, there was this supposed resounding impression within the wider community of Forge Hub's staff as oppressive and restrictive in terms of speech on the forum. Be that how they dealt with conflict or the long standing issue of spam, exactly what that meant, and how to deal with it, FH was painted as the place where people couldn't speak freely.

    EDIT: And this, actually, in much the same vein:

    Don't take the discussion with Schnitzel too seriously. There's more there than just this particular discussion, and past conduct is a relevant point of discussion to actually address some of the points being put forward. Aside from that, the actual topic is this thread can be taken pretty widely, as it's attempting to discuss why we're in the current situation. That's a complex discussion, and one that requires at least some degree of long term reflection. Again, I think there's a difference between Schnitzel arguing with whoever it is this time around (and for once it wasn't me), and the thread as a whole descending in to conflict. I don't think the latter is the case here.

    And again, your opinion here seems to run against the general tide of criticism against the staff on this subject. There's a longstanding view off staff as overly detached, and precisely because they don't have these discussions out in public, and that issues behind the scenes simply result in the quiet that we've seen for a while now. This kind of thread, where the staff actually speak candidly about the difficulties being faced even within those ranks, is not exactly commonplace. It's happening precisely because of this legacy of concern for professionalism in image terms. I'm not criticising such an approach, and have defended it many times looking back, but when so many staff feel like they've truly reached an impasse as is pretty apparent here, it kind of breaks down, and people actually speak candidly.

    I think it's fair to criticise the basis for the current issues, and I can't speak for your differing experiences with SNFs because it's totally up to you to form your own impressions when interacting with our staff group, and clearly that didn't end up being positive the second time around. I wouldn't want to try and tell you otherwise. However, it somewhat seems like you're criticising the conduct in reaction to this current situation without accounting for the situation itself. People are attempting to be candid about a situation which is less than desirable, to put it mildly. The only real admin with root access is MIA, and the technical support from the only other person who can provide it is not on the basis necessary for actually running a functional community, because that's not the capacity in which he holds his rank. Things are clearly less than smooth with the sole remaining admin and some of the (ex)staff, who isn't even able to do some of the things fundamentally required of the post he effectively holds alone right now. I'd be interested to see how you'd deal with such a situation. Like I said, I think people are attempting to be honest because the alternative is a wall of silence and inactivity as a result of the issues within the staff. Criticise those issues themselves, fair enough, but this thread is a reaction to exactly what you're promoting in terms of doing things behind closed doors, which gets pretty complicated when the situation behind said closed doors takes a real hit. "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" only works to a point. The point seems to have passed.
    #79 Pegasi, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  20. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You're delusional man. The staff here have always been nothing but outstanding and well mannered individuals. There's no way they'd ever act in the manner you described. ;)

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