Epic wins.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nutduster, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Every so often I like to post (or post in) a thread like this one, just to bask in some recent victory or bizarre thing that happened in Halo. Share yours!

    Mine: on Saturday I was playing CTF (my go-to playlist) by myself. I ended up in a weird game on Settler where most of the players were bad, but the entire other team was relentless in attacking our base and grabbing our flag, while we were playing pretty passively. Very quickly the score was 4-2 in their favor, at which point one of our teammates quit and another was booted - by me, for sticking a plasma 'nade on my face. (It may have been accidental but I was too frustrated to let it slide.) At that point, down two caps with half the game over and outnumbered 5-3, we should have lost. Should have. Instead, we somehow managed two quick caps to tie, as well as a defense of our own flag in the doorway of their base that lasted probably 90 seconds until we achieved a flag reset. Then they ran the flag almost back to that doorway again, where we launched another long defensive stand while just one guy was carrying their flag the other way. At some point near the end one of their guys also quit out, probably in frustration as we slaughtered his entire team for the hundredth time. We ended up winning 5-4, and I laughed and laughed afterward.

    The kill/death spread for me and "LL DEATHLYAM LL" here probably tells the tale: https://app.halowaypoint.com/en-us/Halo4/Nutduster/home/match-66732b0ac8927e5a Most of that was racked up in the last five minutes.
  2. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Damn, that's cool. :p
  3. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    Mine was a few weeks ago:

    I was playing BTB on Ragnarok, and our team was going back and forth gaining and losing the lead. I was having a stellar game taking out vehicles.

    I gained a ordinance drop of a Sticky detonator...

    The sequence of events went like this:

    Enemy banshee shooting regular gun at some friendlies on the rocket side of Ragnarok in the middle.
    Friendlies walked backwards while shooting banshee
    Banshee decends to try and splatter the two friendlies
    While they are running away, I run straight toward banshee, now just a dozen or so feet away
    banshee scrapes ground to try and kill us
    I fire sticky det shot just as the banshee is about to hit me.
    Banshee explodes. Game over.
    Broken banshee splatters and explodes to kill all three of us, but game was over already :D

    That was an amazing video that I meant to save... oh well.
    #3 ExTerrestr1al, Apr 30, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2013
  4. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    ^ That's great. I wish you had saved the video - and I wish Halo 4 had Reach's rendering system, because that sounds really funny.
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    There was this game which wasn't particularly clutch or anything, just backpack central and one of the few times I've really enjoy wreckage. Look at my weapon stats down the bottom if you want a reminder of just how broken the pre-TU Boltshot was.

    Then there was this game which I played recently. It wasn't a win, but it sure as hell was epic. First game of the night so I wasn't warmed up at all and felt really shaky at the start, off-host with a connection so bad it felt like XBC Halo 1 in terms of latency. I was playing with a friend (Mega Patel), and the players on our team just hung at the sides and stat'd the whole game. Can't cast too many stones there cause I'm often far from the most objective minded player, but it seemed like they were specifically trying to avoid killing the flag guy when the enemy pulled it. We should have breezed through the game but it was basically just my friend and I playing the objective, and he really wasn't warmed up so was struggling K/D wise (he's normally good).

    I probably shouldn't have been playing that night as I'd had a rough day and was stressed as anything, even once I'd warmed up I found that game frustrating as hell cause I was outslaying the other guys on a terrible host, with pretty much no backup, and still getting beaten despite doing my best to help my friend cap flags. I was seriously angry, to the point where outgunning multiple enemies wasn't satisfying, the only upside being that it didn't enrage me further. After finally managing to pull their flag to hopefully draw even right near the end, the blue team started running the final flag and got it right past the rest of our team who did nothing to stop it (my friend was basically running the blue flag on his own until it was much more than half way back to our base). Probably a good thing I didn't have a mic otherwise I would have definitely been that obnoxious guy who screams at everyone. I must have been on my period or something because I just totally switched. Tore across the map and wiped out the 4 guys running the flag with 2 back to back doubles, then held them off for the last minute or so, completely on my own since the rest of my team were now helping my friend cap the flag, and screaming bloody murder at the screen. Iirc I wiped out the entire team twice over, including the initial flag stop, and got almost all the multikills I had that game in the last couple of minutes. I don't know why my team mates were all escorting my friend back, rather than helping me, considering the entire enemy team was just trying to grab the last flag for sudden death and the probable win. But I managed to hold them all off just long enough for my friend to cap and to last out sudden death, securing the most unsatisfying draw I've had in Halo 4.
  6. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Oh God I hate games like that. It almost salves the wound when the game ends and you realize you went +30 or whatever, but during the game it's about the most frustrating experience possible. I'd rather go even and win a flag game than go +30 in a draw or loss where my teammates aren't helping with the objectives at all. I guess I'm not cut out to be a stat-*****. :)

    It also baffles me to death that players play that way so single-mindedly. I can semi-understand not going for the enemy flag, but when you're racking up kills, how do you not even try to play defense? It's a guy with a waypoint over his head and limited options for fighting back! Go kill him! Makes me insane. I seem to get into so many CTF games with statters - or even worse (IMO) campers, who sit next to the flag stand with a shotgun even when the flag is gone, or when our team is down 4-1 with two minutes left in the game.
  7. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I was born to stat and I still prefer those close CTF games that you actually win through teamwork, 5-4 in the last 30 seconds or something, even going negative.

    I notice a lot of people who I can only really assume are just 10-30 seconds behind in terms of awareness. Which is fair enough. If you're not totally familiar with the HUD and the map then it's hard to stay on top of things and react instantly, let alone know how to react, to your flag being pulled etc. But then I see people who are going decently positive and clearly have an understanding of what's going on in the game, but they still either ignore or miss these objective opportunities that they wouldn't even be risking anything for. I mean, if you wana stat then go right ahead, but that guy with the waypoint over his head is a free kill, just like the rest of the team who'll come to try and grab the flag. Bait the goddamn thing if you want, just kill the runner. It baffles me, but I try to tell myself that Hanlon's Razor surely must apply here.
    #7 Pegasi, Apr 30, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2013
  8. Sup3rNo7a

    Sup3rNo7a Promethean

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    I assassinated a Watcher.

    That is all. :)
  9. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    I got a kill on Nutduster !
  10. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Mine happened about two days ago.

    I assassinated someone on matchmaking but it must have been lagging or something because in the middle of the assassination animation, he teleported in front of me and I managed to back smack him.
  11. SilentA98

    SilentA98 Promethean
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    Mine happened a long time ago. Still my favourite moment, although not on Halo 4.
    I was playing Reach, more specifically Invasion on one of the new maps that was put in the playlist. Well, on this map there was a crane holding a 2x4 or 2x3 block. Being a jumper, I made it my goal to get onto that 2x4 (to the utter dismay of my brother, who had to cover me while I did so). In the first round, I managed to clamber up one of the rocks to the left of it and sprint jump onto the 2x4. The enemy elites were standing below me at the time, and I jumped, 180'd off the back of the 2x4 and assassinated one of the elites. I still hold that as my greatest kill of all time.
    I think I've got it on my Reach file share, not entirely certain. If not, I'll put it there later today.
  12. Zemmiphobiac

    Zemmiphobiac Promethean

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    I got my first Perfection in Halo 4 the other day in a BTB match going 17-0 using only the Mantis. It was crazy intense nearing the end of the round. Here is the clip
  13. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm not a big fan of perfections on vehicles. But I guess this one's alright.
  14. Zemmiphobiac

    Zemmiphobiac Promethean

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    Hey I'm not going to complain. It was my first one I've gotten and unlike some people who get 15 kills and hide I was actively participating the entire round and supporting my team and they were supporting me. I had the best K/D ratio of my team and at the end of the day that's what contributes to the win. I don't get perfections very often(never really) so I was psyched!
  15. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah. That's why I said,
    Because you weren't campy. I've only had three perfections so far and one of those is actually just controlling the center of Ragnarok with a Mantis. Usual camping stuff. Taking cover and staying alive until shields are done recharging.

    So I'm not entirely proud of that.

    But I do have 2 that are in the Infinity Slayer playlist. Here's the video of the one I'm most proud of,

    I just want to promote that video any chance I get. :)
    #15 Zandril, May 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2013

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