Xbox One

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AnotherClaymore, May 21, 2013.

  1. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I hate this kind of viewpoint. It's incredibly selfish way of looking at it. You wanted a device that adheres to your specific guidelines. Just because YOU may not personally be interested in the bells and whistles doesn't mean other people aren't. They revealed the specs of the console and they are all around better than it's predecessor which means gaming would be better. Things would run faster and more things can be done at the same time. Just because it also has the ability to support fantasy sports during live broadcast games or can make skype calls doesn't subtract from the other things it can do. This viewpoint assumes the extra stuff comes at the sake of the gaming functionality. That's not true. You aren't forced to do any of the optional stuff. If you want to just play games then do just that. If you want to throw the kinect peripheral out of the window, then do it. Nothing is saying you have to do ANY of the new things. The new things are there if you need them and there are people that would find use in them. I mean it's like saying you hate smartphones because they do sooo many other things than just call people.

    Also, again, this was a reveal for what is new. Not a complete Q&A of the next console and every single detail that comes with that. Just like the Xbox 360 had cheaper versions (such as the Arcade version) and different harddrive versions I'm sure The Xbox One will have its own options.

    I do agree the backwards compatibility is still the largest unknown that I really really hope they address soon. It would even be a deal breaker for me if it wasn't. I have waaaaay too many games to start a new or have to re-buy games I've already bought through Games on Demand.

    I also want to address what hadokenchild said in response to my last post. The fact that you have soo many extra devices that do so many redundant features...that's the entire point I was making. Why have all of that when you can have 1 device that does all those features just as well or better. You could sell the extra devices, get so much more space for things, and still have all the same functionality. Any of the suggestions I mentioned such as a gaming rig, an Ouya, or just sticking with an older console can all satisfy the very specific need you seem to want of just "a replacement gaming device".
    #61 PacMonster1, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  2. J DawgMillenium

    J DawgMillenium Promethean
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    Whoa, whoa, whoa, what the ****?
  3. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    It's really all about cost. The features that are included in the Xbox One are not ones we can pick and choose from, we are forced to buy into them regardless if we even have a use for them. All the features add to the cost of the console. Features I already have devices for. I would be paying to do the same thing yet again, and to me those features are a phenominal waste of money, for me. Like I said, these should be options. I could get a $250 console that does what I need it to do, and you can get a $600 one that does what you need it to do. We all buy in and everyone is happy.
  4. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    I know people will be enraged by this because it's the normal "I can only tell you what the PR department said I can tell" stuff but I thought this video was pretty good. It seems like they're still making up their mind about stuff, which is reasonable. I'm glad he gave a shout out to indie developers in this video. Hopefully they actually did something about it.
    #64 Furry x Furry, May 22, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2013
  5. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    You're assuming the extra features add to the cost of the device. Most of the features detailed in the reveal were software related. Thats cost stems from Xbox live not the hardware itself. The only "extra" thing that might increase the cost of the One is the integrated kinect that comes with it but I highly doubt it would be much of an increase in cost. It won't be the 150 the previous kinect was on top of the device. And again, just because you wouldn't use the features doesn't mean a lot of other people wouldn't. Also, it is highly likely there would be options as there was for 360.

    If the console is more than 500 I'd be very surprised. Given the flop the Wii U has been in sales I highly doubt Microsoft would charge anymore than 399 for it but who knows, we'll probably hear the price at E3.
  6. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
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    Yesterday, I read the Xbox One will be able to play used games. Today, I read that it will only play used games after you pay some kind of additional fee. If that fee is nominal (as in, $5 or less), I might let it slide. However, my suspicion is that this activation fee will be the full retail price (or very near). If that is the case, I simply won't buy the console. That means no future Halo games for me (unless they remove that restriction by the time the next Halo comes out). This saddens me (mostly because I was hoping that the next Forge iteration would take advantage of the extra horsepower to give us more options), but this crosses the line. I'll either get a PS4, or stick to playing older games.

    BTW, this is coming from someone who rolls his eyes at 99% of "I won't buy X if they do/don't do Y!"
  7. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I read the same thing, it honestly made me do a double take to make sure I read right. But in all seriousness, it makes perfect sense that EA would abolish online passes and team up with microsoft if this was the case. I wont personally take a hit from this if it is the case, but out of principle I will just boycott the console.

    Also, pac, you are being more self centered in your thinking than hadouken is. It doesnt matter if the cost is in he console or put into the live subscription, it is there, and some people dont need some of these features. If it is incorporated in live there should be a gold membership like normal and a platinum membership with all the bells and whistles along with an appropriate cost. I would like to see gold just be online for games, while platinum could be all the other stuff like netflix, skype, stuff like that. (Though playstation's online model would be better.)

    Where are the damned options. Me and hadouken arent the only ones who dont need a ****ing livingroom singularity of a game console. I just want a game console. Not a pc, I cant afford to maintain one, not an ouya (because frankly, they suck). And Im already about six inches from throwing my 360 out the window if it freezes one more time. Just give me bare bones XO and bare bones xboxlive, and I might buy it. I dont see myself buying it in any other circumstance, and that is ignoring the used game thing, if they implement that I am nit getting one at all.
  8. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    What I find odd, is why people care about backwards comparability?

    You would get identical graphics and gameplay, so why not just play it on an xbox 360?

    And to be honest, I haven't seen facts of anything true about the DRM aside from what IGN call "assumed facts" and "exclusive truths," i.e. always online DRM for everything, the leaked images, the name, the leaked .exe installer for always online DRM, you know, the absolute bullshit that amazingly they haven't been sued about.

    If you want to play a game somewhere else you can do it by signing into your profile at your friends' house. And they can't just say HURP DURP NO USED GAMES EVERRRRR, because then every games retailer will start to go under, and only endorse sony products (from a competitive PoV, as the WiiU isn't a contender). And for some reason I doubt microsoft would do that.

    As for the order of the program, they need to keep people on their toes. What do you expect, them to show all their games off the bat, then talk about a couple of features at E3, or just no show? No, it's a deliberate strategy. Stop over-exaggerating. Microsoft said during the announce that it is "for gamers" and "with gamers in mind," so I don't think they thought "WUT. GAMES? NO! LETS MAKE PEOPLE PAY FOR A TV PASSTHROUGH BOX THAT DOES NOTHING! "

    I found skype integration very nice, and it's nice to see that kinect will see more use after it becomes part of every console. That was probably the killer for developers as far as it went.

    I've also heard that a new RAGE game will be at E3, exclusive for X1. And Destiny could be pretty interesting.

    As for COD, it was possibly the funniest hypocrisy and delusion i've ever seen. "We're going to tell you a realistic story that makes you associate with the characters" - "k, so the story is: The turrists (non american) blew america (besterest country EVAR) up, and you're the best guys in the army (which is the best cuz it\z MURICA) left. GO KILLZ THE turrists (non americans) USA! USA USA USA USA!"

    "OMG. TEH PHYSICS!" they claimed. Oh, but ever heard about this game that came out in 1999 called half life, that had more physics than "circles falling on other circles?"
    #68 Oli The G, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  9. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It helps smooth the periods where there are few new games, and helps people make the decision to buy. Since at that point the console is an upgrade, they can trade in their old console to soften the financial blow to the wallet the new console will be, and still be able to play their old games.

    Without backward compatibility most nintendo sytems would have died before they got their feet off the ground.
  10. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    They've already died!

    And besides which, they just retexture Mario, don't they?
  11. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
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    well, the 3ds is actually doing fine right now, but I agree on all their other consoles being practically dead.
  12. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    The way purchasing one game works may deter me from buying this system. If a family member or friend buys a game, I will be unable to play it unless I use their profile, which completely defeats the point of playing with my friends and earning my own achievements. Absolutely awful.
  13. SilentA98

    SilentA98 Promethean
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    Wait... so if one person buys a game, the other can't play it even if they're on the same console?... I'm sorry, but I'm not going to pay 120 dollars and buy the same game twice just so my brother and I can play splitscreen, that's ridiculous... EDIT: Can I have a source for this? I want to confirm this as your post could be taken a few ways.
    #73 SilentA98, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  14. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    You pose a good point, but, still, bluray, HD camera, kinect technology, etc = add-ons that add price. Point: It's an unnecessary, rather hefty price for the average gamer. As you say, maybe they'll come out with one like the Arcade version of the 360. If so, I'd be pleasantly surprised. If not, it would suck for us poor people who can't afford the extra bs just so game developers can make us do more hand motions. If I wanted to do hand motions I'd leave the house and actually do the activity. Sure, there are other aspect that come with it but meh.

    Anybody know if games prices will inflate?
    #74 Monolith, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  15. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    No you'll be able to play on the same console. If you use the disc anywhere else, however, you have to be signed into your profile because that is what the game is tied to.
  16. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    I think that everyone can agree with this, even if you like it all so much. That really makes me wonder, why they made such a weird choice. Same with the backwards compatibility, also just a weird choice to not include that.
  17. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    Just so you guys know; most of the policies that you guys are getting mad about can be easily changed within the coming months. I am pretty sure they're already revising such policies so be on the look out for when they clarify it. I mean no offense, but for the most part both consoles have the same hardware, and while the presentation explored new software technologies that they were developing for the X1, if priced competitively, it will mean that X1 will have more to offer in terms of entertainment that's not strictly gaming. I think a lot of people stream Netflix from their X1 and I would definitely take advantage of all of the TV features. It doesn't necessarily mean you're paying for more features, especially if you're paying the same price.

    I think people are underwhelmed because they didn't know what they wanted. I'm not saying this is what they what they would want either. It's just kind of weird to me that so many people feel entitled. I get that you're buying a product though... Still, there is only so much that can be said in an hour and I think people are jumping to conclusions. Lay down your pitchforks and torches temporarily since most of the discussion is directed at a big green and white wall, instead of at each other.
    #78 Furry x Furry, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  18. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    They want every person who plays the game to pay for it. Once you have a friend's disc installed to your box, you can only play it on his profile, or you can go to the online store and pay for the game again so you can play the game you already have installed on your own account.
    If I have three xbox ones in my house, I don't want to pay for Bioshock Infinite or some other single-player game three times. It's awful.
  19. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    Honestly, you're reading most of this from Kotaku probably... None of us knows how it REALLY works since there is so much noise out there right now.

    Also, I don't think people realize how hard it would be to make a new console backwards-compatible with existing games. It's a lot harder than just "import x360."
    #80 Furry x Furry, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013

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