Hey guys, please don't stray from the topic as the message might get buried. The tournament the maps are being chosen for starts mid June, and they'll need to test on them as well as train on them, so basically you probably have just over a week, although if your maps is truely epic they'll probably accept it after that. What I say is as close to the truth as you can get, Noooooch. 343 is in partnership with BigTeamBattle.net. They are in talks that may result in BTBnet influencing Objective Big Team, or even getting a playlist they help design. If this happens of course BTBnet-approved maps will be considered, and if they follow the specs of being playable split-screen, as well as the other recommendations for submitted maps, there is not reason why maps that are accepted wouldn't make it into matchmaking. So go submitcher maps!
Do we have to be registered on the site? I want to submit two maps but I'm still waiting on the confirmation email from the site. EDIT: I have now waited a a whole day, still no confirmation email. Therefore I can't submit my maps yet. This is pretty frustrating that it's taking this long to activate my account.
Hey guys, just wanted to make sure and update the infos, letting you know that if you don't get maps in before the "deadline" never fear: BTBnet has announced that they will be interested in seeing maps in the future as well. Get building for their upcoming custom map contest, to be announced. Specs will be the same as first post in this thread. Thanks to everyone who has gone over and submitted their maps so far! Keep 'em coming, you never know, your map just might be one that has that BTBnet balance! Did you ever get confirmation? Did you check your junk mail? Try Tweeting them @OfficialBTBnet if you didn't, or find a contact link at the site.
Still no confirmation. Checked my junk mail. I don't have twitter, and the only way to contact them is through twitter. I messaged Sergeant Smacky on XBL, but no answer yet either.
I just registered there yesterday and it worked for me (confirmation email went to junk mail). Hope you get it fixed!
Here's an update to the Forge Map Submission thread over at BigTeamBattle.net by Matclan, who is in charge of choosing and editing maps for competitions (also adding this to first post):